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SSC Moved to a new hosting provider

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Hey Everyone

Between Friday and Saturday, I migrated SSC to a new web host. I don't think there was any downtime that I could see and the site seems to be operating as it was. If you see any anomalies please let me know so I can take a look but I think it was the smoothest transition yet πŸ™‚ haha


Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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As far as I can tell the move to the new host went really smooth with no downtime. For those that have been here a while will smile because I am getting a lot better at moving hosts πŸ™‚

I have been fine tuning the performance of the site that I have noticed and from feedback (thanks Marcel).

With some changes that I have done so far I have noticed a big increase in site performance, I will try to enhance this further with a cache plugin that I will put in place this weekend. I will also start work on SEO for SSC to help search rankings. And yes continue the small enhancements to the theme as always.

Couple of things I will be working on over the next few months:
- Building a more complete steam game listing on main page
- See if there is any plugins the will allow auto re-posting to social media
- Get my game listing page back on the site, have to recreate and will have its own database for easier maintenance. (I know I have said this many times but I really mean it πŸ™‚
- Add in a login widget to the forums page if your not currently logged into SSC
- And finally, I will start doing some game reviews or previews again. I have a ton of games in my library on steam and I will just start to play some of these, hope to do at least on time a month

As always, thank you for patience and support of SSC. Just positioning the site so I can keep this site online for a very long time. I just purchased another 5yrs of hosting πŸ™‚


Rear Admiral Registered
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I certainly didnt notice any down time at all D1. The site feels very stable, so good work! πŸ™‚

Captain Registered
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Excellent! The Pioneer Musical Appreciation Society page now loads fine! πŸ˜€

Rear Admiral Registered
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And that, is always good news Marcel πŸ˜‰

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Thanks for confirming this.

I did notice when browsing older threads that some of the users not migrated right from the forums upgrade from simple forums to bbpress a few months back and those users show up as anonymous. If anyone that happens to see this user and you know who actually posted that post please let me know and I will fix that issue in the DB. I corrected most of all of the people I could figure out, but there is still a few people I didn't catch and cannot figure out who it is πŸ™‚ This issue is only because of that stupid bridge they had... they created another table that linked the users in wordpress with the users in simple forums. Well they stored the ID's as different from Wordpress so what happens is when the forums got merged to WP the ID's didnt match up so I had to spend a few hours doing database updates.

So if anyone sees a post that doesn't have a name (anonymous) and you know who it is please let me know and I will make the change to the database for that user. Because I do not allow anonymous posting so there should never be a anonymous user in the system.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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The only other change I am going to attempt this weekend because I noticed it when fixing Marcel's issue was some of the older posts use invalid BBCODES and it looks bad in the post. I will try to remove those tags so mainly youtube/vimeo links display properly. So I will be trying to remove all of the old [youtube] and [media] tags on links.

Don't worry I will back up the database before I do this πŸ˜‰

Commander Registered
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Are you going to add an "View New Posts Since Your Last Visit" function, or is it already implemented?

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Are you going to add an β€œView New Posts Since Your Last Visit” function, or is it already implemented?

Currently bbPress doesn't have that feature it uses icons next to topics to show which ones are updated or new. I will look for something that actually displays a page of just updated topics. That was just a IP Board feature to my knowledge and isn't usually available in most forum packages. But I will be looking into it CaptianKal because I liked that feature too.
