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To all SSC Station occupants

Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.

Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.


Kinetic void

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99 Star General

Hope the kick starter goes well for you Lumbering troll.

Topic starter Posted : May 3, 2012 10:07
New Member

Made a topic about this game in the "Free and Open Source" section before realizing all of the mistakes involved in that. Duh. 😳

Anyhow, I just wanted to say that I backed this project. You've got $35 from me in the Kickstarter. I tried the demo, and I enjoyed it. Just, please, please, make the camera automatically center itself onto your ship. It would make things so much easier.


Posted : May 17, 2012 12:12
New Member

The kickstarter is down to the final 9 hours. They've gained a lot of momentum, but it still looks like they'll need a late surge of support to get funded. ... netic-void

The $30 tier now includes alpha access.

Posted : May 30, 2012 06:08
Illustrious Member Admin

Congrats to the devs they made funding πŸ™‚

Posted : May 30, 2012 13:52
99 Star General

Indeed congratulations to the team on making their goal. πŸ˜€

Topic starter Posted : June 2, 2012 22:55
99 Star General

Kinetic Void has made steam greenlit

Topic starter Posted : November 30, 2012 21:51
99 Star General

What's been going on in Kinetic Void, looks like you can pr-order the game now

Topic starter Posted : June 9, 2013 09:01
Trusted Member

50% off on Steam for the next 19 hours

Posted : July 2, 2013 12:31
99 Star General



Probably missed it.


I must get around to ordering this although god knows when I will be able to download it.

Topic starter Posted : July 3, 2013 08:45
99 Star General

Seems to have been quite a bit of activity with Kinetic Void over the last month or so .


Check the youtube site as their are some more vid on it.

Topic starter Posted : January 18, 2014 23:18
Estimable Member

I was very interested in this when it first announced. I like the planned feature set. Though it seems to be taking longer than anticipated since those features are quite a mountain of work to get right for a small team.


I've been content to just forget about it until release. I wasn't impressed by the initial showings of the alpha, but it seems to be shaping up nicely. I wll definitely be trying it post release. The ability to design your capital ship is a big draw for me.


I am just wondering how much fun the exploration and dynamic unvierse will be as it is another big draw.


ATM looks a little like eve offline πŸ™‚


The way combat seems to work and microwarp drives?

Posted : January 20, 2014 07:45
99 Star General

It seems to a fairly common problem for most Kickstarters as they underestimate how long a game will take to do.


Been meaning to buy this for ages and have never got around to it.

Topic starter Posted : January 21, 2014 03:23
99 Star General

 Bought a copy of this last week and downloaded it from Steam but I have been having problems getting to grips with it. could do with a manual that could be downloaded and printed out.


New vid

Topic starter Posted : February 2, 2014 08:58
99 Star General

Update from Kinetic Void about weapons also check out the YouTube channel for a couple of other videos including a tutorial one.


Topic starter Posted : February 19, 2014 10:17
99 Star General

Big update by Steam for KV.


Hey everyone! As of Monday, the D10 patch is officially live, with new weapon types and more! Here's the details:


