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201305.58-linux32 - bad archive?

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201305.58-linux32 - bad archive?

It was truncated during upload for some reason. I'm uploading it again right now.

Rear Admiral Registered
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Hi folks

Had a bug report on ModDB about the search function in the Windows 20135.87 build. System Gliese 393 ( location 1,2,0 ) wouldn't lock on after using the search. Cant say I have encountered this bug myself. More details (and my replys) in the comments below the downloads.

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was playing a game for a while and enjoying then it kept crashing again and again. i got the game saved and it crashs at the same spot. as i have a crew member land for me.

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Don't think if it's really a bug 


On the last release Pioneer-20140223-win32, the dots in scanner seem too big 


i found also the same problem in the extended view ( view of factions) in galaxy map .


see :







At the max dezoom it's really unreadable




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This is not happening for me (Ubuntu 12.04.4, 64 Bits, self-compiled). I tried both tag 20140223 and current master (6e38538d9f03).


I guess, it's related to your OpenGL configuration . You should probably open an issue and attach your opengl.txt and output.txt there.

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Huh, seems like this space station claimed by the Spartak fans...

2022 10 10 22 02 02

С уважением / With respect

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I'm playing Pioneer version 20230621 on an Acer Aspire V3-575G (64 bits) with Ubuntu Studio 22.04.3 LTS (Jammy; Linux 5.19.0-1027-lowlatency #28~22.04.1-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Jun 7 1232 UTC 20 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux; Qt 5.15.3; KDE 5.92.0; kf5-config 1.0; plasmashell 5.24.7; X.Org X Server .


A few weeks ago, I noticed that, when quitting a game having let's say 87 tons of H₂ as cargo, I was having 0 ton when taking back this game. But I was having also 0 ton of capacity, just as if the 87 tons were still there but not reachable. Or as if the capacity of my ship had disappeared.


Does that ring any bell?


Many thanks for Pioneer, and success for developpement! Feel free to ask for any precision, screenshots, logs...

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@lucmorizur Could you please have a look at our Changelog.txt and see if the bug has been fixed since your release? (It perhaps sounds familiar, but we've had bugs regarding save/load, and also cargo but not sure if it's the same as yours or when that was.)

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Many thanks @impaktor for your fast answer.

Well maybe the fixes "empty accessory files used to reduce facegen accessory spawn chance (#5558)" in March 2023 or"ship info screen showing wrong cargo capacity and usage (#5557)" in October 2023, are related to the issue I met? So I compiled the December version (20231205 so is it told in the starting screen now), I'll play, and let you know. Usually I prefer waiting for realeased versions as — and it is again the case now — new versions can't support old game files, and you have to start a new game from zero.


Anyway I'm trying and will tell you. Talk to you soon!

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Er, sorry, unfortunately this version (20231205 (8d54d5011)) is somehow not playable: ships can't land on spaceports 😕: they continue through the floor of the spaceport, until finally landing on the ground of the planet, below the floor of the spaceport. It is the case directly with the Sinonatrix when starting on Mars, as well as with the Xylophis when starting on Barnard's Star: you do absolutely no action else than taking off, and land back on the station (well, as for Xylophis on Barnard's Star, you have to travel to the nearest spacesport, as you're beginning in a station — which by the way don't show the same issue: it is possible to dock in stations), you pass through the spaceport floor.


I have kept my previous version (February 2023), so I'll make my best to give more precise information about the bug I described at first (cargo disappearing between saves), mainly so to confirm (or not) it has been fixed in current version on Github.


Many thanks and congratulations for your programming time 😊🙏!

Pioneer Moderator
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new versions can't support old game files

Gliese852 (pioneer c++ developer) just announced this morning he got his save-restoration work to restore all fields, so hopefully we will soon-ish have ability to restore save files from old save versions. (That is why we have a new "New Game" menu, it's a step towards his goal of save-file restoration between breaking version changes.).

ships can't land on spaceports

This must be a new bug, we'll look into it. Best is to report it on the issue tracker, if you have a github account, as devs only check this forum every now and then.

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@lucmorizur Your issue with failing collision detection probably indicates you need to recompile/delete your model files (*.sgm). Found in data/models/* (are you on windows or linux?). If you have a system wide installation on linux, make sure they're not hiding in /usr/share/pioneer/data


Also note: you can always dowload build artifacts from github, whith correct sgm files compiled, like this current work in progress / branch on Atmospheric Reyleigh scattering (might require login):

Petty Officer Registered
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Many thanks @impaktor for your answers.

Posted by: @impaktor

new versions can't support old game files

Gliese852 (pioneer c++ developer) just announced this morning he got his save-restoration work to restore all fields, so hopefully we will soon-ish have ability to restore save files from old save versions. (That is why we have a new "New Game" menu, it's a step towards his goal of save-file restoration between breaking version changes.).

Great! this is wonderful news. Congratulations Gliese852 !

ships can't land on spaceports

This must be a new bug, we'll look into it. Best is to report it on the issue tracker, if you have a github account, as devs only check this forum every now and then.

Yes I have a Github account, I'll report the bug.

@lucmorizur Your issue with failing collision detection probably indicates you need to recompile/delete your model files (*.sgm). Found in data/models/* (are you on windows or linux?). If you have a system wide installation on linux, make sure they're not hiding in /usr/share/pioneer/data


Also note: you can always dowload build artifacts from github, whith correct sgm files compiled, like this current work in progress / branch on Atmospheric Reyleigh scattering (might require login):

OK, I'll try to download these .sgm files, as I didn't find the files you're talking about:

2023.12.08 0640 root@LGS1:~ # find / -iname "*.sgm" -type f
find: ‘/tmp/.mount_appima9fyKpA’: Permission non accordée
find: ‘/tmp/.mount_appimaqbSoby’: Permission non accordée
find: ‘/NAS’: Permission non accordée
find: ‘/proc/3315/task/3315/net’: Argument invalide
find: ‘/proc/3315/net’: Argument invalide
find: ‘/run/user/1000/doc’: Permission non accordée
find: ‘/run/user/1000/gvfs’: Permission non accordée
2023.12.08 0754 root@LGS1:~ #


This post was modified 8 months ago 3 times by LucMorizur

Pioneer Moderator
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@lucmorizur Note: the *sgm files are only an issue if they: Exist AND are of incompatible version with the game. If you don't have any you don't need to download any.


(They just speed up game start, we used to auto-compile them if missing when first starting pioneer, but now you need to explicitly compile them if you want them, when building from source. If dowloading our build artifacts the model source files have been replaced with only *.sgm files).

Petty Officer Registered
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Hi; sorry for very late reply. But I downloaded files and was unfortunately unable to test and post a proper bug notification message, as I had another bug preventing to test.

Filed new bug description in GitHub.


Happy new year by the way 😉!

Pioneer Moderator
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@lucmorizur Regarding ships not being able to land/collide with space port, it's now/soon fixed:

Petty Officer Registered
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Many thanks @impaktor 

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