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Classic Space Combat Game "Armada"

Crewman Registered
Joined: 10 years ago
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Hello! After getting a hearty welcome on the board, I'd like to introduce you to our latest game for Android, called Armada - Mobile Space Combat.
It's heavily inspired by Wing Commander, at least from the interface side of things. Missions are a bit simple and short (this actually on purpose because of mobility) and there is no story (due to lack of manpower). The controls need a few minutes to get used to, but then they are pretty effective, for lack of a better word.
As there are not too many 3D space combat games on mobile, maybe you like to take a look.
The game has not ads but is in the infamous "free to play" category, wich means you can make in-app-purchases. In my humble opinion, it is very fair in this regard. You can play a long time without paying anything. But please decide for yourself.
Here is the Link:

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Crewman Registered
Joined: 10 years ago
Posts: 7

Hi. I had a quick play of this, I quite like the ship upgrade menus. I see you also had the same issue as me with joystick control / sensitiveness in my own games.

How many people worked on this game - or is it just yourself?

Crewman Registered
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Hey, someone actually replied 🙂

You are right with the controls, they appear ridiculously simple for me of course, but most people are struggling at the beginning.

What is pretty bad that I had some bug in it, but after I fixed that it actually was worse for a lot of people... That's why I have added the sensitivity setting.


It was more or less just me plus a lot of external resources - models, textures, sounds, music, voice acting... but basically, I have exchanged two years of social life for a mobile space sim. Not too bad a deal 😎 , but I wouldn't recommend to too everyone.

Senior Chief Registered
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Posts: 65

Hehehe do you have any promotional vid?


Do you want a spanish text translation? I can make it 🙂
