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Atlas Rises - Update 1.3 for No Mans Sky

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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It’s been a year since No Man’s Sky first released, and it’s been an exciting, intense and emotional time for us at Hello Games. We have been quiet, but we have been listening intently.

Today we’re excited to announce our third update: Version 1.3 – Atlas Rises is available on Steam now!

This is the biggest update we’ve released to date, featuring a new central storyline and a wide array of new and improved features. Whether you’re a veteran interloper or completely new to the No Man’s Sky universe, there has never been a better time to start your journey.

Full patch notes are available here:, but here’s a quick run down of the main features:

* 30 hours of branching story and deeper lore
* Procedurally generated guild missions
* Much deeper interstellar trading
* Star Systems have varying wealth, conflict and economies
* Overhauled Space combat controls, weapons and AI
* Portal stargates enable quick travel
* Terrain manipulation for more complex bases
* New farming and mining interactions bring increased depth
* Increased biome variety and Rare exotic biomes
* Analysis visor & discovery improvements
* Galaxy map and many other UI improvements
* New S Class ship designs
* Low altitude flight and the ability to crash your ship
* Crashed Freighters to salvage on planets
* Joint exploration

Our story brings a new quest system and branching narrative to No Man’s Sky. In the Atlas Rises story, the fabric of existence is starting to falter. A mysterious new inter-dimensional race have appeared, and ancient portals have begun to open.

Glitches in the simulation, visualized by strange floating orbs, allow players to see and communicate with up to 16 other travelers and explore the universe together. While interaction with others is currently very limited, this is an important first step into the world of synchronous co-op in No Man’s Sky.

On behalf of myself and the team here at Hello Games, I just want to say thank you for this year. Thank you for playing, providing feedback, sharing, discovering and so much more…

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Game is on sale now for around $24 on Steam and GOG

Is the game worth getting now after the 1.3 update?

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Been playing the new patch version for 3 days for 2 hours each day. Still the same but with a bit more crafting and mining. I find it ok if you like to just veg out and enjoy the pretty scenery. Still frustrating with the control mechanics.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Are there mods that improve the gameplay at all to make it more interesting. Crafting and mining will bore me to death, can you really hang out in space and do combat like they showed in some of those earlier trailers Leondhay?

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I haven't really done a lot of combat so I'm not sure what it like. I don't think there are mods to improve the game play. The developers haven't really open up the game to that sort modification. You right it does become boring with amount of mining and crafting you doing. But I like the easy style of play when I want to just play without combat involved.
