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To all SSC Station occupants

Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.

Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.



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Reputable Member

It is a bit dark but I think it gives the game a bit of atmosphere.


Yes undoubtly, the atmosphere is a great part of this game. Take a fire estinguisher and move around your ship with it... :girlcrazy:  Had someone told me that years ago I would have moved him in a clinic...



Posted : October 2, 2016 14:38
99 Star General

It an impressive achievement given that you pretty much do the same as that recent StarCitizen video where you start in space and fly down to the planets surface then exit the ship.


Granted it not as pretty as SC and you can't have some else fly the ship.

Posted : October 3, 2016 09:59
99 Star General

Been a couple of updates to the dev branch and hopefully we will see them soon in the main game.



Another update on the Dev branch with in-progress work on the Combat Update!

This update adds a simple new weapon - a Repeating Blaster - which is an alternative for those who don't like the charging mechanic of the standard Blaster. You need to add it to the ships interior or start a fresh game to grab one off the wall.


More importantly - a new powerup! Defeating the Xeno Incinerator will give you a Fire Booster, which temporarily gives you the ability to shoot fireballs! (Currently very overpowered - have fun!)

Most importantly - a change to the animation system that is mostly behind the scenes. I moved Xeno animation from Scripts to the Engine, using a new "Component" system which I am going to use heavily in the future. For now, this change should lead to a higher framerate in combat, and much improved procedural animation quality.

Unfortunately this update took two weeks instead of one, but the new Component system is going to be super important to keeping the game optimized, so it was well worth the time!

Posted : October 15, 2016 03:28
99 Star General

Another update to the dev branch.



Hey guys sorry this update is overdue but it's a good one! It gives a look at the Blaster Missiles as well as puts Xenos all over the planets!


As always, the Dev update is for in-progress work. The Xenos in particular are outrageously buggy right now - they will run away from you, start fights with each other (kind of cool actually!) and the balance is all out of wack. Also the missiles don't have a proper area-of-effect explosion yet - just the particle effects.


To use the Missiles, hold right-mouse-button and fire!

To try out this Dev update, go to Steam -> right click Rodina -> Properties -> Betas tab -> choose "Dev" from the dropdown

The combat update is nearing completion! Next up will be the Beta release and it'll contain a few more new enemies, lots of polish, and a surprise!


Hope we are going to see this in the main branch soon.

Posted : October 31, 2016 12:01
99 Star General

Nice to Rodina still going strong.

Rodina 1.3.4: Buildings Upgrade!
28 September - Raptormeat

The Xeno Bases in Rodina have received a major visual upgrade!

This update includes 2 major technical additions. A room-based fog system adds visual depth to the interiors, and will allow me to visualize future gameplay elements like atmosphere, smoke, and poison gas.

The walls are also now being procedurally decorated with the Wave Function Collapse Algorithm. This gives the interiors a more complex look and will allow for much more room variation!

Next update is going to be pure gameplay - a new enemy, bigger bases, more resources, and more!

Thanks for your support!

* RODINA 1.3.4*

* New Feature: Wall pattern generator using Wavefunction Collapse algorithm from sample
* New Feature: Rework rendering to be portal-based
* New Feature: Room-based fog

* Improvement: Apply planet atmosphere to all objects. Integrate planet atmosphere with fog
* Improvement: Extend Xeno Door auto-close distance
* Improvement: Allow particles to be registered from DataRender to work with old mods

* Options: Garbage Collection rate option for possible tweaking

* Crashfix: Fix crash when gravbike moves out of physics world
* Crashfix: Fix possible crash with bad exterior file
* Crashfix: Fix heap corruption of EGQueue
* Crashfix: Fix crash when registering tilesets

Posted : October 13, 2018 01:42
99 Star General

New update for the game will have to check it out as I have not played the game for awhile.

Posted : December 7, 2018 10:24
99 Star General

Small update to the game but good news is the vote have been counted and he going to start working on the planet renderer and generation in the game.

Posted : February 2, 2019 23:53
99 Star General

It not dead yet as he just popped up on YouTube for an up date on the game. Always thought this was a part time job did not realised or had forgotten he had work on it full time. Any how will be looking out the next vid about 1.5.

Posted : May 3, 2020 06:34
99 Star General

Seen that the game had updated over the weekend and it looks like better persistence has been added in.

Posted : July 6, 2020 07:02
99 Star General

Game got a small update a couple of days ago and he looks like he is working on patch 1.6

Posted : May 21, 2021 11:13
99 Star General

New update should be dropping soon and it sound pretty intriguing.  

Posted : June 7, 2021 11:19
99 Star General

Been a while but a new update has dropped today. Rodina - Steam News Hub (

The first inventory content addition has arrived - the Trilaser!

This new laser weapon focuses 3 beams for enhanced damage. It can be found in a Xeno base or debris pile on the planet Veles!

Version 1.6.1 is the first of a series of inventory-focused content updates. However, it also features a substantial number of small improvements and bugfixes, including a fix for a serious memory leak which caused 

frequent crashes in the ship editor


The next few updates, which will add more items, will come much more quickly!

* RODINA 1.6.1 *

* New Feature: Trilaser Weapon

* Improvement: Add support for cross-portal interaction (grapple hook, laser, targeting)
* Improvement: Improve DOF blur performance with transparent objects (particles)
* Improvement: Save / Restore mouse position only for certain menus (inventory)
* Improvement: Add "Activate" gamepad binding

* Crashfix: Fix memory leak causing editor crash
* Crashfix: Fix infinite loop when creating an opening to the airlock
* Crashfix: Fix crash when exiting ship at cruise speed while grappling

* Bugfix: Fix inventory item dropping placement
* Bugfix: Fix gravbike persistence
* Bugfix: Fix editor room transparency for rooms that straddle floors
* Bugfix: Change the way we prevent accidental clicks so that players can reassign controller A button
* Bugfix: Screenshot mode HUD fix
* Bugfix: Fix crouching in space
* Bugfix: Fix controls passing through binding popup menus
* Bugfix: Fix controller default button positioning
* Bugfix: Clean up some object pools
* Bugfix: Fix Lua error for next/previosu in Archives / Radio document menus


Posted : April 20, 2022 11:00
Geraldine reacted
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