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Oolite 1.77 Deployment Build

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Released today, this is the latest build for general use - see here for details

Oolite Naval Attaché

Master Chief Registered
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Yep and it's a great build. 🙂

Warrant Officer Registered
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Quite tasty! Its also fantastic timing as I've started my new Strict mode Pilot.

Master Chief Registered
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Posts: 125

Hi all,


I see that in 1.77 Energy Bombs are disabled except for when playing in strict mode. Is there any way to make a change somewhere in one script to put these back into standard play ? I know they are controversial but I'd still rather play enhanced oolite per se with energy bombs.


Of course I can stick with 1.76.1 of course but I just wanted to ask.


thanks everyone in advance.


EDIT: I just saw that I CAN indeed add the Energy Bomb backs with the 1.77 Energy Bomb OXP. Excellent.

It is available from the Oolite Wiki entry on Energy Bombs.


I guess it's time to update completely to 1.77 

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<dons his curmudgeon's sombrero> Bloody energy bomb - it's a cheat, and you really don't need it!

But that's Oolite for you - because it's so easily tweakable, everyone's Ooniverse is slightly different.

Oolite Naval Attaché
