Privateer Gemini Go...
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Privateer Gemini Gold

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Illustrious Member Admin

Privateer Gemini Gold is a great remake of the original Privateer. The crew at are doing a excellent job in staying true to the original game and giving it a face lift graphically and even including the Righteous Fire missions into the game. So give the PGG a try and see how you like it especially if you have played the original so many years ago. Let us know what you think about the game... :mrgreen:

Download the game in our download area or get it from there homepage:

Checkout out the new intro (which I just uploaded) they are working on for the next release:

Topic starter Posted : January 13, 2009 19:10
Illustrious Member Admin

The Gemini Gold Project has been working on some videos and showing off one of there pre-intro vids:

Yeah I know they used 'inofficial' instead of 'unofficial' 🙂

This is a great remake and people should check it out.

Topic starter Posted : May 24, 2009 16:49
Illustrious Member Admin

Go and vote for Privateer Gemini Gold on sourceforge.

It's under the category 'Best Project for Gamers'

Topic starter Posted : June 30, 2009 03:52
Trusted Member

Privateer Gemini Gold version 1.03 is now available... go get it now 😀

Posted : December 25, 2009 19:13
Illustrious Member Admin

This one is a bit bigger in file size as well since it is 320mb.


CHANGES FROM 1.02a TO 1.03

A. Righteous Fire campaign voiceovers

B. High resolution interior/base graphics

- Perry Concourse with animations

- Mining Base Landing Pad animated light beam

- Mining Base Concourse with dust nebular and walking man

- New Detroit Landing Pad and Concourse animations

- New Constantinople Landing Pad and Concourse animations

- Some new damaged upgrade item graphics

C. High resolution MFD graphics (cockpit displays)

D. Privateer like communication options and radar colors for bases

E. Shields power down when playership runs out of energy

F. More detailed and better visible asteroid fields

G. Savegames can be named

H. Better readable Oxford Library computer screen

I. Bugfixes

- Level of Detail (might cause performance issues during spaceflight)

- loading of a saved mission causes infinite new waves of hostile ships

- missile lock light always on while in gun or missile lock

- scrolling hud down affects all other huds as well

- landing after collision with eden moon

- hitchhiker won't leave playership

- mission MFD shows nothing.mission

- bases and planets are not neutral

- positive militia responses take longer than negative

- cargo space calculation is wrong when using cargo expansion

- hit autopilot while communicating in a centurion changes MFDs position

Topic starter Posted : December 26, 2009 11:15
Estimable Member
Songbird wrote:
Privateer Gemini Gold version 1.03 is now available... go get it now 😀

LOL... boy, does that video bring back memories! Goofy comm conversations, great sounds, and that huge cockpit so it could run on even slower machines of the era. 😀

Privateer was the funniest of all space sims.

As a class project, this is awesome. They even talked Darkone into posing for a picture in his Santa Claus hat:


Repost of the video from earlier this year:

Posted : December 27, 2009 05:23
Illustrious Member Admin

Been a few years since I have played Privateer. I will have to put this on my machine soon and give it a nice test drive.

Topic starter Posted : December 29, 2009 06:04
Reputable Member

Been having some issues with this on my netbook. The official forums havn't been much help. I still have yet to see actual system requirements for this mod. Anybody have experience with the game?

Posted : January 18, 2010 05:18
Estimable Member
IronHound wrote:
Been having some issues with this on my netbook. The official forums havn't been much help. I still have yet to see actual system requirements for this mod. Anybody have experience with the game?

What kind of issues are you having?

What operating system on the netbook? Which model netbook?

Privateer ran on Windows 98. If memory serves, a Pentium II was all you needed. I would think that a netbook could run it under Windows XP, but that is just a guess.

Tell us more.

Posted : January 18, 2010 06:39
Reputable Member

(My exact post on the Privateer Gemini Gold Forums)

OK, lets go back to square one. I recently installed 1.03 on my laptop. Ran fine. No problems.

