Hi there.
I have been chatting to Potsmoke on the frontier forum and he suggested i drop by and introduce myself. Apparently Tomm is the main man i need to speak to?
Anyway, I am here to see if you would like me to compose some music for the project. My portfolio is here, if interested:
I write in all styles, but had imagined an ambient style for this project - perhaps something similar to the Eve Online soundtrack, which i loved. (Example1, Example 2)
I am totally open to suggestion though.
Let me know what you think. If you only listen to one track on my portfolio, perhaps make it "Van Maanen's Star", which was written with Elite in mind (probably obvious!).
I listened to Van Manaan's star, I think its really good. I like it at 2:45 -> especially 🙂
Absolutely awesome! I would really appreciate it if your music gets added to Pioneer. Your music sounds very good, I just love atmospheric space music.
Van Manenn's star is an absolutely beautiful piece, David. What a lovely melody it has. So serene and restful...you should absolutely write some tracks for Pioneer.
Like KingHaggis I'm a huge fan of ambient space music - some of the music in one of my favourite games, Haegemonia, has been lovingly kept and appreciated in my mp3 collection ever since it's release in 2002. Here's one of my favourites. Ok - they're ALL my favourites but this one has strains of Babylon 5's amazing score in it:
Match that and I will sell you across the entire Internet!
Hello ppl ...
Would love to join a crew and participate music for this game.
I'm a software developer and a DJ from Slovenia. I'm producing electronic music. Got some song and but nothing released yet and most of them still in the process of making.
Software I got and use:
Cubase 5.5 (favorite), Ableton live 8, Logic
Plugins I got:
All spectrasonics (I think omnisphere would rock for this game, specially for those environmental sounds),Komplete-6 (buying upgrade on Komplete-7), V-station, loads of free ones etc ...
Shit-laods of sample CDs and free samples.
Note: All legal !
I could spare some time on evenings to make some music or sound fx.
Unfortunately I'm not good at C++ programming (learning it now), so can't really help in hard core game development, but would like to participate in it anyway I can.
Big respect to the project leader !
I liked 'Black Star Soul' as well. You have some nice pieces on your page turwhitt. I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard to create a plugin system for music where we could substitute the music we want. Even if it was as simple as renaming the music to the exact name of the original music files.
Welcome to the SSC Baron Turwhitt 😉
Yes I recall you posting some of your tracks on the Frontier Forum a while back. Very good they were and I am impressed to say the least, you want to contribute to Pioneer. 🙂
And welcome to you too armandoxxx. Hope you can let us hear some of your creations too 🙂
Nice choice there Stardreamer, I loved the music in Haegemonia too. A beautiful game that, which reminds me, it's now available on GOG by the way. Link: http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/haegemonia_gold_edition
I like to put a tune in too if you don't mind.
Currently contributed to Oolite (BGS oxp)
For my portfolio see my Youtube vids. I make my own music that accompany my vids.
The Music under the Moodboard vid is probably the most appropriate for Pioneer.
http://www.youtube.com/user/Pagroove#p/u/3/13bq-R0jWnA (world chillout style)
http://www.youtube.com/user/Pagroove#p/u/1/Zn1ldl03E3s (Drum'n Base)
http://www.youtube.com/user/Pagroove#p/u/0/qSPHdPitOMk (Ambient moods)
For older work see my Myspace: http://www.Myspace.com/pagroovemusic
I was making music for a record label (now not exsisting anymore)
I have planned to allow lots of musical themes, so you could put a bunch of ogg files in:
And they could be picked from the in-game configuration dialog.
That way, we can have a 'classic' FE2 style theme with strauss and mussorgsky and all those dudes, and also new themes of our own.
I'm into classical music and chip tunes right now. Maybe the chip tunes theme could be complemented by a wireframe rendering mode 😉
I love the way this is coming together. Suddenly we have three composers volunteering for this game! Good music too! The themes idea is a good one, but I hope we can have music selected by trigger events like FFED3D tried to do. A folder for space, one for docking, one for combat, one for stations, and perhaps others as well. I suppose it would require subfolders under each theme folder.
David, would you mind if I downloaded your music for my personal use? Looks like I'd have to use the Download Helper in order to get it, and I'd only do it if you say it's ok.
