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Mods which add incentives for exploration?

Crewman Registered
Joined: 11 years ago
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I really enjoy this game, but I notice that there's really a lack of practical reason to go into uninhabited space. It's still fun to go out and see unusual places and such far from settled systems, but, unless I've missed something during my time playing the game, there's no ingame reward for doing so. FE2 and FFE had the mining machine, which encouraged one to stake claims on planets far from inhabited space and explore them thoroughly for good deposits. One solution I thought was clever was the scanning missions found in the Scout+ mod, but I personally don't like some of the other changes the mod makes. I've made clumsy attempts at creating a mod consisting solely of those scanning missions, for use with the base game, but I honestly didn't know what I'm doing and could never get it to work.


Are there any mods which add something akin to the mining machine, or plans to include something like it in the base game? Is it already there, and I just failed to notice it? Regarding the scanning missions, is there any way at all to import the scanning missions from Scout+ alone, to the base game?


Thanks in advance.

Rear Admiral Registered
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Hi Twisp. I too would love to see mining in the game also at some point.   With regards to Scout +, your best bet would be to try contacting it's creator Walterar. Perhaps he might be able to direct you to some code. Please be advised though that poor Walterar is feeling a bit unwell at the moment. I wish him a speed recovery and hope to see him back in the forum soon.


In general if your looking at creating your own missions try dropping by the Pioneer dev forum. I am sure you could get lots of helpful advice there.

Crewman Registered
Joined: 11 years ago
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Thank you very much for the advice and the kind words. It's a shame to hear that Walterar is feeling unwell - even if I don't personally like some aspects of Scout+, his work is very well done and impressive, and from what I've seen (I've spent a lot more time reading these forums than posting them) he seems like a really nice guy. I too wish him a speedy recovery, and when he does come back, I'd be happy to talk about this topic more with him. In the mean time, I'll read up a bit more on Pioneer modding and see if I can get the job done on my own. Cheers!
