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Idea for FS2 Mod

Master Chief Registered
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After much consideration and inspiration I have decided my next game project will be an 'Elite' mod for FS2. This will be a scripted mission-based game (as Freespace has to be), based in the 'Elite' universe where you take on the role of a Galactic Navy pilot who has to save the universe from pirates and thargoids (and maybe the imperial faction from FE2 as well).


I was thinking the basic development of the story starts you off as a local police patroller keeping a watchful eye on small-scale pirate activity and keeping the space lanes free and clear, with the character developing into joining the Galactic Navy to complete more difficult missions, all culminating in some epic battles with the thargoids.


I will have to finish my Freelancer 'Elite' mod first though....


Has this already been done though?

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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I want to say yes but I would have to check, would your plans to use the FSO engine?

Master Chief Registered
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Yes, the open source version.

99 Star General Site Moderator
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I was thinking the basic development of the story starts you off as a local police patroller keeping a watchful eye on small-scale pirate activity and keeping the space lanes free and clear, with the character developing into joining the Galactic Navy to complete more difficult missions, all culminating in some epic battles with the thargoids.

Has this already been done though?


Nice idea 😎 😎


Don't think anyone apart from yourself has tried to mod other games into the Elite universe, most  have been complete remake of the original game like Oolite ect.

Master Chief Registered
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Nice idea 😎 😎


Don't think anyone apart from yourself has tried to mod other games into the Elite universe, most  have been complete remake of the original game like Oolite ect.


I've often wondered why not. Remakes are great, but I think there's plenty of scope to branch out the Elite universe into other types of games. The other idea I was playing with was to do a Star Wars Battlefront II mod for the Elite universe - the galactic conquest game, with big naval capital ships in space battles, and battles on planet - again why not?

My preference is for the scripted missions type game though, I like these; go to the mission briefng, select ship & loadout, launch and start blasting the bad guys. Simple, but satisfying.

99 Star General Site Moderator
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That reminds me some one did announce on the Frontier forum a few years ago that they were making a FPS set in the Elite universe, it was going to be on an abandoned  space station which the thargoids had taken over.

IIRC I don't think they get very far with the idea before giving up.


An RTS game may be better for any big space battles, like to see a squadron of Cobras going into battle.

Master Chief Registered
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That reminds me some one did announce on the Frontier forum a few years ago that they were making a FPS set in the Elite universe, it was going to be on an abandoned  space station which the thargoids had taken over.

IIRC I don't think they get very far with the idea before giving up.


An RTS game may be better for any big space battles, like to see a squadron of Cobras going into battle.


FPS games are probably one of the most difficult types of game to create, they require a hell of a lot of work. Spaceship/Flight games are a bit simpler to do. And yes, a RTS space game within the Elite universe could work well - but I'm not a huge fan of RTS games so I won't be making it. A top-down rail shooter arcade game (like 1942/R-Type and so on) could work well too, this could be deployed on the web and mobile devices.