  • New Stations! The previous old and crappy trade stations have been replaced by new assets. We think you will agree when we say that they look just lovely.
  • Added a separate icon for mining stations to differentiate them from trade stations.
  • Added Beam weapons - Have a high energy load, will do their damage over time.
  • Added Missile Weapons - Requires Ammo. Have guided (Homing Missiles) and non-guided(more like Kinetic slugs). Makes a nice boom on impact. 
  • Added Hardpoint/Subsystem Weapons system - Turrets (Hardpoint) and Weapons (subsystems) have been split into two systems. The turret (hardpoint) will have how far the turret can reach in an arch as well as how fast. You then will equip a Weapon (subsystem) to it to dictate what type of weapon it is and what type of damage it will do. Old Weapons(non-hardpoints) will have a Ò€œbaseÒ€ value set to them for their damage type. It is advised that all users begin swapping out old turrets for the new hardpoint systems. Older turrets will be phased out as we add more replacement weapon systems. 
  • Ammunition Resources, three types currently. (Only available in the store. Remember to move from Station Inventory to your Ship Inventory after you purchase if from the store. When you purchase items from the store they just go to your Station Storage, not to your Ship Storage)
    • Creative Mode has unlimited ammo. Ships do not require to have ammo put into their inventory. The Creative Galaxy Ships circumvent the ammo requirement code and will display Inf on the hud. 
    • Kinetic - used for any Kinetic Type Weapons
    • Non-Guided Missile- used for any Non-Guided Missile Weapons
    • Guided Missile - used for Guided Missile Weapons.
  • Major Map Updates:
    • By default, Star system names are now highlighted to indicate ownership. Gray systems are unclaimed, other colors correspond to factions as shown by the map legend.
    • By using the popup list in the lower left, highlighting can be switched to show hostility toward the player. Keep in mind that sectors tend to spawn more ships belonging to the ruling faction.
    • As factions go to war over territory, icons on the map will give the player general information about the conflict. A ! icon next to a Star SystemÒ€™s name will indicate a faction is currently trying to invade it. Within the system, sectors currently under the ownerÒ€™s control will have a blue flag. Sectors that have been captured will have a red flag, and sectors currently experiencing a battle will be marked with a ! warning icon.
    • Right click menu: if a system is in conflict, the sectors in the list will have an icon next to them identical to the one above itÒ€™s sector object. When mousing over a sectorÒ€™s button, the sectorÒ€™s object is highlighted blue. The button for the sector the player is in is colored green. The notes field is player editable, its contents are saved per sector.
  • Sectors currently under conflict are more likely to spawn factions involved in that conflict.
  • Buy and sell prices at stations are affected by the playerÒ€™s standing with the faction that ownÒ€™s the station, as well as the availability of raw sources (via mining stations) in that sector.
  • Opening fire on a ship will lower your standings with that shipÒ€™s faction. Killing a ship will greatly lower standing from the owner, but will slightly raise standing from the ownerÒ€™s enemies.


  • Asteroid Spawning: Previously, asteroids were spawned individually and culling operations were carried out on them to reduce impact on performance. To further increase performance while allowing for more interesting asteroid fields, asteroids are now spawned in clusters, and spawn/despawn dynamically to drastically improve both physics and rendering performance. These clusters should still be visible from a distance, but will only have a single radar icon until the player comes closer. 
  • Adjusted all module and subsystem values (This will be ongoing) 
    • NOTE: Your subsystems have been changed/removed. You need to open the subsystems of your HULL (at least) and verify you have the right
  • Inventory/Store Main Categories(Subsystems/Ship Parts/Trade Goods) have been switched over to radio buttons. Only one Main Category can be selected at a time.
  • Weapons (except Energy) require Ammo to be fired. The weapon size will determine how many resources it uses each time it fires. (Size 1 = 1 usage, Size 2=2 usages, etc)
  • CameraÒ€™s Settings: Now should be able to zoom in to an acceptable closeness without too much clipping. Camera is now centered in middle of ship.
  • Radar Sensor subsystems have been limited to 1 per ship. Their ranges and durability have been adjusted to reflect this. 
  • Massive improvement to performance when asteroids are in the same sector. 
  • Greatly increased base sensor range. 
  • The hull indicator now displays raw value instead of percentage for the player hud and target indicators.
  • The Warp Effect is scaled by the size of your ship.


  • Fixed a couple misaligned cubemaps for the skybox generator. 
  • Fixed a bug where Shared Hull Subsystem Capacity was being miscalculated shared hull space will be lowered due to this fact.
  • Fixed issue where modules would gain space if modified.
  • The faction standing menu (visible in sector, default key is K) has been fixed.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some NPC ships to be idle.
  • Stars will no longer appear to be rendered on top of planets. 
  • Fixed a few minor memory leaks in Sector.
  • The galaxy and ship name fields no longer accept special characters or punctuation. (Next patch will allow _ or spaces, no other special chars)
  • Fixed bug in laser damage timing. 
  • Fixed bug in Turret seeming to take to long to engage. 
  • Fixed an bug with the warping system that caused the ship to sometimes overshoot the target.
  • Fixed a bug where the camera would offset itself.
  • Fixed a bug where Inventory weight was not being calculated correctly allowing you to remove cargo subsystems after filling cargo hold.
  • Fixed a bug where you were unable to buy resources other than ammunition.
  • Scale of stations
  • Removed rotation on station rings - this was causing huge performance hit. 
  • Clipping distance between near and far camera.
  • Factions not updating on new galaxy creation.
  • Recalculated how beam damage is applied, increase in performance.
  • Fixed an issue where Inventory would not display the correct values in Sector until you cycled thru the main categories.

Known Issues:

  • Inf displays for all ammo in career mode, however that does not mean that there is ammo available. Purchasing and placing ammo in the ship will result in a # being displayed instead of Inf. (fixed for D11)
  • C&C Modules do not spawn initially in Career Mode


Topic starter Posted : March 15, 2014 06:48
99 Star General

D11 has gone live now and it's a big update to the game over the 100 meg size patch.


