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Crewman Registered
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Hey Guys I Need help out of ideas and well i'v given up 😥

Many Many moons ago I played a game called Freespace 2 I was so in love with the game I played it till the end when the server shut down I was 14/15 then i'm 24 now I didn't get the game when it first come out i think i was a year behind everyone else I'm currently playing eve Online it's ok takes a long time to get were yeah need to be but it's bare able reminds me of freespace 2 in ways......

I'v looked all over gaming sites and keep coming short Dose anyone know if there is a game out there right now like freespace 2 or that is due to be coming out Would love for someone to get back to me on this....

Andy aka Spike if there are any FS2 fans out there 🙂

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 7888

Hi AndyUk

There is really a lot of mod projects being developer or out for Freespace 2 why don't you check into them. You can try . But I would say personally that I think Heresy Wars would be something like a FS2 experience.

So dig up those old Freespace 2 CDs and start playing some mods. They play and look great btw.

Moving this thread to the Freespace area.

Crewman Registered
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"Heresy Wars"

Mate you are a real Gem I'm downloaded the Demo right now what I'v seen of the graphics like great But THANK THANK THANK SO MUCH!!

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 7888

Do keep in mind that the demo is 2yrs old and the devs are still working on the game. Hoping the c0mas posts something new on the progress of the game soon. But in the mean while SSC does have a Heresy War area so please do post your experiences with the demo when you played it.
