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Group: Registered
Joined: December 2, 2009
Senior Chief Registered
looks great, keeping a eye on it

In forum No Mans Sky

11 years ago
Congrats Jabberwocky, i know i voted for you and when i seen...

In forum Salvation Prophecy

11 years ago
Welcome to the SIte :)

In forum Introduce Yourself to SSC

11 years ago
Yeah im trying not to read too much or too detailed don't wa...

In forum Star Citizen

11 years ago
50% off on Steam for the next 19 hours

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

11 years ago
Well keep it up, i've not had chance to play it yet   b...

In forum Introduce Yourself to SSC

11 years ago
Looking good, thrown in $10 so far, hopefully up it abit aft...

In forum Void of Darkness

11 years ago
Looks better all the time, say bye to life when it comes out...

In forum Star Citizen

11 years ago
Looks intresting, downloading the demo now.   EDIT: Pla...

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

11 years ago
Welcome to the site Stormprooter, good luck with the mod, we...

In forum Introduce Yourself to SSC

11 years ago
Well Done on the funding, ive upto my pledge to $22 want to ...

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

11 years ago
Just bagged Torchlight for free :) I like free , but rude no...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

11 years ago
Well if its Star Wars and they make it similar to Battlefiel...

In forum Space and SciFi MMO and Multi-Player Only Discussion

11 years ago
Love the look of the game, just back it in the $12 one, woul...

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

11 years ago
I still play through freelancer from time to time

In forum Freelancer

12 years ago
I play all types of games and collect games ive got a big ho...

In forum Surveys and Polls

12 years ago
Well ive backed it with £50/$80 pledge, but must say a...

In forum Elite: Dangerous

12 years ago
Brought the game today Jabberwocky and its great mate, hope ...

In forum Salvation Prophecy

12 years ago
Looking forward to this game, more space games the better :)

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

12 years ago
Looks good, backed 60 plus option with the pdf and beta acce...

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

12 years ago
Looks good to me :)

In forum General Coding and Mod discussion

13 years ago
Help the search for Exoplanets

In forum Outer Space and Astronomy

13 years ago
Master of Orion 3, what a utter let down. After the epicness...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

13 years ago
Freelancer works fine for me on win 7 64bit, 8gb ram

In forum Freelancer

13 years ago
Master of Orion clone, Starbase orion is pretty good fun, we...

In forum Mobile and Web Gaming

13 years ago
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