Development Patch D11

New Galaxy Required
All Weapon Modules have been removed from all ships and will need to be re-installed

  • Main Menu
    • Starter ship: In new Career Mode galaxy, the player gets a list of pre-built ships to start with instead of a random set of parts. Starter ships are determined by which ship files are present within SaveFiles/Starter. Ships in this folder are loaded on first run, but are never saved over.
  • Weapon
    • 8 new hardpoint/weapon mounts added. These are animated and require an activation time when engaging an enemy. They deactivate on their own after a certain amount of time without a target.
    • 25 new weapons have been added as subsystems for new hardpoint system. Each weapon has unique stats and behaviour. This is an ongoing effort and will be updated as development continues for gameplay/balance.
    • Anti Missile System (AMS) Subsystem - Attaches to hardpoint/weapon mount, tracks and destroys incoming missiles. Cannot be manually controlled or assigned to weapon groups.
  • Sector Display:
    • UPPER LEFT: In sector, added a Selected Object Information Panel with the following info:
      • Distance
      • Selected ObjectÒ€™s:
        • Name
        • Icon
        • Classification
        • Faction
        • Faction Hostility towards player
      • Image of Object
    • UPPER RIGHT CORNER: Target Lock Indicator(s) with the following info:
      • Distance
      • Faction Hostility towards player
      • Health Bar
      • Shield Bar
      • Weapon Groups Assigned
      • Tooltip text is available on hover.
    • Locking onto targets now has a delay based on Sensor Speed. Ò€œAcquiring Target LockÒ€ displays until lock is complete, and the blue selection bracket will fade over to the red locked bracket.
    • Selected Locked Target now has an animation to indicate which target is selected.
    • Maximum lock targets is now based off the Sensor stats.
    • Warp Gate System: Use warp gates (designated in specific sectors) to travel to other star systems. Each has a specific destination within each star system. The Warp Gate Icon is always visible, regardless of your distance from it. Approach the Warp Gate, enter the gate and a menu will appear on the right, giving you the choice to warp to the Sector listed. If the gate has multiple destinations, you can use the drop down menu (click the Sector name) to select which Sector to travel to. This is currently the only way to move between Star Systems. The Sector warping on the map will only work for Sectors in your current Star System.
    • When warping to another sector or star system there is now an actual effect instead of just loading the new sector. When using a warp gate, the ship will enter being warping once the player uses the warp menu to initiate it. When warping to another sector from the map, the map will close and the ship will align to face the destination sector before entering warp. This alignment phase is identical to using the align or warp to function, and as with those cases, user input will interrupt the process and return control to the player.
    • New AI behavior: Small ships can now turn off their drag and face another direction while shooting.


  • Shipyard Changes
    • Ship names may now have spaces or underscores_ in them.
    • Changed Engine Subsystems so that the Engine Module can only hold a single Engine Subsystem, but still can hold multiple Boosters.
    • Removed old weapon models. Note: All stock ships have been updated for the new weapon systems
    • Weapon Manager has been updated. Weapons will default to Weapon Group 1 and Manual, as well as their default weapon type. Left clicking on weapon name will highlight that weapon blue and set the cameraÒ€™s pivot point to the weapon, right clicking on the weapon name will open the Subsystem Manager for that module. Hovering over the weapon name will display weapon stats in a tooltip if the weapon has a Subsystem applied to it.
      • Added a toggle for animated weapons in the shipyard manager, this will toggle all weapons with an activation/deactivation animation. Weapons will reset upon closing the Weapon Manager
    • Moved the Hanger Manager Window to the right side of the screen and stacked the window. The ship will be more visible without the manger window over top giving a better view of which hangar bay you have selected.
  • Sector/Game Changes
    • Upon creating a new game, the game will start the player in a non-hostile sector, not just the first sector it finds with a station.
    • When choosing which ship to spawn, the AI will prefer ships closer in size to the playerÒ€™s ship. Larger ships may still spawn, but this will hopefully provide a reasonable difficulty curve in campaign mode. Ships with an extreme module count will be penalized in the spawn chance calculation and spawn more rarely.
    • Ships that spawn upon loading into a sector will typically belong to the faction that owns the Sector. Loading in to find a group of hostile ships should only happen in hostile Sectors (but will be more likely than before if you are in a hostile sector).
    • The Station Docking prompt is now a slide out menu (like the new warp prompt.)
    • The Planetary Warning has been repositioned the lower left corner of the screen (rather than centered)
    • When selecting an object out in space the icon will now move to the lower right hand side of the selection/target bracket so that the object is visible.
  • Map Changes
    • The right click menu on the map now always appears centered, instead of over the mouse position when you clicked.
    • The mapÒ€™s right click menu has been changed. When you click on a sector in the list, instead of immediately warping, a new menu element appears to the right to display information about warping to that sector. If the player can warp there, the big red button will initiate warp. If the player is already in that Sector, or the Sector is in another star System, the button will be grayed out and text below the button will explain why it is disabled. The information panel in the upper left displays what warp connections, if any, that sector has.
  • We have updated our GUI middleware to its latest version. This will hopefully resolve some minor bugs (such as render depth issues). GUI assets, especially text, should be noticeably improved in appearance.
  • Armor plating is now more effective at preventing engine damage.
  • Kinetic Ammo - Reduced the cost and increased the quantity purchased.


