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Steam DRM

Crewman Registered
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I get to play some games a few hours a week... I have come to the conclusion that I will die before I play all the games in my steam library and I will will it to one of my kids to fight over hahaha

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Pinback
This topic was modified 2 years ago by hmmmhaa3
This topic was modified 2 years ago by DarkOne

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Posted by: @hmmmhaa3

I get to play some games a few hours a week... I have come to the conclusion that I will die before I play all the games in my steam library and I will will it to one of my kids to fight over hahaha

That's is if we own our Steam libraries?.

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Posted by: @pinback

That's is if we own our Steam libraries?

Good question! Everything seems to be heading towards SaaS (software-as-a-service), not as a possession. Hardware might end up that way - buy the basic kit, but pay subscriptions to unlock the performance stuff. I think that's already planned, in fact.

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Move this to it's own thread.

I believe that you don't own any music which is downloaded, you only have a licence to use it, which I would guess is pretty much the same for games.

Will be bad if they do the same with hardware, don't think I would like paying a monthly fee for the use of it.

This post was modified 2 years ago by Pinback

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Posted by: @pinback

Will be bad if they do the same with hardware,

I've read a couple of articles that suggest this (intel and nVidia), but I'm damned if I can find them. My search-fu has gone!

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Best bet is just give your login credentials to the person you like/love most 🙂 haha I doubt a lot of these games will be even playable 30yrs from now... so many games requiring connection to a server and when that goes the game is basically dead. I hope there will be standalone options but more and more publishers love the you own nothing model and you pay for the rights to play it and when it makes them no more money you loose the ability to play it.... yeah it sucks only way we can change it is possibly revolt and not buy games until they figure it out. But having beneficiaries on all digital assets would be ideal.


Gaius Konstantine
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Yes D1 Publishers do love the you own nothing model, but I don't.

Being an old timer, I liken buying a game to buying a record (vinyl) back in the day. I didn't own the actual song, but I did own that particular copy. I could play it when I wanted to, or even sell it to you if I chose. 

Steam's model irks me so much, that I don't patronize that place at all. Were it not for my involvement in Adam Solo's game a few years back, I would have never registered there. I have maybe 120 games total now, a few from Gamersgate (they've really gone downhill though), some Slitherine, some direct from the indie devs, and the rest on Gog. Do you know what every single one of these games has in common? 

They are DRM free, and all of them have off line executable installs, meaning that just like a record decades ago, I have a physical copy (on USB) of every single game in my collection. True, I don't sell any of my copies or share them, (I do like to support the developers, especially the indies), but whatever happens to the platforms offering these games, won't really affect me.


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Posted by: @gaius-konstantine

Publishers do love the you own nothing model...

Don't they just! <grumbles>

Crewman Registered
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Posted by: @pinback
Posted by: @hmmmhaa3 dinosaur game

I get to play some games a few hours a week... I have come to the conclusion that I will die before I play all the games in my steam library and I will will it to one of my kids to fight over hahaha

That's is if we own our Steam libraries?.

When you purchase a digital game key, you get access to the game. The game is not your property, but the developers. 
