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Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.


Custom loadout in flight management screen for fighetr

Eminent Member

The carrier commander is back. I have a question. How to equip my bombers and fighters with custom load-out (instead of default loadout) in the flight management screen. I know that the option is not there. My question is how to modify .def files to include that option.

Topic starter Posted : June 4, 2012 08:45
Trusted Member

There is no way to customize loadouts in the flight management screen. You can, however, modify the default loadouts in the fighter's def file then you will be able to choose your new loadout at the flight management screen. Below is an example of a loadout from a ywing figher in the Star Wars mod.

hardpoint: {

type: "Proton x 8",

type: "Concussion x 12"

abrv: "WHD1"

muzzle: (0, 0, 200),

loc: (0, 0, 200),

size: 5



loadout: { name: "Clean", stations: (-1) }

loadout: { name: "Ship Strike", stations: (0) }

loadout: { name: "ACM Medium Range", stations: (1) }

loadout: { name: "Hvy Ship Strike", stations: (0) }

As you can see, the single hardpoint can accept either 8 proton toropedoes ( If you enter 0 in the loadout). Or 12 concussion missiles if you enter 1 in the loadout or nothing if you enter a -1. If there were additional hardpoints, there would need to be more digits listed in the loadout one digit for each hard point. You can also go back up to the hardpoint to add additional ordnance types. The next type would be indicated by a 2 in the loadout section. Hope this helps.

Posted : June 4, 2012 17:45
Eminent Member

I thought of the same point here, i will try adding a new load out titled "Anti-Capship Loadout" with harpoons filling each section.

Topic starter Posted : June 8, 2012 08:20
Trusted Member

Sounds good. Deffing can be tricky at first. If you get stuck feel free to ask. Its always nice to see a new modder start out! 😀

Posted : June 8, 2012 09:02
Eminent Member

I added a load-out for F-Eagle (with eight hard-points filled by harpoons). I sent 10 of then to attack garrison station, which was at full health and shield. The eagle fighters reduced the station to 35% health and 0 % shields. Rest of the station was easily taken out by my attack fighters and DD Asher (As a destroyer can withstand the blast from explosion).

Topic starter Posted : June 23, 2012 21:06
Trusted Member

Nice work! Isn't modding awesome!!

Posted : June 26, 2012 01:01
Eminent Member

AI should also be allowed to use this option, but it needs the source code experts.

Topic starter Posted : June 26, 2012 08:57
Trusted Member

Yeah, that one is beyond my ability to mod.

Posted : June 26, 2012 13:20
Eminent Member

I installed star shatter source code along with msvc and direct x sdk. It did not compile well and gave a lot of errors and warnings. I posted the problem on source code groups and now waiting for their reply.

In the mean time, i can only make castles in air (err space). 🙁


Topic starter Posted : June 28, 2012 10:20
Eminent Member

I have done courses on C++. A quick look on the source code gave very interesting insights into the world of starshatter.

1. One of the files control the amount of time needed for the maintaining of strike craft. It also increases the time if the craft is damaged.

2. The ai is also controlled by some files. According to milo (a document). Each strike craft (for example) is being flown by ai as if it were using joystick. So

ai does not have any real advantage over us up to the point of piloting. It does have the advantage of automation of course. I would love to experiment

with ai code once i get around compiling issues.

3. If you look at the documents present with the code, you can find history of the game along with possible future plans with stgs.

4. For planetary strike missions, i still cannot figure out why the game does not load the planetary targets in Telmera region while in flight ops. They are

inserted of course when selecting as strike craft.

5. I have also found a way to possibly list all the planetary targets in flight ops. It may be done by changing the "GetIFF()" settings for planetary targets

equivalent to friendly target in files controlling the operation of carrier & "MapView" . But would not it be cheating?

Topic starter Posted : June 28, 2012 10:46