  • Shipyard
    • Shipyard will no longer set ship names to all lower case when you load into the scene. If you have ships that have been renamed to lower case, rename them once with the desired capitalization and it should stick now.
  • Sector
    • Bug where Laser beam sounds would cut out after a while.
    • Bug where Target Out of Range would stay on locked target after target was clearly in range.
    • Bug where Out of Ammo turrets were able to attempt to fire causing performance issues.
    • Enemies the player attacks with manual fire will now become hostile to the player. Ships will use a 3 strikes policy before attacking.
    • Issue where weapon fire spread was not calculated correctly when in manual fire.
    • Issue where the align functionality would do nothing if the target to align to was exactly behind the ship.
    • Bug where Tab and Z would not cycle to the correct target.
    • Bug that would allow the sun to shine through planets.
    • Bug where the Drone Management button would be visible when the ship did not have any drone capacity.


Topic starter Posted : April 20, 2014 23:26
99 Star General

Long game play video of the feature of the D11 release.



Must try and have a go at getting into playing this.

Topic starter Posted : April 26, 2014 22:51
99 Star General

Fast off the mark as D12 has now gone live, 150 odd meg download.



New Galaxy Required

Warning: Parts May be Disconnected from Old Ships and will need to be reconnected. Known Issue: Hardpoint Placement: If you canÒ€™t get a hardpoint to accept its position, enter freeform mode (tab) and adjust it to be able to fit, then click Ò€œConnect Part to ShipÒ€


  • AI can now warp and turn off drag to while travelling or when closing distance with a hostile target. This should be quite noticeable to players compared to the constant slow-boating they used to do.
  • Shipyard - Added the ability to place modules singly or mirrored, flip the mirrored modules as needed
  • Damage readouts in Sector. Icon will appear when a system has reached 75% health, with the color transitioning to red when it reaches 25% health. A tool tip has been added to give exact percentage of health.
  • AI ships can now make use of attack drones.
  • Jump drives: The jump drive subsystems are now functional. Instead of only being able to jump to sectors within your current star system, a jump drive allows you to make jumps based only on distance. The star map now displays how far a sector is from your current position in light years, and how far you can jump using your shipÒ€™s currently equipped jump drive. If you donÒ€™t have one, youÒ€™re stuck with jumping to same-system sectors and jump gates.
  • Ships now retain their damage upon return to shipyard. The new repair window allows the player to recover hull damage and repair subsystems for a cost. If the player lacks funds, their balance will go into the negative, representing debt. While in debt, repairs can still be purchased, but the player is unable to spend money in any other way. This is a temporary implementation pending further development passes.
  • Paint Styles are now available (beyond Color Profiles) - to add textures to colors on the ships.
  • Module counter in the lower left corner of the shipyard displays how many modules are on the ship as well as the ship module count classification (low/medium/high/extreme). As players add more components, a warning will pop up showing when performance may begin to be impacted by module #Ò€™s


