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Not been able to play Hostile Breed yet. 🙄

Never played Exodus 3010 keep seeing it and thinking must try it out some time.

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Got my Amiga’s out of storage and after 3 years amazingly they all still work although the hard drive on the two 1200 took a couple of restarts before they kicked in. Couldn’t find the box with most of the game in it but I just realised that my ADF converter was in with the Amiga’s 😀 only problem is I have no 3.5 disk to write the games too. 🙄

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Get yourself registered on Amibay Pinback and post a wanted ad, you should get a load of disks with little difficulty as they are always for sale, usually by the 100s!

Here is a link, http://www.amibay.com/

Glad you decided to dig them out again, now you can, once again, experience the best OS ever created <img src="' http://spacesimcentral.com/forum/public/style_emoticons//icon_cool.gi f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='8-)' />

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Just been looking over there FAQ looks like I wont be able to use amibay. 😥

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I dont understand Pinback <img src="' http://spacesimcentral.com/forum/public/style_emoticons//icon_e_confused.gi f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':?' /> Are you a trader or dont you have a Pay Pal account? If so, there is always Fleabay. Disks pop up there from time to time and you can use High Density disks, so dont worry about that if that's all you can find. Double Density disks (I.E standard Amiga blue disks) can be a little more difficult to find these days.

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No its because I’ am using a mobile for the internet at the moment and have a Yahoo email address which I think will cause a lot problems with amibay.

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Calling all PS3 owners!

There is now an Amiga emulator out for the PS3, news here http://www.ps3hax.net/2011/02/e-uae-ami ... z1DMhpzrEB

Also, an emulator is in development for the X Box 360, news here http://lantus360.com/2010/12/06/amiga360-wip-video/

Master Chief Registered
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Anyone remembers Millenium 2.2 and Deuteros?

I'd love to see a sucessor to those 😎

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Geraldine wrote:
Calling all PS3 owners!

There is now an Amiga emulator out for the PS3, news here http://www.ps3hax.net/2011/02/e-uae-ami ... z1DMhpzrEB

Also, an emulator is in development for the X Box 360, news here http://lantus360.com/2010/12/06/amiga360-wip-video/

Not totally positive on my info here. But I thought Sony removed homebrew by removing the ability to have the linux os on the PS3. Sony removed this with a mandatory firmware update last year and the new PS3 slims didn't even ship with the option. I heard about the hack recently to unlock the PS3 but if Sony suspects you they ban your PS3 from the PSN which would really stink. Not worth the risk right now, least for me.

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Pyros wrote:
Anyone remembers Millenium 2.2 and Deuteros?

I'd love to see a sucessor to those 😎

Mercenary 4

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PINBACK wrote:
Pyros wrote:
Anyone remembers Millenium 2.2 and Deuteros?

I'd love to see a sucessor to those 😎

Mercenary 4

Ahh got me a bit confused now 😕 . Considering that you probably aren't referring to Mechwarriors 4: Mercenaries, but a 4th project on the Mercenary saga - of which I remember playing Damocles on the ol' trusty Atari STe. But this series was quite different from the Millenium/Deuteros (more resource gathering and "strategy").

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Yes I was just referring to an old game series that I would like to see continued as in.


Damocles: Mercenary II.

Mercenary III The Dion Crisis.

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Never played the last one, but liked Damocles a lot. Although I spent more time lost than anything else.

The "open endeness" of those games is quite different from the "go straight ahead and wait for the cutscene" that seems to plague the console inspired action games of today.

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Pyros wrote:

The "open endeness" of those games is quite different from the "go straight ahead and wait for the cutscene" that seems to plague the console inspired action games of today.

You right about that, I guess there was more open to try different things back then.

Out of the three games Damocles is the one which I have played the least, must really have another go at it some time. Spent a lot of time playing Mercenary and can remember being really awed by Mercenary 3 and what you could do in the game, but it was really slow on A500

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Out of the three games Damocles is the one which I have played the least, must really have another go at it some time. Spent a lot of time playing Mercenary and can remember being really awed by Mercenary 3 and what you could do in the game, but it was really slow on A500

Never played the last one, but liked Damocles a lot. Although I spent more time lost than anything else.

No need to dig out your old Amigas from your basement. (Unless you would like to "donate" them to me 😈 😈 ). You can play these game with your trusty PC now 🙂 . Check this site


Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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You know I have all those games in the download area 🙂

Mercenary (Package of all three games)

99 Star General Site Moderator
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CaptainKal wrote:

No need to dig out your old Amigas from your basement. (Unless you would like to "donate" them to me 😈 😈 ).

No chance. 😀 😆

Emulation good but it always nice to be able to play the games on the original hardware and as I have my ADF converter all I need is get my hands on some 3.5 disks.

Now if only I brought these Atari ST520 disks. 😈

Commander Registered
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Emulation good but it always nice to be able to play the games on the original hardware and as I have my ADF converter all I need is get my hands on some 3.5 disks.

Amiga explorer & serial cable?

Petty Officer Registered
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Pyros wrote:
Anyone remembers Millenium 2.2 and Deuteros?

I'd love to see a sucessor to those 😎

Yeah, I loved those games. And still have them too along with my Amiga 3000.

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"memnoch" wrote:
And still have them too along with my Amiga 3000.

The Miggy 3000 is a nice machine memnoch <img src="' http://spacesimcentral.com/forum/public/style_emoticons//icon_cool.gi f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='8-)' />

I just got my Cyberstorm MkIII fixed for my 4000 after it sitting in a box for 10 years. <img src="' http://spacesimcentral.com/forum/public/style_emoticons//icon_e_confused.gi f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':?' />

99 Star General Site Moderator
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My Amiga hard drive is about to give up as it take about 4 restart to get it up and running.

Been looking at card drive on ebay any one used one and are they any good. ❓

Rear Admiral Registered
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Card Drives are good for a hobbist machine, but if your going to be using your miggy alot Pinback, I would recommend sticking to a traditional hard drive. CF cards are not designed for constant data accessing. Having said that though I have CF Drives in both my 1200s and they work with no problems. You can even buy pre-configured drives on flea bay, packed with goodies, just plug em in and away you go. Also, they are fast and quiet too.

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Think I will go for the card drive although I will get one from Amiga kit as the ones on flea bay seem to be a bit on the expensive side.

Rear Admiral Registered
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Actually I think the opposite is true. If you dig around you can get some good deals on Fleabay. On the other hand, the Amiga Kit version does have an easy to use installer for the OS of your choice.

99 Star General Site Moderator
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I may be looking in the wrong section but the BIN ones are between £40 and £50 pounds which waaay over price for what it is. Cheapest way would be just to get the IDE interface + cable and the card then do it myself. Or try and win one of the auctions.

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