Thought I would start a thread about Matt Chat vids on Youtude, there’s over 70 of them now and mostly cover’s games from the 80/90.He also has some interesting interviews with game developers, well worth a look if you have any interest in older games.
Here’s no74 about Dune11.
Yes nice vid that brought back a lot of memories 🙂
Matt mentioned in his vid about Dune 2 remakes, so I had a little dig around and came up with this link, have fun! 😉
Excellent find with the links there Geraldine never knew that there had been so many remake of the game,has any one tried any of them. ❓
Matt Chat 75: Interview with Megan Gaiser and Rob Riedl of Her Interactive.
Matt chat 76 out about King's Quest, this is an older one of his vid that he has redone.
Kings Quests games were great for story, never knew there was re-makes.
Here is Matt again with two of the best games ever
You forgot number 5 Geraldine 😯 😆
if I can remember the my passwords I'am going to put in a request that he do one on Frontier.
I know, a gross oversight 😳 now rectified 😀
I think he should have at least shown the other two elite games. If your putting in a request Pinback, ask him to re-do the Elite vid with the sequels and even why not give FFE3D, Pioneer and Oolite a look too while he is at it! 😎
Done but he gets a lot of request so I would not expect to see anything soon.
New Matt chat vid Darklands.
Another great classic Syndicate
Great game syndicate spent a lot time with the flame thrower. 😈
There’s also a new game on the way,its one game that should be good as FPS although I like to see it as a 3rd person game.
Three part Mat chat with the designer of Darklands Arnold Hendrick and about his other work with sid Meier and Microprose.
The always awesome Matt Chat, having a look at Star Trek game.
MC 524 been a while since this thread was updated. ?