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Name the battleship in SSC's honor in Unending Galaxy

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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First off SerialKicked has honored SSC with two things...


A hidden spacestation 'SSC Station' in Unending Galaxy


And also a battleship to engage in the game as well, hmm wondering if you find it if you can follow it home? Well to get to the point, currently the battleship needs a name soooo, looking at the community for a good name for this battleship. So give me your names and the top three I think are great I will create a naming poll to have the site decide the name.


Don't forget to checkout Unending Galaxy.



Petty Officer Registered
Joined: 10 years ago
Posts: 46

Thanks 🙂


I do release the first beta version Monday, though. Not sure a poll result will be relevant by that date. However, I will rename the ship accordingly for the release after that (somewhere in December). Here's a few screenshots:


It spawned in the corner of a sector (as do most concealed stations) so I am sorry it's not centered properly.


Station + Battleship (the big blue one being the battleship):





Station "trade" menu





(yes, those sprites looks awfully familiar to people playing AI:Wars, we've been permitted to do so).

Rear Admiral Registered
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How about the "KENDO AR", an anagram of Darkone.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Oh I have never really played with anagrams much but that is interesting and sounds like a ship name 🙂
