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Unofficial patch 1.3 released!

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Eminent Member

^note that both installer, zip 7z or rar make 100% identical files, at proper place (placement of the files is not an issue!). It's just that time stamps differ, if you don't use 7z, that makes game unable to use those files.


Wesp5, you can debug this on your own too. Just change your time zone, after packing the files, and then try to unpack/install them. Then see if modification date differs for all files.

That's how I discovered the problem.

Posted : February 6, 2011 00:01
Eminent Member

New installer version is not working.

I tested it by trying both 7z and exe versions after changing my time zone to something random. Same files didn't had same time of modification in two versions.


Wesp5, are you +1GMT. With that time zone, both versions work.

Posted : February 6, 2011 05:10
Trusted Member
player1 wrote:
New installer version is not working.

Damn! Does anyone have an idea how the timestamp can be set to non-changing with Inno Setup?


I tested it by trying both 7z and exe versions after changing my time zone to something random. Same files didn't had same time of modification in two versions.

Okay, I'll try the same to check out the problem.


Wesp5, are you +1GMT. With that time zone, both versions work.


Topic starter Posted : February 6, 2011 07:55
Eminent Member

What about making self-extracting 7-zip archive, with only sound files in it, and have inno setup run it, after unpacking all files in game main folder (including that exe).

Or something in similar manner.

Posted : February 6, 2011 08:12
Trusted Member
player1 wrote:
What about making self-extracting 7-zip archive, with only sound files in it, and have inno setup run it, after unpacking all files in game main folder (including that exe).

Not necessary, I found an Inno Setup parameter which fixes the issue 🙂

Update: Use the updated installer version posted later in this thread...

Topic starter Posted : February 6, 2011 08:44
Eminent Member

Changed my time zone to GMT+6, used installer, compared installed files with those from 7z version: all seems to be fine!

Posted : February 6, 2011 09:28
Trusted Member
PINBACK wrote:
Seen the conversation option for the citizens in Kasterley topics now but Scrubby still telling me to get lost with no other options.

Hm, you need to have more than 1000 credits on you to get Scrubby's option. But I also found a small syntax error there that I will fix for the next UP version.

Topic starter Posted : February 6, 2011 12:04
Trusted Member
player1 wrote:
Changed my time zone to GMT+6, used installer, compared installed files with those from 7z version: all seems to be fine!

Great! I updated the The Patches Scrolls version with the working installer :)! The latest version is here:

Topic starter Posted : February 6, 2011 12:06
99 Star General
Wesp5 wrote:
PINBACK wrote:
Seen the conversation option for the citizens in Kasterley topics now but Scrubby still telling me to get lost with no other options.

Hm, you need to have more than 1000 credits on you to get Scrubby's option. But I also found a small syntax error there that I will fix for the next UP version.

I got over 7000 credits but if no one else is saying anything about it may just a peculiarity of my game.

I do have –100 reputation with the bandits don’t know if that may have anything to do with it.

Posted : February 7, 2011 08:12
Trusted Member
PINBACK wrote:

I got over 7000 credits but if no one else is saying anything about it may just a peculiarity of my game.

The wrong dialogue file is the issue then. I have already fixed it in the latest 1.3 updated, please try it!

Topic starter Posted : February 8, 2011 05:03
99 Star General
Wesp5 wrote:
PINBACK wrote:

I got over 7000 credits but if no one else is saying anything about it may just a peculiarity of my game.

The wrong dialogue file is the issue then. I have already fixed it in the latest 1.3 updated, please try it!

That’s got it scrubby now gives me the option to pay off the bandits. 😀

Seem I will need more money as 1000 credits only lower my reputation by 10% leaving me still –90 😆

Asteroidic rock

Asteroidic crystal

Asteroidic water

Shouldn’t it just be asteroid. ❓

Posted : February 9, 2011 03:46
Reputable Member

Is there any way to tell if this is running?

I have the gamersgate version of the game, and installed this along with the russian sound files. I directed the installer to my games/precursors folder, but I have no idea if it is working or not, because I didn't play the game prior to installing the patch and sound fixes.

What I mean to say, is the english is still a bit rough in spots, and left me wondering what I was supposed to do.

Also. Someone REALLY needs to make a guide or tutorial or something. I have endless questions, and to be frank, the tutorial taught me how to save. That was it. I'm just lucky I play ALOT of hybrid RPG type games, or I would be truly lost.

Posted : February 9, 2011 19:18
Trusted Member
IronHound wrote:

I have the gamersgate version of the game, and installed this along with the russian sound files. I directed the installer to my games/precursors folder, but I have no idea if it is working or not, because I didn't play the game prior to installing the patch and sound fixes.

If you start a new game you will get flashlight, binoculars and smartlink items when the patch is installed correctly.


What I mean to say, is the english is still a bit rough in spots, and left me wondering what I was supposed to do.

The English is still rough in lots of dialogues and it probably will be unless a native speaker improves all of it ;)!


Also. Someone REALLY needs to make a guide or tutorial or something. I have endless questions, and to be frank, the tutorial taught me how to save. That was it. I'm just lucky I play ALOT of hybrid RPG type games, or I would be truly lost.

