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Base of Operations

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for the most part i love to explore but recently i got tired of exploring for a bit and decided to stick around one system. I picked the Lala System,  25,10,5,   they have a carbon dioxide planet called Hughes Colony. its easy to enter and exit. about 12.50 AU to reach the planet as you leave hyperspace. it's Allegiance is the Independent league and some of the surronding systems will give you a occasional Dog fight so i can enjoy a short dog fight.

So until i decide to explore again, i will be hanging around here.


have any of you done this?  were you have a System as your base of operations for a bit?  what system was it?

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I never went this far! O_O

Can you post some screens?

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i would love to if i knew how 🙁 i have a windows 7 any one know how to get it to allow me to share media or any other way to share, i did take screen shots.

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"I never went this far!" Hmmm... I think you're a Landlubber. 

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Screenshots are  control-printscreen but I'm not entirely sure where Windows is going to put the files...

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Screenshots are  control-printscreen but I'm not entirely sure where Windows is going to put the files...

i mean how to share them on here, thats what i dont know how to do.

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ok i figured out a way.




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Wow! That's a beautyful planet! What's this? Green lava?

@walterar: Probably 🙂 The problem is that I keep restarting from scratch. I recompile pioneer very often, to see the new changes and, sometimes, I have to throw away my save files. 🙂

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yes it is thats why i picked it as a base.    if you get closer to the planet you will see the light green is actually a beautiful sky blue.   so i would say its a giant jungle planet.

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really bad news though, i keep crashing when i try to land here now. so i may end up restarting the game.  and i meen a Appcrash.  not a in game crash.

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ok found a solution just now i hope it keeps working,  fi you get stuck in something like this, go to another star port and land there then you can return and land without the App crashing.

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what really makes me made though, is when i accept a mission and it dosnt have its timing right, so i end up late and realizing that mission was impossible.

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Cosmic rays cause problems with onboard computer, sometimes.

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i had to share these pictures from  Allnut.  in the Cequcan system, 42,16,9.  i have went a little exploring again,  i saved lala so i can go back and start from there again if i want. but check this werd planet out.



this planet looks like there is plates stacked oddly on top of each other when you get close, talk about cliffs.  it is a tiny rock planet but wow.




look at the veiw what beauty.

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My base is quite distant from the core worlds. It's Teng's Claim in the Essand system (3,70,-2). Nevertheless, there are many populated systems around (all independent of course) and some unexplored as well.


And isn't the planet beautiful?






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Love the second shot, that planet is awesome

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The green planet looks soooo acid 🙂 I like it and that red one is stunning. I think you should take notes about them and post in your Galactic Exploration topic, DevinJAM.

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The green planet looks soooo acid 🙂 I like it and that red one is stunning. I think you should take notes about them and post in your Galactic Exploration topic, DevinJAM.

i didnt recored anything on the red one. i lost it. 🙁  right now im exploring again. but i loved Lala.  you will notice i post based on looks, or if it is a outdoor starport planet.

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Oh, it is a shame you lost it, but maybe one day one of us (because I like your idea of exploring and I started doing it myself too) or other players will arrive in that system again to take notes 🙂

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By the way: When pressing <TAB> twice, you get a special screenshot view without cockpit controls and instead the name of the (nearest) planet, system and sector coordinates in the upper left. If you take screenshots in that mode you'll have the coordinates on it (you can notice that on my screenshots above).


Though, if something significant changes with the universe or planet generation algorithms, the planet may no longer be there (or look very different). Or as Douglas Adams put it:


"There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened."


