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Diablo IV

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Blizzard is finally releasing a sequel 🙂 it looks good so far from what I have seen. I actually haven't even played the Diablo III yet because it wasn't available on steam. I do like the art style they have went with in the latest version, it really makes you feel like its a hopeless fight 😉 I have played a bit of Path of Exile which itself is a very good game. I know Diablo has a large and dedicated fan base, but I would say that is their biggest competition. I do hope they have more than just 3 classes, but I think the original only had three if I remember. 

Cinematic Trailer (Blizzard always makes a great opening movie)



This topic was modified 5 years ago by DarkOne

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Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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In a statement to GameSpot, a Blizzard representative has confirmed that Diablo 4 will be online-only across all versions, including PS4 and Xbox One. At BlizzCon, we played some of Diablo 4 and felt that the "live" aspect of the game introduced something new to the franchise.


This isn't good... 😱 

Warrant Officer Registered
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Posted by: @sscadmin

This isn't good... 😱 

No worries if you're in need of hacking-slashing-looting I'd suggest "Grim Dawn" instead ! 🙂

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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I been watching Grim Dawn for a while now, just been waiting for them to bundle the game with all of the DLC. I loved Titan's Quest and I will support these devs once they put it all together, they still come out with DLC so I will wait I have plenty of games to play.... I still need to play Torchlight 2 🙂 haha

Diablo 4 looks great I give Blizzard props on that, but I hate the fact that say 10yrs from now if they turn off the D4 servers that you can no longer play it unless they patch it specially.

This post was modified 5 years ago by DarkOne

Warrant Officer Registered
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Yes it's the "everything as a service" so many companies try to push down our throats I'm afraid. The game definitely looks gorgeous... but I'm pretty confident I'll survive without playing it 😉
As you say not much time anyway, and plenty of very nice alternatives without strings attached.

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Posted by: @d-c-elington

Yes it's the "everything as a service" so many companies try to push down our throats I'm afraid.

<spits> [rant deleted]

Oolite Naval Attaché