I like "moving moodboard", it should be in Pioneer 😀
That was actually written as a "Jjagged Bbanner" song - remember the fictional band from Frontier?
I had been hoping to interest DB, but it is seemingly impossible to actually get to contact the man, however willing you are to sacrifice your firstborn just for him to spend a few minutes listening to something you have spent hours working on.
So true sadly 🙁 I was hoping to get a comment from him about King Haggis's excellent video for Pioneer. Nothing as yet though 🙄 .
I was under the impression that he was something of a 'corporate man' these days, so the only likely response would be something that none of us would want to hear... (Im not even going to write it, dont want to tempt fate).
But obviously I dont know him, thats just an opinion based on what I have read on the net.
@ Kinghaggis,
I can probably make an extended version of the 'Moodboard' song but I like to make something new from scratch.
"black star soul", yes, i do like that to
comment; "ohhh or ahhh"
i guess i still like that best,
when it comes to games, classical music suits best for me.
oh yes, some jazzy tunes from 60's can give a real spacy strange feeling to, sometimes reminds me of dark star (the movie), you know which one "sundown on NGCwhatever".
my flavor has a wide range, but i couldn't get really warm with ambient soundtracks, BUT this is my personal flavor.
to comment a little more, imo most sci-fi flavoured music is very much leaned on holsts planets, ambient, orchestral whatever.
Holst, i listen often.
what i miss in most is the lack of dynamic classical tunes offer, you will have tracks of tranquility, but followed or interrupted by moments of staggered dynamic, repetition of themes, jokes (truely, if you understand).
if i can suggest something for a title theme for Pioneer it should include exactly such elements
i'm no composer so i have to express my things in words,
but i guess it should start with exactly some ambient stuff, for a minute or so, but it's a intro so don't let the listener fall asleep, wake him up. beat a kettle drum, show off some horns and let some violins follow that bring up the theme.
ease then a bit, maybe some flutes (i like recorder, 1/2 note down) and/or choir that will underscore the theme. let it drift to what you start off with, this time it could be longer. maybe change the feeling from warm to icecold (could be some minimal electronic) and finally let the theme show up again as a finale, majestic, bold, in a real baroque style.
i guess that's the intro fits pioneer.
someting i like this little tune, i fitted it to the length of FFE's intro and some i'm shure know it allready, but i like it and even when it wasn't made exactly for a space game (but leaned on and inspired by sci-fi movie themes for shure), it fits perfect, imho.
it's a old amiga soundtracker module, so have a little mercy with this one,
another repetition, for those who play FFED3D to, if you have a certain track and you like to listen to it as opening or intro, then number all tracks in FFED3D's custom folders, select folder space and number the track as 18th i.e. "18 - spacewarzopus" (must be 18 tracks at least for shure present in folder space). now each time you play FFED3D it starts with track 18 from folder space. of course you can take letters to.
the reason behind is FFE's original intro is track no. 18, it won't appear on the list of tracks in the game but it's no.18.
"space" is the releasing environment. since all tracks when they would be played straight through, will be played by filenames order (to replace the playlist of FFE) you can number them from 1 - 18 to put a certain track as replacement for exactly the position it has in the original playlist. if that works for all tracks and ambients i'm not shure, but i got the feeling some played never. because in ambient space i.e. FFE will select one of the tracks from the list representing this, can't tell exactly which but as example let's assume 3, 7, 10,11, 15, (18). that would mean for FFED3D, it will be position 3, 7, 10, 11 or 15, (18) in the folder that represents the ambient. if the tracks are not numbered they are sorted by letters, what makes it a bit difficult.
