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Hires Dashboard Mod

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There's just been a lovely new dashboard / hud released, Thanks to "Friendly" I hope he or she does not mind me graffiti-ing all over it. Here is a higher res version of it, more optimised for hd displays. I've painted in a lot of new details, reshaped the hud glass and changed its transparency.

I also redid the vcr controls to look less like an 80's beta and more like a 90's VHS.:D

Drop the files from the zip into your data/icons folder and enjoy (hopefully).

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This is really nice, actually 🙂

(also makes me think, maybe the dashboard could be split into three separate widgets, left, center and right - there's a lot of repeat in the center)

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It actually looks a lot better in the sim than in that pic... i might modify it some more or turn it into an entirely new thing at some point. I don't know whether its my keyboard or that i'm just spazzing out but i've never been able to take a screenshot in pioneer, If anyone can take a screen of it in use and upload it here that would be great.

I'm not sure what you mean about lots of repeat in the centre, I had considered adding some more junk behind the hud glass but perhaps the point of a HUD is to see through it. It could be tackled different ways of course - the hud doesn't need to be a hud, it could just be more metal or whatever.

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The glass now looks much better and the icons more visible, the texture seems to have more resolution too.

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Once again Steve, beautiful work! 😉

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>"Coolhand" If anyone can take a screen of it in use and upload it here that would be great.

The HUD is great.

[attachment=741:Pioneer 2011-05-28_142706.jpg]

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i'm not shure, but it seems in alpha10 screenshots are disabled (at least in the windows builds).

i don't have to tell you i guess, you can use a screnshot program, there exist many, or simply use "printscreen" and open the clipboard content then with any paint program.

faststone capture works well for me, i never was able to make a proper screenshot from within pioneer, they looked always like a distorted TV signal.

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yeah printscreen just generates a nice blank white hd frame... pioneers own seems to do nothing.

thanks Mysibrat for uploading a pic, strange how you have the wrong / old alert icon though, how has that happened?

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Coolhand wrote:
thanks Mysibrat for uploading a pic, strange how you have the wrong / old alert icon though, how has that happened?

That looks like the Alpha10 binary. We fixed the alert icon in Alpha11 (grab a nightly build and try it).

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Coolhand wrote:

...old alert icon though, how has that happened?

I start the engine and take off the planet without request a permission.

Anyway, thanks for beautifull HUD (both you guys), thats what i really miss.

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Witam Rodaka 🙂 / welcome on our board 🙂
