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[Sticky] Download Area Issues or Addition

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Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Hi Everyone



I am going to create this pinned thread to help with tracking any issues with the download area and any additions that are needed. What does that entail?


- Receiving errors when trying to download a file (please be specific and if possible a screenshot would be great)

- Access/permission issues

- Need a game folder to add downloads to

- Game file area clean up (if need be)

- Adding options to the upload form to make things clearer

- Download disclaimer fixes

- Adding supported file types

- And any other various download issues



All of the above can be discussed here and it will help consolidate and hopefully fix all issues as they are reported.







Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Hi Everyone

It has come to my attention that some people are running into a bandwidth restriction issue when downloading some files.

Please come forward if you are so I can try to track this down, if no body complains I don't know if there is a wide spread problem or if it is a individual problem.


Rear Admiral Registered
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Oops! Sorry Darkone I completely missed this thread. If I encounter any other issues apart from FFE3D and Genesia, I will leave details here.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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So Geraldine, just so I get this right it is only these two download areas that say you have reached a quota or something and other download areas are fine?

Warrant Officer Registered
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i have reach my limit DL for this month ... but i don't DL something since the 1st april 

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Is it for every download area or is it specific to certain areas?

Warrant Officer Registered
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Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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I have adjusted some things, do you all now have the ability to download again without restrictions?

Rear Admiral Registered
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So Geraldine, just so I get this right it is only these two download areas that say you have reached a quota or something and other download areas are fine?


Those were the only two I tested, sorry Darkone. However, right now I am downloading Ittiz's version of FFE3D, which I couldn't before. So what ever you did seems to be working.


EDIT: I did managed to upload MacJJFFE with no issues, if that helps.


EDIT MkII: Got Ittiz's Version ok, just need to get it to run now.

Warrant Officer Registered
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That's work fine , thanks a lot D one .

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Glad everything is working like it should, and thanks for bringing this to my attention. It's really amazing how some issues no one reports and when someone does I find out its been going on for weeks and no one tells me 🙂

Rear Admiral Registered
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Forum users just assume that Mods and Admins are omnipotent and magically know about all issues on the board. You wouldn't believe how shocked some were to find out that the mods had to approve every new poster on the Frontier Forum. They assumed we constantly watched out for new people joining up and that was why we were usually first to welcome them. We do of course, it's just that no one can stay online 24/7.


Also, another thing that put me off mentioning it was I didn't want to bother you with it as you are very busy just running the SSC.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Never thought about it that way, most of the time I rarely have time to even moderate 🙂 But I always want to make sure everyones experience on SSC is a good one so bug squashing is good and taking in feedback to make the site better. I have been horrible on getting that game listing online, I have some time off soon maybe I will take a few days to improve it. But back to downloads, as far as the bandwidth no one has complained on this and uploads seem ok as well since server move, so that was a plus.

Rear Admiral Registered
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Well, the SSC stuck me as a place that does not require that much moderation and long may that continue.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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No it doesn't really thank goodness, because seems like my time is limited most days with wrok and family. But really it is a hat tip to the community for acting just like they should, it truly is nice to talk with passionate gamers and not have to wade through crap posts. Maybe that's why I have the challenge questions that I do to limit the users that do make it into the station 🙂 I am really surprised no one has taken advantage of the paid downloads option of the site, all gold members and above can do this at any time.

Captain Registered
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 Maybe that's why I have the challenge questions that I do to limit the users that do make it into the station...


Yeah, that helps a lot. The Oolite forum uses very basic (cheap) PHPBB software, so all we have is a simple recaptcha. Hence there is a constant influx of bots and spammers which have to be dealt with. We had to reluctantly introduce first post approval a couple of years ago due to the posting of graphic images. As Geraldine notes, we Mods/Admins cannot be on duty 24/7 (though we manage about 20/7 coverage).


The people who hang-out here are, like the site itself, pretty damn cool!

Oolite Naval Attaché

Rear Admiral Registered
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Found an error with the WC Secret Ops package. The keygen link is broken.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Fixed it, you can get to that keygen from the menu at the top of the screen. But I also updated the link in the download as well.

Rear Admiral Registered
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Thanks Darkone. Now another one that caused me a bit of confusion over on the Frontier Forum, FFE3D Part 1. Is it broken? It seems fine to me as Steve pointed out in his post.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Fixed all the FFED3D archives and pulled the broken off of them because they work fine. Most issues reported was before the server move and the better connection and server. These old issues should be non-issues now. Thanks for the heads up.

Crewman Registered
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This is in the Evochron Series section.




These produce "We could not find the file specified".

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I removed the files for these a while back but they were not removed from the download section. I have updated the area so these non-downloadable files shouldn't be there any more. I also ran the file checker on the server and removed any bad downloads that were not linked to something in the database.

Crewman Registered
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Hello SSCAdmin; (Neat Privateer LOGO!)


I downloaded Pioneer, and when I get to the Open/Run Option, I get an error of "No Association for the file" from Windows.


The file DL's as: *.7z type of file??? "Pioneer-20150912-win32.7z"

Not DLL, EXE, or other known type I am aware of.


Am I missing something in the Install Process??




Up-Date: I got a copy of Win-Zip after I searched 7z as a Zip Format.

It Unzipped to where I sent it, and the Pioneer.EXE is 32 Bit while my system is 64 Bit. Clicking it does nothing.


Is there a 64 Bit Version of this?


Thanks Again.

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Do we have a copy of Pioneer here, if we do it must a pretty old one. 


get the latest version here


Try a post here about the 64 bit question

Crewman Registered
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I sent a post a few seconds ago, did it get lost??


Thanks PINBACK; Your first Link is where I got the 32 bit files.


A check of your second link has 64 bit for Linux, but only 32 bit for Windows.


Second Link goes directly to Mods List?

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