  • Shipyard UI has been overhauled. The top bar is now controls: Reset, Save,Load,Workshop,Info,Store,Inventory,Repair Window,and all ship stats divide by classification.
  • The new right hand slide out controls Modules (Cockpits,Hulls,Engines,Misc), Weapons both hardpoint/weapon mount placement and assigning weapons to mounts, Drones placement of Hanger/DCM and hangar management. And last but not least is the customization of colors and styles.
  • The new left side slide out Shipyard Tools, Gizmo Controls, Mirror Placement, and Mirror Tools.
  • Modules are now placed on a grid system in Shipyard rather than a node system. Pressing Tab will still enable freeform mode.
  • Significantly decreased spread of all kinetic weapons
  • Doubled damage rating of all kinetic weapons
  • Reduced the mass of all ammunition
  • Reduced the volume of all ammunition, it should now be viable to stock your ships with it.
  • The AI aggro mechanic has been fleshed out a bit. Enemy ships smaller than you may run instead of fight, and larger ships may not see you as worth their time. Proximity is also taken into account, and distant ships may not bother with you.
  • Asteroids will now be of random scale.
  • Faction standings are now reciprocal. It is not longer possible for faction A to love faction B, while faction B hates faction A.
  • Drone collision avoidance has been updated
  • Warp effects modified


  • Fixed a bug that occured when holding a directional input while opening the map.
  • Fixed bugs affecting some particle effect scales.
  • Fixed a performance issue while warping that was introduced in D11.
  • Fixed a bug where auto warp would move the player away from their intended destination if they tried to warp to a large object while inside that objectÒ€™s safety perimeter.
  • MOONS? MOOOOOOOOOONS! Moons. (Moons have been added back into the scene)


Topic starter Posted : May 10, 2014 01:10
99 Star General

D13 went live last week as I only turned Steam on this morning it updated the game along with a couple of hot fixes as well.


A new galaxy is required for this build!


  • Economy first pass: This patch includes the beginning of our new economy simulation. With the simulation, it should now possible for players to make profit through arbitrage (taking advantage of price difference in separate markets). Each sector has a market which simulates the trade of 5 different commodities, and the prices of modules, subsystems, ammunition, and trade goods are tied to one of these. This is greatly simplified compared to our final plans, and we will be posting a detailed write up on the subject soon.
  • Mining Laser Weapon Subsystem. These weapons are not able to be aimed at and fired at enemies, nor are they available to be able to manually control currently.
  • Planets now have a gravitational field around them, the closer a ship gets the stronger the effect, the total mass of the ship is also a factor, large ships should be advised to stay away from planetary bodies. Micro Warp, and use of a ships KFG will allow you to escape the gravitational pull of a planet.
  • If a hardpoint/weapon mount does not have a weapon attached to it, it will now highlight yellow. The icon in the right side weapon window will also be highlighted yellow.
  • While in Sector pressing
    + [ B ] will do the same as right click and align to. *This will be bind-able later researching an issue with it currently.
  • The rotation tool in shipyard now was a degree increment tool. The degrees are: 5, 15,45,90,180.
  • A Main Menu button has been added to both Shipyard and Sector.
  • Ship Inventory in Shipyard now has a Unload All button, this will dump the current contents of the ship to your station storage.
  • A Missing Subsystem Warning system above the launch button in Shipyard.This is a quick reference to see if you ship is missing any of the critical subsystems.
  • Added a load screen between scenes with hints on them.
  • Added a Overlap Tool to turn off an off the overlap. Meaning you can now have 100% overlap if you so desire. This is located in the shipyard tools fly out.
  • Added a Zero Rotation tool, this will allow you to zero out the rotations of the part after itÒ€™s been placed off the mouse. But before it is connected to the ship. This is located in the shipyard tools fly out.
  • New DCM Module modes and icons.
  • Added a Sector label for available cargo space so you do not have to open the inventory while mining in order to see how full your cargo is.
  • Added keybinding for increasing and decreasing grid size in shipyard Defaults are [T] and [G]
  • Added key bindings and UI buttons to increase and decrease rotational degree snapping, default keys are [Shift]+[T] and [Shift]+[G]
  • Added Kinetic Field Strength to the KFG Info display in shipyard
  • Holding [Shift] While confirming the placement of a part will duplicate that module for rapid placement of the same module.
  • New module highlight effect


