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Space trading combat game with space storms, looks from the vid to have been inspired by Freelancer and the voice acting sounds like it's being taking from a loony tunes cartoon. More infor on the website they do mention a demo on the website but not where you can download it from.

This topic was modified 4 years ago by DarkOne

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Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Agreed, it does have a freelancer feel... but it says on the website that its due to release in 2019 sometime.... I think this game needs a bit more work to be successful. Especially with;
- Sound effects, definitely needs work
- These space monsters/alien lifeforms need better animations and how they interact with your ship in combat
- Music doesn't really set the mood, there is some good royalty free music out there

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Found the demo on Indiedb and they have a Kickstart Small goal and looks like they want to use it for finishing work on the game as D1 noted about the game.

I agree about the music, it's not bad, it just sounds more Harry Potter than anything you normally hear in this type of game.

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Looks like they have hit their goal and still have three days to go.

Petty Officer Registered
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It's too bright for my liking. It's a space game, after all. Sound effects could also be reworked a bit.

I'll keep this on my radar.

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Had completely forgotten about this game until I ran across this youtuber playing the game and talking to the dev, it's a bit on the long side and I have only gotten about half way through it and I must download that demo of the game.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Looks like there is a page on Steam for this game:

Will be adding this to my wishlist to keep track of it because I actually like the whole space monsters concept

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same here and the dev said that the miner 49 voice is a temp and will be replaced with some better although you are still going to hear it in some places.

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New demo out for the game, can be found on Steam and itch Underspace by Pastaspace Interactive (


99 Star General Site Moderator
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D1 posted about some news about the game in another thread, so I thought I would just dropped in here as well. Underspace - January 2022 Devlog & Demo 1.95 - Steam News ( 



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Looks like the game still going as they have put out a new trailer and the release date still says this year, their is an update on Steam but does not say much.


Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Looks like this one is finally entering into early access on steam in April.

Senior Chief Registered
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This looks so good -- I'm even going to say "highly anticipated" by me

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Another one which I had forgotten about and is this the one with space monster?.

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Posted by: @pinback

Another one which I had forgotten about and is this the one with space monster?.

It has giant monsters

99 Star General Site Moderator
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And I see the game has come out and being given the kiss of death already with the phase "The spiritual successor to Freelancer", how many times have we seen that.

Their only one game that can call itself that and that is Rebel Galaxy Outlaw. 

This post was modified 4 months ago 2 times by Pinback

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I like it. It is Early Access (EA) at the moment and it reflects that. Negatives for me: It's keyboard+mouse more than gamepad and the UI/UX needs work. However it has massive style and for an EA game, it is chockful of story and ships. It's clearly indie and I love to support that.

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I probably will buy it but I'm going to let it update a bit more and see if they have a commitment to the game.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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I have been disappointed too many times with getting games in early access, so I will wait until this is officially released before I pick it up. But yes you are right @classyk this is looking great.
