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Completed Pioneer Models

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Eminent Member

Why it looks like development of new ship models is halted?

Pioneer currently have some very good ships: like lanner, asp, adder, vipers, eagles, constrictor and imperial courier/trader, shuttle.

Cobra III is just ugly ripoff from oolite, oolite have better versions of cobra III. Saker MK 3 is missing ....

Currently there is 26 ships available to player, and some of them are extremely ugly.

Posted : September 15, 2011 11:24
Noble Member

There's just nobody working on ships at the moment. I have had offers from modelers to do some ship work but they freak out when they see the scripting requirements.

I was shown the beginnings of something today though:


Posted : September 15, 2011 15:48
Noble Member

Stringue recently made this ship too: / It just needs some LOD and collision mesh added to the .lua

I like the Eagle πŸ˜‰ Theres a good version of that knocking about for Orbiter, working parts and the like.

Posted : September 15, 2011 16:22
Noble Member

I think there may be a naming conflict with that Eagle. πŸ˜† Also, the poly count for all the struts in the middle might work in Orbiter, but may be too heavy for Pioneer. That could be fudged, and Pioneer doesn't have a Lifter...yet.

S2odan, that ship looks rather ... alien. I like it. I think it would be nice for everyone to contribute their unique ship designs, and when factions are implemented the ships would be sorted as belonging to a specific faction. We may have to vote on which ship goes where. One thing that concerns me is that we're using ship designs and names from a copyrighted game. There are enough cool original ships floating around this forum to service the local stellar neighborhood should we ever have to remove all the Frontier stuff.

Topic starter Posted : September 15, 2011 19:04
Eminent Member
s2odan wrote:
Stringue recently made this ship too: / It just needs some LOD and collision mesh added to the .lua

And would this be finished soon or never?

Posted : September 17, 2011 01:41
Famed Member
robn wrote:
There's just nobody working on ships at the moment. I have had offers from modelers to do some ship work but they freak out when they see the scripting requirements.

I was shown the beginnings of something today though:


That is interesting robn. I will look forward to seeing how that modeller progresses with this. Eagles (all variants) have been available in Flight Sim for ages. Here is a pic for those who might be unfamiliar with it, although I don't know (if it does make an appearance in Pioneer), it will have that level of detail. Would be great if it did though πŸ™‚ Good luck to the modeller it would be nice to see the Space 1999 Eagles in the game as it is a "plausible" space ship that fits nicely the Newtonian flight model. 😎

Posted : September 17, 2011 03:09
Trusted Member

Yesterday i tried to load one of my older ships (from startrek) into the game just for fun πŸ˜€



I'm thinking of creating some original ship models for pioneer.

Stay tuned :mrgreen:

Posted : September 18, 2011 01:20
Eminent Member

WOW, this one will need another type of orbital stations. Because it is too big to dock anywhere. Perhaps it should not be possible to land with such big ship on planet.

Also such big ship needs crew...

Posted : September 18, 2011 07:18
Trusted Member

I am thinking of making a full line of ships expecially designed for pioneer. I'm gonna start a new thread on the forum soon...

In the meantime here's some screenshots of the first ship:




Posted : September 20, 2011 09:37
Noble Member


I am thinking of making a full line of ships expecially designed for pioneer.

This is literally too good to be true. I hope you do πŸ™‚

Posted : September 20, 2011 09:38
Eminent Member

now that would be utter awesome, πŸ˜€

Posted : September 20, 2011 10:17
Trusted Member

Just started another ship:


I'm going to start with low-level / starter ships... so the next ones will be all small ships and shuttles.

Posted : September 21, 2011 05:32
Eminent Member

wow that looks cool, sort of reminds me of a sea plane, you could add light turret mounts on the ends of those wings

but I like the looks of it

Posted : September 21, 2011 05:42
Prominent Member

Reminds me of the seaplanes from Total Annihilation: Core Contingency


Posted : September 21, 2011 07:08
Eminent Member

that is what I must have been thinking of, but couldn't remember from what

but yeah pretty similar in some respects, nice model still

Posted : September 21, 2011 07:22
Eminent Member

that ship could be short ranged, more of a attack fighter, like a viper or something, probably should not have a jumpdrive, but for planetary defend or station defence, a role like that, rather then a long range fighter



the more I think about it, the more I think this model of ship should be planetary defence only, maybe only seen on a certain fraction held world (if that is possible?)

edit 2

well this still keeps in line with the low level / low tech ships, if the ships were seen on planets that are low level, tech level, that kind of thing, cheap to make and manufacture but not that much punch, so maybe 20 tonnes?

Posted : September 21, 2011 07:41
Trusted Member

Here's the Skywalker:


MK I on right will be a small shuttle with no hyperspace capabilty

MK II and III instead are updated with hyperspace engines.

This is my first complete model for Pioneer.

I'm gonna continue creating new models and variants for each one in the next days...

But i have some problems with lua scripting, so when i'm finished with this, i'm gonna give these models to the dev comunity for the right ingame implementation.

Some ingame screens:



Posted : September 23, 2011 03:11
Eminent Member

the Skywalker looks good, and good that you have a non jumpdrive model, which looks good, as it does look like a shuttle, while mark two and 3 yeah, should have hyperdrives, probably still should be short range, so can't take on too large a drive, maybe class 1 for MK 2 and class 2 hyperdrive for Mk 3?

Posted : September 23, 2011 03:54
Trusted Member
matthewfarmery wrote:
the Skywalker looks good, and good that you have a non jumpdrive model, which looks good, as it does look like a shuttle, while mark two and 3 yeah, should have hyperdrives, probably still should be short range, so can't take on too large a drive, maybe class 1 for MK 2 and class 2 hyperdrive for Mk 2?


Posted : September 23, 2011 04:06
Eminent Member

then I would love to fly those ships at some point once they done, as they are very nice models

Posted : September 23, 2011 04:14
Eminent Member

Nice work, do not worry about wheel animations and sub_models.

Posted : September 23, 2011 08:10
Noble Member

I move that this thing be made the default start ship.

Posted : September 23, 2011 12:52
Eminent Member

mark 2 of the ship, certainly as long as its cargo space is OK, but yeah, I would agree, would be nice to start in a new ship and step away from the default eagle mk1

so yeah I second the notation πŸ˜€

Posted : September 23, 2011 13:14
Famed Member

Um..... πŸ˜• thirded! πŸ˜€

Yes some may think that the Eagle LRF should remain as it's the more "traditional" starting ship, but then again you could also say this about the Cobra MkIII too. So why not a compromise then ? Have 3 different start positions with three different ships.

Posted : September 23, 2011 13:46
Noble Member
So why not a compromise then ? Have 3 different start positions with three different ships.

Compromise, that's a word that used to be used in my country. πŸ™„ Great idea Geraldine. How about a fourth with a Cobra MK III? All we would need to do is to find Lave.

Topic starter Posted : September 23, 2011 17:20
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