  • Updated Sector UI. To be more cohesive with the Shipyard UI.
  • Module and subsystem balance and scale - All modules and subsystems have been adjusted, they now follow a more logical scaling factor, this is not final and will be subject to many changes for balance and play ability.
  • Players should notice a sizable increase in performance this patch due to changes in our camera rendering and the way we are handling materials.
  • Missile AI has been improved they will no long fly in a spiral pattern.
  • Added a career option to the New Galaxy Menu.
  • The camera should start farther away from the ship when loading into the Shipyard.
  • Improved the Mirroring tool location of mirrored part.
  • Shipyard tools that are a Toggle now stay lit up to show if they are on/off.
  • Modifying a part now just goes to the 3D movement tools instead of attaching it to the mouse.
  • Reset button has been moved into the shipyard tools.
  • Weapons & DCMs will start with their bases down toward the part you are attempting to place them on.
  • Cockpits, Hulls, and Engines will start with their backs toward the part you are attempting to place them on.
  • Subsystem - Increased Jump Drive mass, reduced base charge time. Range and Recharge time now scale with tier
  • Adjusted max and minimum brightness of skybox nebula.
  • Removed crew quarters and crew requirements, these systems will be re-implemented later.
  • Right Click Menu > Modify now enables fine tune mode with transform and rotation gizmo.
  • Increased ambient lighting on the underside of ships in the shipyard.
  • Changed the Rotation and Translation Gizmo, the new tools are much cleaner looking.
  • Moved the ship reset button to the Shipyard Tools flyout



  • All stock ships have been rebuilt and equipped to function under the current changed.
  • Game Guide has been corrected so that it is accessible in the shipyard. *Note images still need to be updated.
  • Fixed button not following sound settings.
  • Fixed an issue with the Subsystem Manager filter when closing/opening it would not display the correct filter list.
  • Fixed an issue with cameraÒ€™s overlap rendering should increase performance across the board.
  • Fixed an issue with the store that would take the credits but not give the goods to the player.
  • Fixed a bug with warp gates not being spawned.
  • Fixed Hardpoints 9/10 this should no longer have placement issues.
  • Missiles should now once again trigger their audio when firing.
  • Station inventory tooltip no longer displays ERROR! the first time it's displayed.
  • When loading a ship some parts will no longer display the error hologram, even though they are in legal placement.
  • Fixed issues with the weapon manager tab not displaying module size properly.
  • Resolved scrolling issues with the weapon manager.
  • Your ship will no longer continue flying away when you open the main menu.
  • Corrected calculation error in the warp-to command, it was adding an extra zero to the distance it allowed the ship to warp to.


Known Issues

  • In-store prices are not affected by the economy simulation right after creating a new game and before leaving the station.
  • Star fields are not rendering, once it is fixed we'll hot patch the live build.


Topic starter Posted : June 15, 2014 02:20
99 Star General

D14 went live last Monday and has had a couple of update to it since then.



This is a large patch and a lot went into it, I hope you all enjoy it, if you have any problems, please let us know!


D14.0 Live Patch

* New Galaxy Required.

* No changes have been made that will require making new ships at this point.

* Existing Weapons will need their Weapon Group Classifications adjusted in the Weapon Manager.


  • Implementation of a mesh merge system. Ships will now be merged into a single mesh thus improving the performs when multiple ships are in sector at once.
  • Added a reset button to the Weapon Manager so that it will reset all weapons back to their default weapon classifications.
  • Galaxy Map Button to the shipyard. The galaxy map is now accessible in the station scene through the Map keybinding.
  • Added a UI Button/Indicator for when Newtonian flight is toggled.
  • Planets now have a radar icon and can be warped to.
  • Added in Salvaging Mechanic, will still be tweaked in upcoming patches. When a ship is destroyed a wreckage will have the potential to spawn. On the wreckage will be radar icons that will have the potential to yield salvaged items from the ship. These items will be made up of the ships modules, subsystem, and eventually cargo.
  • Added Salvaging Lasers, these function the same as mining lasers.
  • Added new wreckage models.
  • Added filters to the economy graphs. User can now choose to disable data series by clicking on the corresponding icon in the list on the right. The graph will only allow up to 6 series to be displayed at a time as it starts to get unreadable after that. When switching between data sets (as between commodity prices and commodity supply) the graph will carry over the selected series to display.
  • Graphical display for turretÒ€™s vertical and horizontal arcs. This will be displayed when placing/modifying a turret. There is also a button in the Weapon Manager window that will toggle the state of the arcs in the shipyard.
  • Added a space dust effect to give feeling of movement, this is a first pass and not final.
  • Mission framework is now included. This is a first pass and is not final. After we have it working we will be adding the mission editor as well. There are three missions right now, Distress, Sector Skirmish, and Single Target Bounty. There may be an issue with spawn ranges we are working on this.