What didn't you understand? I think it's a very straight FPS to start with and much less an RPG like e.g. Fallout 3...

Topic starter Posted : February 9, 2011 23:26
New Member
Wesp5 wrote:

If you start a new game you will get flashlight, binoculars and smartlink items when the patch is installed correctly.

I don't have this in my game. I don't see why not. I applied the latest version of the unofficial patch 1.3, directed it to the precursors install directory and everything seemed to work successfully. Still, when I start a new game, I do not have those items in my inventory. What am I doing wrong?

I have the gamersgate version of the game.

Posted : February 10, 2011 02:45
Trusted Member
Jarhead0331 wrote:
Still, when I start a new game, I do not have those items in my inventory. What am I doing wrong?

Are you seeing the new loading screens saying "The Precursors"?

Topic starter Posted : February 10, 2011 05:39
New Member
Wesp5 wrote:

Are you seeing the new loading screens saying "The Precursors"?

Where would that loading screen be displayed. It does not sound familiar.

I have the gamersgate version. The only modifications I made were as follows...

I installed the russian audio files from the links provided in the Deep Shadow forum. I then installed the english cut-scenes and I then installed the unofficial 1.3 patch. Doesn't seem like rocket science to me, but for some reason that unofficial 1.3 patch does not seem to have taken effect.

Posted : February 10, 2011 06:11
Reputable Member

Have you beaten the little opening tutorial jungle sequence? I think you get the items after that.

Its working for me then! 🙂

Well, the most important right now, is weapon degradation. I have multiple weapons that I have picked up, that have rather high, and low percentages in the 'wear' section. How do I repair these? Can I combine them together ala Fallout New Vegas and get a better weapon? Do new weapons degrade with use? (My pistol still looks fine.)

The little things like that. I'm sure Space will be a whole different can of worms.

Posted : February 10, 2011 07:14
Active Member
IronHound wrote:
Have you beaten the little opening tutorial jungle sequence? I think you get the items after that.

Its working for me then! 🙂

Well, the most important right now, is weapon degradation. I have multiple weapons that I have picked up, that have rather high, and low percentages in the 'wear' section. How do I repair these? Can I combine them together ala Fallout New Vegas and get a better weapon? Do new weapons degrade with use? (My pistol still looks fine.)

The little things like that. I'm sure Space will be a whole different can of worms.

I've not worked out how to repair them, other than using Repair Kits you find dotted around.

The pistol certainly degrades - you can also buy -50% wear upgrades to install in weapons, which are well worth it.

Posted : February 10, 2011 08:30
Trusted Member
Jarhead0331 wrote:
Wesp5 wrote:

Are you seeing the new loading screens saying "The Precursors"?

Where would that loading screen be displayed. It does not sound familiar.

The title is also displayed on the menu background, it is "Precursors" with GG and "THE Precursors" with UP 1.3.


I installed the russian audio files from the links provided in the Deep Shadow forum. I then installed the english cut-scenes and I then installed the unofficial 1.3 patch.

The UP 1.3 already includes the English cutscenes, also you get the new items in the tutorial too. If you see the loading screen, but don't get the new items, copy the resource.qrc file over into the Precursors Shared Documents folder.

Topic starter Posted : February 10, 2011 09:16
Active Member
Wesp5 wrote:

The UP 1.3 already includes the English cutscenes, also you get the new items in the tutorial too. If you see the loading screen, but don't get the items, copy the resource.qrc file into the Precursors Shared Documents folder.

Uff. Any chance you could make this clear on the "how to" pages, please?

At the moment, the threads all read like you have to d/l the cutscene patches as well as your patch. Also, please make it clear that 1.3 includes the prior patches - this is very unclear on the d/l page, and the files are differing sizes.. the 1.3 is a .exe and smaller! Which lead me to d/l 1.0 -> 1.3 in case each one was a separate patch.

So please make it clear in the read me that 1.3 contains everything you need for English & contains all prior patches.

Other than that, many thanks for your awesome work 🙂

Posted : February 10, 2011 09:27
Trusted Member
PINBACK wrote:

Asteroidic crystal

Asteroidic water

Shouldn’t it just be asteroid. ❓

According to Wikipedia "asteroidal" is correct, I'll change it.

Topic starter Posted : February 10, 2011 10:49
Trusted Member
Wolfie wrote:

So please make it clear in the read me that 1.3 contains everything you need for English & contains all prior patches.

The UP 1.3 readme states:

- The patch is a cumulative release and includes all earlier versions!

- The voice-overs of movies and cutscenes were taken from the official English version

I may ask The Patches Scrolls to remove earlier versions or put the whole readme up...

Topic starter Posted : February 10, 2011 10:51
Eminent Member

In GG version, there things are called minerals and frozen water (which is IMHO, decent translation, without losing context).

Posted : February 10, 2011 11:42
Trusted Member
player1 wrote:
In GG version, there things are called minerals and frozen water (which is IMHO, decent translation, without losing context).

The problem with the original was that there were no descriptions at all and I want all the inventory items to have a description :)!

Topic starter Posted : February 10, 2011 22:37
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