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Group: Registered
Joined: March 16, 2012
Master Chief Registered
Thank you again Walterar. I just got 28f, will be playing it...

In forum Pioneer Mods

8 years ago
Thank you got G27f Walterar. You never cease to amaze us wit...

In forum Pioneer Mods

8 years ago
Thank you very much for the latest Pioneer Scout updates. Yo...

In forum Pioneer Mods

8 years ago
Thank you for 25F Walterar

In forum Pioneer Mods

9 years ago
  Thanks my friends.    All good. The doctors...

In forum Pioneer Mods

9 years ago
Thank you so much as always Walterar.

In forum Pioneer Mods

9 years ago
Thank you very much for the update to 22f Walterar, you cont...

In forum Pioneer Mods

9 years ago
Thank you so much for your amazing work Walterar. I know it ...

In forum Pioneer Mods

9 years ago
  Again here, and happy to be back in the 31th century ...

In forum Pioneer Mods

9 years ago
I could use a good space adventure after the disaster of the...

In forum Pioneer Mods

10 years ago
Hope it all goes well for you Walterar!  You're amazing

In forum Pioneer Mods

10 years ago
I concur completely. Take all the time you need Walterar. We...

In forum Pioneer Mods

10 years ago
Not a problem understood. Thanks for that info. I can certai...

In forum Oolite

10 years ago
I understand I can use the manager to remove and put back bu...

In forum Oolite

10 years ago
Which ones did you want to keep?  (and why? )  It'...

In forum Oolite

10 years ago
The comments on the KS page continue.

In forum Elite: Dangerous

10 years ago
I adore Rodina.

In forum Rodina

10 years ago
Most of the links in the OP are dead now

In forum Pioneer

10 years ago
Welcome AdgerStark :) Scout+ and Genesia are, in my humble o...

In forum Pioneer Mods

10 years ago
I was wondering, do we have an avatar for Walterar's Pioneer...

In forum Pioneer Mods

10 years ago
So long as we can turn them off / on with a menu option and ...

In forum Pioneer

10 years ago
I really feel for these devs. I have so much respect for the...

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

10 years ago
Whatever you do, whenever it is available, we all greatly ap...

In forum Pioneer Mods

10 years ago
SP offline mode was the most important factor for me and I w...

In forum Elite: Dangerous

10 years ago
Walterar,   SO glad you are well, we were all so worrie...

In forum Pioneer Mods

10 years ago
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