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Star Wars Original Trilogy Mod

Master Chief Registered
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This is one to watch IMHO.


Still in development (Public Beta), but is it very fun to play. If you are a big fan of the original X-Wing/Tie Fighter series (up to and including X-Wing Alliance) - then you should find this quite compelling.


The game-play 'feels' so good, the sound and music are spot on, and the graphics ain't half bad either.


Mod details here:


Here's a video of me playing one of the test missions - "Battle of Endor", just to give an idea . . .


Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Looks great, I will try to remember to give this a play when version 4 comes out. They did do a nice job with setting the SW atmosphere with the music and sound effects, nicely done.

Master Chief Registered
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Looks great, I will try to remember to give this a play when version 4 comes out. They did do a nice job with setting the SW atmosphere with the music and sound effects, nicely done.


Got myself set to track the mod, so will be keeping an eye on it. May have a go at creating my own mission or two for it as well (should I get time)

Crewman Registered
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Looks great, I will try to remember to give this a play when version 4 comes out. They did do a nice job with setting the SW atmosphere with the music and sound effects, nicely done.


Thanks for the positive feedback! Version 4 is out now 🙂

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Wow look at this mod a year later... sound effects and music are top notch 🙂

Latest version patch notes:

-all ship speeds are much slower - closer if not exact to what they are in the TIE FIGHTER games (capital and starfighter)
-max overclock speeds are drastically reduced to only give a 20-30 m/s boost in speeds (capital and starfighter)
-increased lock strength of secondary weapons
-increased range of secondary weapons
-increased hitpoints of all bombs (proton bomb, heavy rocket, proton torpedos, s1 charge) less easy to be shot down now by capital point defense systems
-reduced primary weapon range to 800m fom 1000m - changed min distance to which AI will shoot at something to 50m
-slightly increased capital ship turbolaser range
-added 'plain' YT-1300 transport
-added simple Rebel and Imperial gauntlet missions.
-reworked Battle of Endor to V5 beta (make sure to order your fighters to engage enemy at mission start)
-slightly reduced shield strength of Millennium Falcon
-Millennium Falcon now more maneuverable so as to be more playable/enjoyable to fly/fight with
-slightly decreased firerate of Tie Interceptor
-add VERY simple armament to GR75 Transport (placeholder turrets will be replaced in later updates)
-increased hull hit points of ISD to 80000


-B-Wing has no texture or texture mapping - and thus is invisible in game currently - however one can still pilot one fine.
-Fighters set to spawn and to exit hangars of Star Destroyers will cicle almost endlessly around the mouth of the hangar.
-Targeting system will sometimes 'fail' and not point you in the right direction of your target nor show the reticle around the target.

Master Chief Registered
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I've been working on recreating all the old X-Wing and Tie-Fighter single player missions for this mod - I haven't had nearly as much time as I would like to do it, but I have created a classic training mission from X-Wing vs Tie-Fighter - Gunnery Training.

Here is a video of it.


Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 7888

Nice work Stormprooter.

Trying to recreate all of those missions will definitely keep you busy for a while 🙂
