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Group: Registered
Joined: June 14, 2011
Petty Officer Registered
Probably because ship have landed and have not docked. There...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
How far in ly (light years) is that system?Do you have enoug...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
About centre of galaxy: currently you will most likely insta...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
The "problem" can be solved by editing pioneer's config.ini ...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
potsmoke66 wrote: - some submodels have been used even at l...

In forum Pioneer Mods

13 years ago
Because there are far more important things to be done first...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
And you really should ask such questions on irc because foru...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
nearbystations are paths because of nearbystations=nearbysys...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
pienums.lua is gone (FINALLY)

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
Broken drivers? I can not guess your machine configuration.D...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
Actually that is pretty bad idea and it breaks point of miss...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
C++ is not very stable. I get same strange stuff going on wi...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
This is still alpha man, old savefiles are not supported but...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
MiMoriarty wrote: I've often agreed to carry small packages...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
Don't worry your ugly models are not going to be in my branc...

In forum Pioneer Mods

13 years ago
do not use os.clockonly single version of textures - no more...

In forum Pioneer Mods

13 years ago
I'm the one who actually made that ship. When I use modelvie...

In forum Pioneer Mods

13 years ago
The issue you mentioned have nothing to do with models.Lynx ...

In forum Pioneer Mods

13 years ago
1.) For lod 1 aka collision mesh lower better. No need to ex...

In forum Pioneer Mods

13 years ago
Vlastan wrote: I'm gonna continue creating new models and v...

In forum Pioneer Mods

13 years ago
Nice work, do not worry about wheel animations and sub_model...

In forum Pioneer Mods

13 years ago
Fuel scooping is pretty trivial in set speed mode, you just ...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
For fuel scooping your ship speed must be higher that 2000m/...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
From chat on irc: crash is caused by BOM, so setup your edit...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
WOW, this one will need another type of orbital stations. Be...

In forum Pioneer Mods

13 years ago
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