Then I installed the game on my HP Netbook. (Mini 110) The netbook has a 64mb Intel 945 Media Card, Atom Processor, and Windows 7 Starter with 2gigs of ram. The game causes a black screen on startup, and then the following error pops up:

"Vega Strike Open Source Space Simulator has stopped working."

Then it promptly crashes to desktop.

I tried -

*Compatibility mode in XP/Vista/2000.

*Windowed Mode

*Lowering all settings

*Disabling all firewalls


*Updating Drivers


*Disabling Visual Themes/Desktop Composition/Display Scaling.

*Installing vcredist_x86 (Found within the Bin folder)

Does anybody have ANY idea what the problem is?

Posted : January 18, 2010 06:53
Estimable Member

Oops... sorry. I mis-read the topic. Privateer is a Windows 9x game. Gemini Gold is, presumably, Windows XP.

But I see what you mean about the forum not being very active.

The following page has links for email contact and the Official Bug Report system:

Posted : January 18, 2010 07:14
Reputable Member

🙂 Well, thanks for trying anyway. I'll just be patient and wait for an official response, thanks for the heads up on the link.

Posted : January 18, 2010 08:08
99 Star General

The game seems to run fine on my netbook,its an xp one so as Bullwinkle said maybe a windows 7 problem?.

Posted : January 18, 2010 11:46
Illustrious Member Admin

I am running Privateer Gemini Gold on Windows 7 Pro without issues so far or atleast I can do missions and interact on the planets and all the areas thus far I will let you know if I have issues. The only difference here is that I don't have a netbook.

Topic starter Posted : January 18, 2010 12:29
Reputable Member

Well thank you all for trying, but my processor or graphics card must not be able to handle the game. I tried Privateer Remake just for grins. That one won't even start. Oh well. Will Give Vega strike a try. Otherwise I'm stuck with Oolite. Not a bad lot in life if you ask me. 🙂

*EDIT* WOOOOHOOO. Got the 1.02a version working. My endless troubleshooting and .DLL experimentation was put to shame by simply going back to the older version, which is based on the previous version of Vega strike. I'm not sure why, nor do I much care. Time to try this gem out.

Posted : January 18, 2010 17:19
Illustrious Member Admin

Nice you got that working. I would be interested in knowing what is the culprit in why v1.03 doesn't work but 1.02a does? I looked over the fixes list and nothing really in there that shouts underlying game functionality. But v1.02a is very playable so have fun with it.

Topic starter Posted : January 19, 2010 07:31
Reputable Member

Frankly, the only things I could come up with, are;

1. I noticed some of the changes where more graphical in nature, and may have been causing the crash.

2. It installed to a different directory.

C/Program Files/Privateer (1.03)

C/Program Files/Games/Privateer (1.02a)

I'm not brave enough to uninstall and then try 1.03 from a different directory.

Thanks for all the support. This game is quite tough, and short of my milk run trade route, I'm not sure I'd have the patience to slug it out in the combat missions. 🙂 Love it.

Posted : January 19, 2010 07:57
Illustrious Member Admin

I have always liked starting with nothing and running my ass off from a fight while I build my wealth gives you a bit more accomplishment feeling. Oh another thing if you like Privateer but don't mind ascii graphics is Ascii Sector it is a Privateer game with so many features it would be the ultimate Privateer if it had a 3d engine. and should play on your Netbook with ease.


Topic starter Posted : January 19, 2010 08:03
Reputable Member
Darkone wrote:
I have always liked starting with nothing and running my ass off from a fight while I build my wealth gives you a bit more accomplishment feeling. Oh another thing if you like Privateer but don't mind ascii graphics is Ascii Sector it is a Privateer game with so many features it would be the ultimate Privateer if it had a 3d engine. and should play on your Netbook with ease.


Well, I read through the thread, and gave the Ascii Sector website a perusing, however, Its not my cup of tea. It looks amazing, but my ship being a dot? Sure, I can walk around on it, but I make my living in space... to have all my earnings and hard work be represented by a mere dot??? I kid, I kid. Actually, my only real problem with the game stems from the Ascii system itself. I tried Dwarf Fortress and Nethack a while back, and what ends up happening is TOO much information is to me, 'unreadable' When important icons and enemies are reduced to small 2-3 charector blobs, how am I expected to know the difference between a door and a trap? Maybe I just don't have the patience yet. Or I just REALLY enjoy my cockpit view.