  • Combat System Controls Overhauled - You no longer have to lock onto enemy targets to have weapons fire. Inside the weapon manager you now have classifications of ships that a turret will fire on. Weapons have two modes as well Offense and Defense, offense mode weapons will attack red targets once they are within range. Defense weapons will not attack a target unless they have attacked you. When the weapon has a target within range and within its arc they will lock onto the hostile and begin to fire. If the target leaves the arc or range then the turret will attempt to find another suitable target. If you have a currently focused/selected target that will be the preferred target for all weapons within itÒ€™s arc. If there is no suitable class targets it will attempt to step down to the next class till it either finds a target or goes back to idle. Large turrets that have a harder time tracking smaller faster moving targets will have a harder time locking on to a target. You must still lock, by pressing [ C ], onto Asteroids and Wreckage in order for the mining/salvaging lasers to work.
  • Upgraded Sound Manager Middleware to deal with sound issues.
  • Shipyard Cam will now center on ship based on bounds instead of mass.
  • Player credits in the Shipyard will now be show in red if you go negative in debt due to repairs. Once items are sold off to cover said debt the credits will be displayed in their default color.
  • Adjusted store inventory quantities.
  • Fixed categories on resources and trade goods
  • Adjusted Engine, Booster, and Maneuvering Thruster values to account for shorter distances between sector objects.
  • Decreased base sensor range
  • Increased power requirements of all weapons by 50%
  • Reduced the scale of all planets to be within a realistic range, terrestrial planets are now on a similar scale to earth when compared to the height of a person (size 1 c&c used for reference).
  • Reduced the scale of stations, they were larger than planets!
  • Reduced ranges of weapons for closer engagements.
  • Removed all units of speed and distance.
  • Newtonian flight gives a small increase to speed unlike before where you would continually accelerate.
  • Hostile Stations will reject your request to dock with them.
  • Removed Career mode ammo requirements.
  • Adjusted the deadzone while in mouse flight mode, it is now more sensitive and allows for turning easier.
  • Added a check to see if a ship has been modified if the ships modules or subsystems have not be modified you will not be asked to overwrite the ship when launching.
  • You can no longer attempt to cancel death.
  • Stations should no longer cause a huge performance hit while on screen.
  • The economy has been updated to a more complex form with over 40 commodities. Upon galaxy creation, there will be an increased delay as the simulation is initialized, we are working to eliminate or minimize this. Further work is also needed on the economy graph filter.


  • Fixed an issue where you could mirror the first part you place down when starting with the root block. Mirroring has been disabled for the first piece on the root block and then will be turned back on.
  • Fixed an issue where you were able to replace a modified part with another from the right panel.
  • Fixed issue with Mirroring parts when using flip part, they would not retain their correct orientation once leaving the Shipyard. *Parts that have been flipped will need to be re-added to take effect.
  • Fixed Graphics Option Templates not applying in Shipyard.
  • Fixed Sounds settings when leaving the map open.
  • Pressing Escape when the map is open now closes the map.
  • Fixed the issue with the Cargo Holds are full message from happening when the ship doesn't have any cargo holds.
  • Fixed an issue with Ò€œWarp ToÒ€ where it was adding an additional zero to the distance.
  • Fixed an issue with persistence of the inventories on re-loading a saved game.
  • Found the missing stars
Topic starter Posted : August 18, 2014 09:41
99 Star General

A development road map has been set out although not cast in stone so no time limit on when the planned features will appear.


Planet city's and a place for player to land sound interesting.

Topic starter Posted : October 4, 2014 01:57
99 Star General

Might be getting some tutorials in the next update which would be nice as I am total lost in the game, also according to the vid the next update should be in about a week.

Topic starter Posted : October 16, 2014 10:11
Illustrious Member Admin

I have to admit I haven't been keeping tabs on Kinetic Void as much as I should and I thought they were closer to release than where I have been reading. And from reading your thoughts on having difficulties getting going in the game I hope they fix that quickly, seen the game has mixed reviews on steam. I have never purchased into a alpha/beta on steam yet. Do you think they are biting more off than they can chew Pinback? I mean what they want or putting in the game is great but will it ever get done in a timely manor?

Posted : October 23, 2014 12:17
99 Star General

I not played it in a while as I have not had the time to get to grips with it and I have found it to be some what impenetrable to the more causal play. although the game does have some game guides in it I have been waiting for them to add more to the game, If the tutorial are implemented in the D15 update then I will be taking a longer look at it.


As for the mixed reviews  I think that can be said of most early access games, a lot of people fail to comprehend that what they are buying is an unfinished game then they complain about it when it's not finished within a week of them buying it.


I would imagine that they will be able to achieve most of the goals they have set out although it may taken them a while.

