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seamless planet landing WIP

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Awesome bit of work 😎 not sure how he going to stop people from landing in big cities on earth innless their some sort of no fly zone around them or maybe he has managed to model them?. 

From Youtube

We've been hard at work the last 3 months on implementing seamless planetary landings for Welcome To The Future, generating planets/moons/asteroids with true to life heightmaps, with the help of the brilliant Voxel Plugin. Also some new music by Benedict Nichols (space track) and Harry Critchley (planet track) - all work in progress. All planets, moons, dwarf planets and asteroids (excluding gas giants) are landable in Welcome To The Future, all with their own true to life textures, heightmaps, gravity and atmospheres. They'll all eventually have their own unique content, including cities and outposts which we're hard at work on. During the last 3 months, among lots of other things, we've also added more than a dozen new moons/dwarf planets/asteroids to Welcome To The Future, and we're still planning on adding more, so you can explore all the amazing and unique locations in the Solar System.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Wow, very impressive work for the team. Especially if they are able to make the majority of the planets, moons, asteroids and stations land-able that will be a huge boost to the immersion of the game. Then the obstacle because giving people something to do with all that freedom 🙂 Nice work for the team! 

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Posted by: @marc

We're also working on procedurally spawning points of interest around the player, in attempt to make the solar system feel full of stuff to do and never boring. We'll be showing more gameplay showcasing things to do in the solar system hopefully soon!

Nice look forward to seeing it, any easter eggs going in game like maybe a black monolith in Jupiter orbit.

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Posted by: @marc

... but any suggestions are welcome!


Oolite Naval Attaché

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Posted by: @marc

We've also added the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, as well as the Kuiper belt starting near Neptune (just added that after the video)

Love asteroid fields, will be waiting intently to see your representation of them. Will players be able to do anything in them? And will WttF have any persistence, so if you do or destroy something does it stay that way?

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Posted by: @marc

we're planning a ton of easter eggs from all kinds of sci-fi media, but any suggestions are welcome!

The Iron Sky movies are very cheesy movies but Hilter is alive and well on the Moon or Mars if you saw the sequel 🤣 maybe a small base is in order.

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Could also find a monolith on the moon as well.

Few others.

An asteroid named "LV 426" from Alien.

Some place called "Hadley's Hope" from Aliens.

A towel on the ground with "Hitch Hikers Only" from Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy.

A space station named "Babylon" from Babylon 5

A 3D rectangle stuck in the ground with "Bomb 20" written on the side from Darkstar. 

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Looks like an update to the seamless planet landings. 😎 