Still, that list of features is really impressive. Planets, shootouts AND the ability to enter my own ship, and hire a wingman? It really sounds like the perfect space game... minus an interface that I like.

Posted : January 19, 2010 10:10
Estimable Member

I took a look at this and it looked pretty impressive, but you guys know I'm a bit of a spoiled brat when it comes to graphics. Couldn't play the Wing Commander games for that reason. Will I be able to stomach this?

Posted : January 19, 2010 18:53
Estimable Member

I took a look at this and it looked pretty impressive, but you guys know I'm a bit of a spoiled brat when it comes to graphics. Couldn't play the Wing Commander games for that reason. Will I be able to stomach this?

It depends on what you like. Gemini Gold has updated graphics (800x600) but the "look" is intentionally retro. For example:

[hsimg] [/hsimg]

[hsimg] [/hsimg]

Gemini Gold is a clone of Privateer made, by students, with an open-source game engine, presumably for a project. With that in mind, Gemini Gold is a brilliant demonstration of the capability of the Vegastrike game engine.

Gemini Gold is also a nostalgic trip down memory lane because Privateer is the Grandfather of the modern Space Sim game.

I have no idea whether you will like it, but it is only a 300 Mb download. The most difficult part of just trying it was that I had to read the Tutorial in order to understand the User Interface (UI). And the Tutorial is located in the Appendix (of all places!), so it took maybe an hour of "ground school" and Tutorial missions before I was ready to fly missions.

I think that there is something slightly "unfinished" about Gemini Gold's user interface (UI)... as though the semester ended before all of the finishing touches could be made. It is usable but, if memory serves, the original Privateer's UI was more polished. As a result, Privateer was a little more intuitive, while Gemini Gold requires reading the manual.

Nevertheless, it is definitely playable, and has the same humorous comm chatter and goofy enemy factions as the original. For game play experience, it might be fun to try to find an old copy of Privateer and see whether you can get it running on XP. For graphics quality; definitely Gemini Gold.


  • Grade I would give to a Computer Science class in gaming: A+
  • Completeness of port of Privateer to the Vegastrike engine: 90%+
  • Privateer as a history-making game: Five Stars (out of five)
  • Score for a free, fun, game that runs on a netbook: A/A+
  • Whether you will like it: YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary) 😀
Posted : January 23, 2010 11:00
Noble Member

critics allowed? i didn know that game, but ships movements look like they would hang on a cable, brrrrr.

now i know again why i....... 🙄

Posted : March 29, 2010 13:31
Estimable Member
potsmoke66 wrote:
critics allowed? i didn know that game, but ships movements look like they would hang on a cable, brrrrr.

now i know again why i....... 🙄

What? 😆

Man, I think I need a Potsmoke-to-English translator! 😀

You know that stuff shrinks your brain and makes you want to eat and play video games all day, right?

just kidding... (mostly). 😉

PS: Freihofer's Chocolate Cookies, mmmmm!

Posted : March 29, 2010 13:56
Illustrious Member Admin

Privateer: Gemini Gold is a single player title with no online play. It is a pretty good recreation of the original and v1.03 has a some nice fixes and gfx updates and voice overs.

Topic starter Posted : March 29, 2010 17:35
Reputable Member

I loved the idea of this game. (Having never played the original Privateer.) But GG has some bugs its needs to work out. For one, enemy ships that wait for you to leave a station. This is game breaking early on. You can literally have 3 Talons following you around and destroying you each time you undock from a station.

There is a big thread on it in their forums, but it effectively ruined the game for me.

I don't mean to sound like a downer, I just firmly believe the game has bugs that need fixing. 🙂

YMMV is key here, definately try the game out if you get the time. Its pretty amazing in its own right.

Posted : May 29, 2010 20:24
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