IDEA one of you folks could make 18 tracks including only the spoken numbers 1 - 18, now put all of them into each folder and check under which circumstances they get played back, since it only tells maybe "12", you will know i.e. ambient station is calling track no. 12.
later you will know which track numbers get played under which environment.
but maybe JJ or anybody was involved to that will know it by the code.
other that played FFE since long time will know which track is played for shure to, i play FFE since not so long, maybe a year or a little more, mostly i played FE2.
btw, are my links dead for you to?
actually i can't access them when i'm outside my site, could be only temporary, MS is renewing Office Workspace, so it could be a reason.
something (not so) different, for those who are not very familiar with classical music
get yourself a copy from bernsteins "music for young people".
two EP's and a booklet from early 60's, made to explain to young folks what's behind classical music and what he thinks about difference of contemporary music (then, but still fits) to classical (he didn't likes the term, it didn fits, yes man).
i like "music for long hairs" a term of 50's cool jazz scene to describe/name classical music.
most stupid diversion is Entertaining and Serious. what, classical music is not entertaining?
well he's a clever guy that leonard.
my mom is on the best way to give away her records (vinyl), no it breaks my heart, that can't be replaced mom, a record is true recorded sound, i mean you can play it back with a pencil and a sheet of paper, can you do such with digital media?
to loose or give away the things that have trained my ears, no never. i have two banana boxes of records and i will take a third one, even if i have to carry them on my back around.
i guess, if you don't know classical music you will miss something.
music is a language, spoken without words and has like any language to be learned before you understand.
classical music is the teacher.
well and if you don't know you can't understand when the evil blue meanie was screaming after all hes evil work has turned to flowers, "WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS?!" and MAX (his right hand) was answering "Rimsky Korssakov?, Guy Lombardo?"
any other joke of the movie needed, guess i know it from a to z.
"then let's get into this missile shaped submarine vessel" (it's a good english teacher to).
It's been a while since somebody posted in this thread. Any chances we'll see (or hear) some music added to Pioneer soon? Please folks, if you're creative, contribute! I've heard some very nice music from 2 posters in this thread. It would be a shame if Pioneer will have to do without music forever 😥 .
Ambient music for space games is the best choice.
I like Song from your website "Magnon" it reminds me soundtrack from game Project Entropia (now its called Entropia Universe)
pagroove u got nice songs too.
I'd really like it if there could be a user music folder where you can play your own mp3s. I'm all for electronic music but I feel it's been a bit over done in the space sim genre and often not very well. There's some very impressive stuff in this thread though, however I'd personally much prefer something jazzy or orchestral.. come to think of it though, I can just turn the music down and play my own tunes in the background 😎
Yeah, I play my own music in the background all the time. Usually classical stuff and synthesizer, I'm not really into jazz. I do like blues but the only place that would fit in would be in a spacestation bar 😀 . But I think it would also be nice if Pioneer had it's very own unique soundtrack. Some games will always be remembered for having a very good music score.
But of course there's plenty of time. Maybe in the future somebody will make a few very nice and unique music tracks exclusively for Pioneer.
But of course there's plenty of time. Maybe in the future somebody will make a few very nice and unique music tracks exclusively for Pioneer.
How about different radio stations like gta? that would be properly awesome! It could have a synthersized android voice which dynamically announces songs and reads the news 😮 .. yeh I'll be expecting that in the next update
Now that would be ambitious, you would need a proper recording studio to pull that off I think, mind you, that's not to say there are big Elite fans out there with just that very thing? 😉
didn't i mentioned that once before to?
yes i did.
but i guess, no i know what tom thinks about it, you can allways play your own in the background if you like to.
that's true, but on the other hand...
a cool thing would be a pioneer web radio, not only to listen for the players of the game.
maybe community could create the score by contributing music to it, why not?
i'm not bound to a special genre, i like most music as long as it shows some "class", some enthusiasm of the performers for their arts.
anyway i hate genres, it kills imagination, and let people prejudice because they don't listen then to something only because they don't like the genre or what it stands for, even when that is stupid.
i like american folk music, but most people here would say it's country & western, they are often surprised i listening to such. that's prejudice! first LISTEN, then comment.
"who is responsible for that?!"
"guy lombardo? rimski korssakov?" (the fab four?)
One could find suitable music on Magnatune. Tons of tracks in ambient, electronic and other genres. Any music there can be used under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license which means:
You can Share the music
You can Remix the music or create derivative works
You can use it in Noncommercial projects, such as Pioneer
Perfect. And it would also Promote the artists 🙂
I hear that in the future of Pioneer, all country and western singers were fed Anthrax. Theres no more of them left.... such a shame... 😆