To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
The following is a quote from 'Scorch' (Scott Brown) on the US JGE boards -
OK, in the spirit of some form of information here is at least a few of the things we are working on/thinking about now. All subject to change, insert standard disclaimer here.
-"Battlespace" returning to more of its simulator roots from Classic, really a place to practice not advance. I know this will make some of you happy in that advancing will only happen in "real" space not instant action type playing. I still hope to have some achievements/leader board materials form here but not likely to have any equipment or pilot advancing type effects.
-Lots of work on missions. With the new design team map layouts, mission stories, the types of things you do in missions, etc is all MUCH more interesting and varied than ever before. The kinds of things we can now do is very advanced.
-Better faction definition. The stories in the game really tell all about your faction and why you are at war with the others. The story is also darker than before with many of the missions you fly feeling more gray than the typical black and white always doing the good thing type story.
-PvP. Lots and lots of work on systems for PvP, new maps, new game play, new forms of advancement, player built battle stations, capturing sectors, etc. The scope and feel of the massive space battles you will be taking part in against other players will be, IMHO, what really sets us apart.
-AI functionality. Tons of work on making the AI both the right difficulty (it was way to easy before) and also varied in behavior.
Once we have more solid information we'll share it.
I think the message that the update blackout has had a negative effect on how people feel about JGE and Scorch has taken it upon himself to release something for the faithful.
This was some nice news indeed, here is the original post: ... php?t=3106
This is very much a plus for me in my book. Advancing of any kind in a none world environment is just wrong. The only way you should advance is playing in the game universe.
Nice touch and can't wait to see how they lay out the story because it has been a long time since there was any MMO's that actually game you a good story. So hopefully they can actually get the job done. I hate just mindlessly grinding in a game because there is no story elements to keep me entertained.
I think this is what we are all waiting for and I do hope NetDevil does deliver on this. Because they have been promising epic battles and a lot of MMO's have epic battles its just they are lag fests and I hope they can get it right 🙂
Overall nice to see someone coming out with some info. I don't think it should be the CEO but even monthly updates would quell any uprising in the JGE community ranks. We just want to be fed every once in a while to keep us alive. No mention of any possible beta or release date?
There are the usual rumours doing the rounds on the JGE forums both in Europe and the US but nothing has been confirmed by ND or Gazillion.
We will be waiting a while for more substantial information from ND but I get the feeling Mr Brown's latest post is a response to the announcement that Black Prophecy now has a publisher and could very well beat JGE to market. In other words, someone had to do something and Scorch decided to be the one to do it.
That is a given because staying silent while one of your main competitors makes a huge announcement and releases beta dates is huge and will definitely pull some people away from the JGE community while they dabble in BP when it hits beta/release. It goes back to my previous statement in another post, if NetDevil doesn't should gamers why we should pay to play their game over playing BP they will be in trouble. Watching some of the BP videos it does pretty much everything JGE does and Reakktor talked about more open universe and crafting system (I like this).
This will definitely be interesting to watch these two games because they are so much alike in features.
Even though you cannot look to deep into it, NetDevil did loose a few people in its staff with community managers and someone else big left the company. Not always a good sign especially if they have been there a while.
There is some encouraging stuff in that post from Scorch and from other quarters. It seems that since certain members have left the development team, the overall feel of the game has changed from something fluffy into a darker and more involving experience.
I don't know if the change in direction is as a result of those people going or the reason they went but ND seem to be pulling the game back to what JGC vets consider to be the sequal to JGC rather than a brand new universe that's had all the hard and sharp edges knocked off it.
I could be wrong but many vets have seen this news as a reason to get excited about the game again and that's not a bad thing.
I think darker experience is what JGE needs personally. My first opinions of JGE when I first came across it was wow those graphics don't seem to spacey to me. That's why I started to lean towards BP because of the edgy more believable art style. So this will be interesting if ND does indeed bring a darker feel to JGE, space is dark and unforgiving and so shouldn't our environment. 🙂
With this post I made here: black-prophecy-f19/questions-answered-about-f2p-black-prophecy-t867.html
JGE is going to need to start really listening to its fans and incorporate a lot. Because BP has what JGE has but more, and what is the deal breaker is that they are F2P. That should definitely worry NetDevil. I want to see all space games successful because that's how we keep getting more because devs make money.
I think the retooling (which may have been needed) in June, might actually hurt in the end. Because unless JGE is hiding something BP will be first to market and first to get the feedback needed to improve upon. NetDevil staff has to really think on what makes JGE unique and maybe yes embrace JGC and really capture the hardcore base and tailor the story around the aftermath of JGC and see how the fans respond. JGE has one thing going for it that BP doesn't a fanbase that predates JGE. People know the story, factions and the universe. Why change it? Modify it all and put it back out there with everyones complaints addressed.
Just some thoughts.
Whole heartedly agree with you Darkone, ND need to make the most of what they have but as I've posted on these boards and read from others on the JGC boards - 'JGC will always be seen as the red haired, step child that no one wants around'.
It's a big gamble for ND and Gazillion, as you say BP looks like it will be first to market and will benefit from having feedback from an active community. My main issue with ND and Gazillion 'Listening' to the fans means that they may start taking some of the ridiculous threads posted on the EU seriously, for example a well known pain in the backside on those boards keeps asking for 'That Blizzard Game' style scenarios and instances, a lot of the talk has been about 'Raiding' and 'End Game' content. For me JGE might be marketed as a space based MMO but why should it suffer from the same problems and narrow minded thinking that traditional MMO's have ?
For me the phrases 'Raiding' and 'End Game' are pointless, you can't have a raid with space ships, you can have a massive battle and that could be against a Carrier or Destroyer maybe even a station but to call that 'Raiding' is wrong and offensive. As for the 'End Game' content, that's just an oxy moron to me, JGC has no end game content simply because there is no end to it . . . . Why do some players need to be told that there's no more new stuff for them, right now ?
This sounds like I'm bashing the MMO players, I'm not but I don't like having traditional MMO terminology being thrown around while discussing JGE as the two have very little in common.
Why is NetDevil not releasing more info on JGE? Makes no sense at all. We are approaching June again when they were supposed to start beta last year. It is concerning sometimes on the lack of information flow in this community. There has to be something going on in ND?