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my name is Luc, I'm 52 years old in a few weeks. When I was around 13, I had an English pen pal for a few months. I was invited to his home and we had some nice time with him and his family. When we were not having a particular activity, I was spending all my time on their computer — it was in year 1985 —, playing their brand new game Elite. This game was just drawing white circles, straight lines, and dots on the black screen, but as for me I was in my ship, trading goods with loss and benefits, attacking ships and travelling through the galaxy. No need of technical performance to sollicitate imagination.


Today I managed to find an emulator allowing to play again Elite '84, but I found Pioneer Space Simulator, and I definitely love it.


So here I am now 😉!

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Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Welcome to SSC @lucmorizur. There is something for everyone here at the station, so dig in and interact with everyone.

Senior Chief Registered
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Blessed are the childhood friends who let us use their computers. Hi!

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Posted by: @sscadmin

Welcome to SSC @lucmorizur. There is something for everyone here at the station, so dig in and interact with everyone.


Posted by: @classyk

Blessed are the childhood friends who let us use their computers. Hi!


Many thanks for your warm welcome 🙂!

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Crewman Registered
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Hello everyone, I'm new


This post was modified 5 months ago 2 times by Haydenrs

geometry dash lite

Petty Officer Registered
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Sir Hayden!


Greetings and Salutations!


When you say "new" do you also mean "new" to the joys of waltzing about in outer space? And if so, now are you doing it? Elite via an emulator? Oolite? Some other method?

Crewman Registered
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