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To all SSC Station occupants

Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.

Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.


MOD: Unstable Space v11.6

Illustrious Member Admin

First off thanks to some of the members that give me the info on where to get Unstable Space. I downloaded all the source files and compiled it using Inno Setup 5. The whole package is a lot larger than the old 8.x version.

Download the mod here: Unstable Space v11.5



Unstable Space is a content expansion for Torn Stars. It adds hidden jump routes to the cluster. These unstable jump routes may allow you to sneak past Customs Patrols and Pirates, but they can be very risky and can damage or even destroy your ships. Traversing or discovering these hidden jump routes will be the work of smugglers and explorers. Additionally, a new series of player ownable and minable asteroids will be scattered throughout the cluster. These asteroids will form the backbone of the mining career.

Now I personally couldn't get this mod to run on my Vista system. I was able to run the fully patched I-War2 game without to much of a problem. But I tried for at least 2-3hrs to get this mod to work but Vista is having issues with the loader.exe. I might just have to install WinXP and see how that does for me and re-validate this mod.

But people please download and test this and see if you can get this mod running.

Steps to install:

1. Have I-War2 installed (Install it in a place other than the default)

2. Install patches EoC Patch vF14.6 & Jackson Yard Patch.

3. Install unstable space v11.6 and point it to your I-WAR2 install.

4. Once installed Run IW2 and look in the extras and you should see a few mods enabled.

5. Start a new game.

Now for getting this game to work at all on Vista I had to edit the flux.ini file and start the game using the IW2EoCGS.exe file:

graphics_device = dx7graph.fcGraphicsDeviceD3D
sound_device = dx7sound.fcSoundDeviceDA
network_device = dxnet.fcNetworkDeviceDP
input_device = dxinput.fcInputDeviceDI
cdaudio_device =
movie_device = binkmovie.fcMovieDeviceBink
cd_key =
disable_sound = 0
full_screen = 1
width = 1680
height = 1050
bit_depth = 32
video_driver = "NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS"

You will be concerned with this area:

full_screen = 1
width = 1680
height = 1050
bit_depth = 32
video_driver = "NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS"

Adjust it to your machine specs.

Topic starter Posted : April 15, 2009 02:03
New Member


First of all thank you for the great work you're doing and for keeping up this website, I just bumped into it and registered straight away πŸ™‚

I just got hold of Iwar2 and, since I wasn;t particularly interested in the storyline part of the game I decided to try torn wars and was wondering whether unstable space contains torn wars ?

Thanks a lot


Posted : May 26, 2009 03:12
Illustrious Member Admin
luckyluca wrote:

First of all thank you for the great work you're doing and for keeping up this website, I just bumped into it and registered straight away πŸ™‚

Thanks Luca. Doing my best to keep up to date on most of the ongoing projects and mods in the space gaming community. But need everyone's help since I am only one person. So if you have some buddies that love space sims send them to SSC πŸ™‚

I know shameless plus...

luckyluca wrote:

I just got hold of Iwar2 and, since I wasn;t particularly interested in the storyline part of the game I decided to try torn wars and was wondering whether unstable space contains torn wars ?

I never played Torn Stars personally because they said it was a bit buggy and Unstable Space was more stable and more things were added to it. It would make sense that it would have Torn Stars content because US was originally being created as an addon to Torn Stars. Plus Torn Stars was a 8.0 release and Unstable Space is a 11.0+ release so that is a good sign that it could contain everything from TS, and the package is a lot bigger than the TS install.

I have yet to play this one yet because when i built the mod I was running Vista and I had all sorts of problems with it. I now am running XP and just haven't found the time to install and try it since I have been playing with FSO (Freespace Open).

Topic starter Posted : May 26, 2009 12:01
New Member

Hi Darkone,

Thanks, I think I'll play iwar2 vanilla first and will install unstable space later, then. Personally I enjoyed playing the old iwar1 because it gave a highly realistic immersion factor, and never really have found other games come close to it.



Posted : May 30, 2009 15:31
Illustrious Member Admin
luckyluca wrote:
Hi Darkone,

Thanks, I think I'll play iwar2 vanilla first and will install unstable space later, then. Personally I enjoyed playing the old iwar1 because it gave a highly realistic immersion factor, and never really have found other games come close to it.



Your welcome. You will like I-War2 I had a lot of fun playing through it about 6 yrs ago now. I need to revisit it when I get some more time and play some of the mods that are out there for it.

Topic starter Posted : June 4, 2009 19:08
Illustrious Member Admin

Disabled the download to Unstable Space mod for I-War2 per the devs recommendation. They are working on the mod right now and say that the current version of the mod is unplayable in certain aspects and to wait for an updated build in the next few weeks. I will post again on this when I get more info.

Topic starter Posted : July 6, 2009 03:42
Illustrious Member Admin

Hopefully tonight I will upload the latest version of Unstable Space for all to enjoy πŸ™‚

Topic starter Posted : September 23, 2009 09:45
Illustrious Member Admin

Uploaded Unstable Space... see download area or first post in thread for link.

Topic starter Posted : September 26, 2009 18:20
Trusted Member

Actually i'am playing I-War 2 again and i tried unstable space for the first time. It looks really great and has tons of potential. The factions and all the new systems are great. But the controls are a bit complex and i have to get used to it, especially the wingman commands. There are many bugs but hey it is a alpha, and for an alpha its very playable.

Is this project still alive? Would be a shame if one of the most complex mods for this great game dies.

Posted : February 21, 2011 01:14
Active Member

Thanks to everyone for continued interest in this great mod project. There is still life but I think Cambragol is the main life support system these days. Loved these games, and loved this mod. Keep the faith!

Posted : December 15, 2013 16:38