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The Game that would not die ... Jumpgate: Resurrection

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Jumpgate, the little game that could (almost ...  but not quite) who some say is, in many ways, the best space-sim/MMO evah, is back and it's FREE.


If you played before -- come back and join a lot of old friends who've made their way back.  If you've never played Jumpgate, then you really should give it a try.

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Well Jumpgate Classic is, indeed, back online, it needs players badly. There was an initial rush of curiosity but that wave has passed. Because it's completely free, non-profit endeavor, there's no promotion or advertising, sdo it's hard to overcome even normal game attrition.


Jumpgate is completely FREE and it's great fun if you like skill-based games. So please come give it a shot if you have not already (and if you HAVE already -- do it again).


One Note: because it's an old game there are some issues relating to graphics card compatibility. Be sure to run the game as Administrator in Compatibility mode -- Win2K or Win XP. And be sure that in the game video settings, they are equal to or less than your native desktop video settings. If you have CTD when launching from a station, log back on and yell for help on the F5:CHAT channel. The someone will walk you through the fixes.

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quite surprised , who owns the IP ? who is behind ?

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No real knowledge on all of that.  What I can say with some certainty is that the current game offering is completely "non-commercial" and the people running the server are not in the US.  

Crewman Registered
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Hey Ambro.  Long time no see.  I don't even remember what name I was in AQM...


Anyway, I've longed to play this again.  This really was the best game I've ever played.  Great community, full of fun times... I've long wished that the source code would have been released, but I guess this is just as good.  Of course, I can't get the website to work.  I guess I'll try again at a later time.

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Website was taken down for a couple of days.  Not sure why, but it was planned, and it's now back up.
