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Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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How to I get to the download area?

Currently, I am only allowing uploading and downloading permissions to files in this area. Since file renaming and folder creation can be exploited or used maliciously. I will probably make those sorts of privs available to trusted or donating members.

Try to be descriptive in your filenames please when you upload and please stick it in the correct spot (ie: folder) to my knowledge you cannot directly link to files in the download area because I have security preventing it.

Have any questions just let me know.


Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Has anyone have any feedback on the download plugin in your profile? Is it working ok? How is the speed? Is uploading working for you all?

Thanks. This has separate permission system from wordpress so I want to make sure everyone can use it without issue.

Petty Officer Registered
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download test succeeded

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Well, I have no "WP file manager" under my profile, I can only see "activity" "discussions" "inbox" "notifications" "comments". Then there are some stats about me, and that's it. Maybe I'm not looking at the right place ?

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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> Well, I have no "WP file manager" under my profile, I can only see "activity" "discussions" "inbox" "notifications" "comments". Then there are some stats about me, and that's it. Maybe I'm not looking at the right place ?

Go back to the wordpress side ( and check your profile there. Working on the menu items in the forum area so they link back to correct locations.

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Thank you, silly me, I didn't understand that "wordpress" refered to the non-forum part of site.

Lieutenant Registered
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hi D1
the download manager works fine for me,
speed seems to be good or at least better as downloading from my "OneDrive".

a little bareboned but well that makes no difference to the content.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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> a little bareboned but well that makes no difference to the content.

I kinda wanted barebones in a way, the other was a lot to maintain with all of the versioning and descriptions/screenshots. And if people uploaded multiple versions and didn't state in description it was tough to get the right one.

Least this way everything is in alphabetical order and as long as people make decent file names the download area should run itself. The security seems decent so far as well, only one issue I need to remedy is the cap the plugin has on uploads I have to contact developer and ask how you up it to 2GB or more.

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I have just downloaded the very latest version of Pioneer, but my PC is demanding to know what program created it, before it can be played. I don't understand this and am not a techie, please go easy on me, if anyone can advise. Thanks

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Hmmm I think I read something about this in some pioneer threads. If you run as Administrator does this remove this issue? I wanted to say it was a Windows10 thing with a specific library. I would post in the Pioneer forums, or download from the Pioneer website since the one here might be old since I haven't checked lately.

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i cannot find the fle manager no matter how hard i try

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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It should be present in your profile, in the upper right corner of the screen (when your logged in). You will see your name, hover over this. Now just click your name.

You should see a WP File Manager in the menu on the left, use that.

I have altered some permissions today so just let me know if you cannot upload or download.

Crewman Registered
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Im either blind or something is broken because i cannot find the WP File Manager. If i click on my name on it just opens a dropdown menu with the option to log out.
And if i click on my name in the dropdown menu, nothing happens (not sure if anything is supposed to happen)

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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So when you click on your name top right corner (after logging in) and you enter your profile you don't see your WP File Manager option on the menu to the left?

Its there I have checked on my account and a test account, if you still not see it let me know and I will look into your permissions because no one else has said anything yet.

I will try to make a screenshot soon so I can link it back to this post because its missing..

Crewman Registered
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I actually cannot figure out how to enter my profile. image

In the red circled part, only the logout button does something. I've tried 3 browers (Chrome, FF and EDGE) and the behavior is the same in all 3.

Captain Registered
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You should see an Edit My Profile option in that list - try refreshing your cookies (Ctrl+F5).

Oolite Naval Attaché

Crewman Registered
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Nope, it isnt there and just doesnt show up. I've even tried wiping all settings in firefox but that didnt change anything.

Maybe it is a permission problem, considering i dont even remember when i created this account (and subsequently never used it)

Master Chief Registered
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I actually had similar problems.

Likewise, I'd like to download 2 files from the download area, namely Dark ore and Further time. Could anyone help regarding this?

Many thanks.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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I will update the first post in this thread tonight with pics and descriptions.

But as long as you have participant rank/title you should have access to the File Manager section in your profile. You want to click 'your name', not 'edit profile'.

Starlord, those files are in the download area. Feel free to upload any obscure games that we are allowed to host a download for that SSC doesn't already have.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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There is currently an issue with uploading files, I have contacted the developer of the plugin about the issue. Since this wasn't happening before the recent update I did to the newer version.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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I have updated the plugin for the file manager area in everyone's profile, if you are having issues please let me know so I can investigate. With moving servers recently I could have missed a file permission or a group permission preventing you from doing something so please speak up if you see anything. And if possible give specifics, because permissions are on a group/access basis so its nice to know what you were doing to cause the problem.



Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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I added a 'Download Area' link to the main menu. Some folks have been complaining of issues downloading larger files. This should fix that problem, and the other download function is still enabled for those that like a cleaner look. I will try to make that new area look more professional later, but for now it should allow you to download only.

For uploading you will still need to use that other download area in your profile or let me know where to get the file and I will add it for you.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Since the site was upgraded this area has changed a little, yes you can still access this area from your profile area. But now you can access it right from the main menu at the top of the screen (ie: Download Terminal). Clicking this link will now bring you to the download area and from here you can upload and download files listed in the file manager. 

I am still trying to optimize this area since there have been reports of file downloads failing or stopping when almost complete. I need to investigate further into apache and goddady linux hosting to see if there is something restricting larger file downloads/uploads through the tool.

I have tested this with my connection and I was able to download files that were several hundred MB's in size I will try some larger files soon to verify this is working. But here is a screenshot that should help you resolve download issues:


Note: I have yet to try to upload large files via the tool, I ususally uploaded them via FTP because its quicker. So if you have any files over 100MB let me know and I can upload them for you.

This post was modified 5 years ago by DarkOne

Crewman Registered
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any chance for FTP download access? I am trying to download 75MB file but the transfer is 20kb/s and it fails after a few megabytes. There is no resume option available on the server.

This post was modified 4 years ago by spanix

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Posted by: @spanix

I am trying to download 75MB file but the transfer is 20kb/s and it fails after a few megabytes. There is no resume option available on the server.

If you follow that screenshot above that should get you the direct link to the file you are trying to download which doesn't use the gui based download system. I have had no problem downloading 1+ gb files using that method.

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