Topic starter Posted : October 24, 2014 05:56
99 Star General

D15 has gone live on Steam a couple of days ago and it already has had a patch to it but it looks like the tutorial have made it in.



* New Galaxy Required.

*This patch moves the game from Unity 4.5 to Unity version 5. This is a major engine update that, among other changes, includes a new PhysX version. While this should improve performance, it also changed some physics behaviors. Please keep an eye out for bugs that may be related to the physics engine.

*Due to the extent of changes this patch all ships will need to be remade. This should mostly be subsystem management using the new manager, however any weapons currently being used that are larger than tier 1 they will need to be repositioned as they have grown in size considerably.


  • Tutorials! We have added tutorials to Stations and Sector space, they will come up by default to begin with, but you can tell them not to pop up again. If you do and want them to come up again you can reset them in the options on the game tab.
  • Capacitor System: power leftover on the reactor that is not taken up by installed systemsÒ€™ power requirements is now put into an energy pool that powers the shipÒ€™s various systems. In space, a yellow bar and text label display the current energy level. Weapons now have an energy per shot cost. Reactors now have a recharge rate stat, and a new subsystem call a Recharger can boost this. More systems will be tied into the capacitor in future updates.
  • We have selected the first Community created ship to be included in the base game. It's a variant of the Vagrant fighter created by community member wExx. We had to make a couple minor changes to it but overall it was a great design. We will be looking for more to add in the future.
  • Subsystem manager is now online, all ships will configure and control their subsystems through this new interface. It is access the same way as before, right click on a module and select Subsystems. This new interface will allow users to quickly equip and make changes to their ship no matter how large it is.
  • There is now a new kind of subsystem called a Controller, it determines how many hardpoints, active, and passive systems your ship can equip. It is a required component and is limited to one per ship.
  • Active abilities: ships can now equip active abilities that use capacitor energy. The number of abilities that the player can equip is limited by the shipÒ€™s controller. Example abilities: Hull Repair: capacitor energy is used to slowly recover hull damage. Power Siphon: the current enemy target has some of their capacitor energy siphoned into your energy pool. Warp Disrupt: all ships within a certain distance of you are unable to warp.
  • Added confirmation to Main Menu button while in a loaded galaxy
  • Added confirmation to exit game while in a loaded galaxy
  • Added docking lights to indicate where the docking point on all stations are. Some stations have multiple docking points now.
  • Trail renders to engine ports, they are not finished and need to be changed still.
  • Sector menu now has a return to game button
  • Sector Log functionality added for logging General, Faction, Mission, Economic information happening in the game. Messages that will be displayed in the Sector Log will expose some previously hidden elements of the faction and economy simulations to the player. Additional information and variety will be added soon.
  • Players with high enough of standings can now join a faction. This is done under the Faction Window up at the top right by the close button. If you have high enough standings you will see a button there saying you may join that faction.
  • Added a bounty system so when you are in a friendly system and destroy a ship that is hostile with the current system owner you will receive a bounty based off a percentage of the base value of the ship destroyed.
  • Left Shift functionality to Store/Inventory windows. When you click on an item it will select all of said item. When you left shift + click on an item you will get a selection box popup asking how many you with to select. The selection box arrows will work with single clicks and when clicked and held the count will increase with speed.
  • Added warning when you are about to destroy an item in inventories.
  • Made the Module Size Selector in Shipyard left/right click independent. So Left click will increase module size, Right click with decrease module size.
  • Right Clicking on Asteroids or Wreckage now have a action option Mining for asteroids and Salvaging for wreckage. If you have the appropriate weapon equipped it will begin the process. Otherwise it will just lock onto the target so you can send potential drones at it.
  • When deselecting a target it will now check to see if that target is hostile to the player or not. If there is no hostility the icon will revert back to itÒ€™s default color.
  • With a selected Target that is already locked on to, if you press [ C ] it will assign that target to all weapons. This works for weapons it both defense and offense modes.
  • Added in Weapon Mode Toggle Button/Keybinding. Weapon Mode Toggle starts in the Defense Mode (Green Icon) and toggled to Offensive Mode (Red Icon). The [ Y ] will also cause this toggle to happen.
  • Collision avoidance while warping: while the player is warping, the ship will attempt to cancel warp if an obstacle comes directly into the playerÒ€™s path.
  • Added docking lights to indicate where the docking point on all stations are. Some stations have multiple docking points now.


Edit 751 meg download nearly fell off my chair. :roulette:

Topic starter Posted : November 1, 2014 01:52
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