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SciFi Weapon

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Real surprised to see someone with a working prototype, the only place I had ever heard of this was in the RPG Traveller.


Geraldine liked
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Yes, it looks like the future sci-fi weapons just got a lot closer.

sniper dino


Pinback liked
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Posted by: @geraldine

Yes, it looks like the future sci-fi weapons just got a lot closer.

sniper dino


It's a bug hunt. 😀 

Geraldine liked
Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Still a long way off before this could be really effective in any combat situation but this is definitely a nice concept more work we need to be done on the effective range and obviously the size haha there is no hiding that thing. And as always EMP proofing the weapon would need to be done as well. Maybe we will see something in the next 10yrs that is solid.

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This just boggles my mind as I played Traveller in the early eights and the game must have been written in the mid 70s, so the creators of the game must have done some deep research to write about a weapon system that was probably just hypothetical 45+ years ago.  

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This Wiki page may be of interest. Good to see Hammer's Slammers in there.

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Never knew Space Viking was inspiration for the game.

At the end of the video, a very Terminator looking gun, wonder if it's the production one which is mentioned.


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Posted by: @pinback

Never knew Space Viking was inspiration for the game.

Yeah, there are some good books in that list. In turn, Traveller was a big influence on Bell and Braben.

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Posted by: @cody
Posted by: @pinback

Never knew Space Viking was inspiration for the game.

Yeah, there are some good books in that list. In turn, Traveller was a big influence on Bell and Braben.

I would definitely say that their more than a hint of Traveller in Elite but I did read that Braben denied it in an interview a few years ago when asked.

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Posted by: @pinback

I did read that Braben denied it in an interview

After my experience with ED, I wouldn't trust anything that man says!

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Would be interesting to hear what Bell has to say on the subject as I seem to recall reading that he played Traveller.

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Version 2 of the sci-fi gun.😎 

