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Project BlueBeam

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The game styles itself as a cross between Elite and Star Citizen judging from the video shown it looks like a StarCitizen hangar/space port and the space part is 3D but flying on plain.


Nothing to download at the moment but according to the Dev. it on the way.



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For Full List of Articles of the space game go here.

The Infinate Solar System Generator -

Can Create an infinate number of playable solar systems with the advanced tech in the coming download.

Find out more about it here. New Vide





War has come to the Indie System as the indpendent worlds seek freedom from galactic command and their ever

rising sale taxes. Whats at stake is this systems star, along with its planets. Its been a while since the last galactic

war of the stars so who knows on which side old freinds will now stand. A war of the worlds is where it all begins,

only then will it become a full star wars.

Orbital paths and fighters are now rolled out across much of free space, with many indie and GC populations

protesting this subversive tactic to block free space trading.

Yet under the banner of security and peace there seems to be no end to the privitization and militarization of the

sector by Galactic Command and its army of AAA. Who fearing the Alien Terror and perhaps Indie worlds have moved

to secure all areas of interest and use them for their war effort, with code blue active immediatly.

Thrown into the mix are the Alien Race we call "the STEAM". Whos vessels have super speed engines, making use of

them for fast attacks both on indie traders and galactic command. Their plunder is without end some have said, yet

little is known about them, not even where their home world is.

Things are dangerous out here, thats for sure, and without the ship hull repair centers Ive found in this sector Id

be a gonner. Without them Id be in real trouble but hull repairs are costing a forture and eating into my trading profits.

rying to develope on indie worlds under a situation like this might be impossible.

On the frontier of space the old elite factions seem to be determined to fight. And a lot rests here in the Indie System,

because if any faction loses its foot hold surely they will miss the much prized resources. I came here to trade, and

perhaps build, but have struggled to say the least. With any war comes crossfire and Id rather not be in it, but more

often than not I seem to be.

Much of the Indie Worlds are being left without many trade roots through the Indie System and higher trade tariffs

mean only one thing. If 'the STEAM' are to be a new constant force in the cosmos then eventual that will lead to

blocking of all major star orbital pathways ( SOP ) and the shutdown of indie worlds completely.

Without some trade reaching the developing indpendent worlds then we might only see blackness. Many indie

research centres have already closed and the lights are going off on many indie worlds as we speak.

The downloads coming soon. Beep Bop Download Coming : September 2016
Watch here on indiedb for the next installment, news, dev news, downloads and more.

Whats Included In this Space Trading Combat and Construction Game So Far?

Below is a summary of whats been added to the space trading game , space combat game and space construction

game called project bluebeam. This is a prototype at V0.08. Read more.

* Trading on a range of items including Robots
* Combat and solar system travel with physx fighter ship (think original asteriods)
* Laser and Missile weapons
* Orbiting Planets and Economies
* Space Station Upgrade System
* Hanger Services for Hull Repairs and Fuel Managment
* Enemy Alien Fighter
* Start Solar System : The Indie System
* Includes The Infinate Procedural Solar System Generator

Project Bluebeam - A Galactic Journey through An Infinate Procedural Cosmos. Yeah Right

Includes Proceduraly Generated Solar Systems and Worlds.
To Infinity, using advanced tech. read on.


Project Bluebeam the space game, can create an infinate number of solar systems. The only draw back is you

need to press the 'seed new solar system' button each time you want to create an additional solar system and

its planets. Therefor in theory if you pressed the button an infinate number of times you would have created an

infinate number of solar systems and planets. INCREDIBLE!!!

This system will be built upon to give you a cosmos to fly through.

Flying The Prototype Space Craft

Flying in a Physx based solar system , akin to the old asteriods game is difficult to say the least. And thats the way it

should be. Come the first downloads dont panic if things dont feel right yet, they will in time. Sorting out thrusters and

so on has given me an idea and ill see if I can add it in. Building your own ships seems a cool way to go. But with the

prototype to finish off that will have to wait.

The Ship just now, even though responsive, is a little light and is sucked into planets a bit easy so achieving a stable

orbit around a planet is a bit problematic. But it is possible to do, im just not sure how many want the game hard or easy

at this point with development of it.

Getting to a planets space station is easy enough at the moment but will be made harder. Once docked your in 3rd

person view mode and out the ship. With moons and other items needing to be avoided it will get gradually harder as dev


The Enemy AI

The Aliens use what we would class as a traditional UFO with its round shape and control level in the centre. The indpendent

worlds and Galactic Command will each have their own types of fighter later through dev. For now just getting the Aliens,

GC and Indie worlds a fighter and transport ship each is the aim so that it can be tied into planet production and economies.

Once added we will see war break out on three fronts and I think that will be a good place to make the download available.

AI Ship Types

* Transporters

These large vessel have massive cargo capacity and travel between worlds bringing trade and goods to the populations

around the solar system. With heavy hulls they are stronger than a fighter in a fight but lack the weapons to do real damage.

All ships have real cargo and when a ship is detroyed the cargo of that ship is anyones who claims it.

* The Fighters

Faster than the transports the fighters are out for the kill and come with advanced weapons. They have small cargo capacity

and little armour. Butlike all ships they will first scan your vessel before attacking and base their decision on it. Should you

be a freind of the faction then a fight is unlikely but mistakes happen. Things can easily spiral out of control if you shoot

someone you shouldnt have.

Dopped Cargo and Wreckage.

Ships will for whatever reasons get rid of radioactives and other items in space and leave it to someone else to clean up.

A ship and its cargo are part of each solar systems economy so when cargo goes out the hatch it means its not tradable

any more. Collecting dropped cargo from tippers and from wreckage will add it back into the economy and make you a profit.


Planet Production

A new HUD has been added to the game which gives you a birds eye view of a planets important data as well as a

visual of the planet itself. So far Population data, Space Station data and defense data has been added to the hud.

As you can see in the image above. Each planet will produce a fighter and it will then go off and have a dogfight with

someone. Its not incredibly in depth at the moment but once the basic AI are sorted expect to see transports between

worlds, convoys and fighter patrols.

Watch Here For News.
