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Elite Dangerous: Horizons

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Master Chief Registered
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Video time about Horizons. Good material there:

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Three years on - and I don't know whether to laugh or cry!

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Three years on - and I don't know whether to laugh or cry!


Comon Cody. At least they making progress along the way   

So far this is the only space sim with the latest graphics that we can play. Even with all it short comings and flaws.

And if people think that this is a money grab. See what SC is doing, 4 years on ... I don't know whether to laugh or cry!

Master Chief Registered
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Horizons Beta is live - and it seems to be quite interesting:



(not mine)

Warrant Officer Registered
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It's kinda cool 🙂

Just landed on a planet myself for the first time:



Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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What can you do on the planets? Or what is planned that you will be able to do? The preview video from FD didn't really show off what you will be able to do and all of the planets they landed on were dead.

Warrant Officer Registered
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For now, dock at starports, gather materials for crafting of ammo, fsd-injection, repairs, fuel for the srv etc. You can salvage from wrecks and other point of interests, attack bases, steal, hack and mybe some more stuff I don't know about yet.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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I know I haven't been following Elite Dangerous: Horizons closely so excuse my ignorance here but I thought this was an expansion dlc or addon content not a standalone title? FD is selling this as a standalone game...! WTF is their problem? Charging an additional $60 for a stupid expansion, this should be part of the core game and not a $60 addon.... well excuse me you get 25% off if you own E:D.


I am so glad I haven't bought this game yet and I won't until I have a GOTY type addition with all this content in it. So now they are going to milk $60 from their fan base for content that should be just addon DLC. Sorry folks I cannot believe FD is doing this to the fans of the game. And I certainly hope Star Citizen doesn't end up like this.


Well now I know why E:D was on sale three weeks ago for $14, I guess people are not buying the game anymore and they are trying to get more funds. But $60 is a steep price for what looks like minimal content. For those playing with the new Horizons is the planet experience that good to warrant $60?



For those that are interested, here is the steam link:

Warrant Officer Registered
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Oddly enough I keep finding myself wanting to vigorously defend Elite Dangerous which initially I had such mixed feelings about.


First off: yes, their business model is bullshit.  The way the gaming market is these days, charging $45 for an expansion is crazy, almost no matter what is in it.  If it weren't for what I'm about to say below, I definitely wouldn't buy it.  We should keep in mind that if you are playing something like EVE, you pay much MORE than that per year for all those expansions, but I'll agree that that business model just can't compete considering all the downward pressure on prices these days.


That said, I really don't get why there has been so much negativity and vitriol over Elite Dangerous since it was first released.  Yeah, it has its problems but, WHAT ELSE IS OUT THERE THAT COMES CLOSE TO IT?  There just isn't anything.  It has no competition.  This is SO much more than what beloved X-Wing and TIE Fighter ever were.  If you want an open-ended space sim, that's really it, and there are so many amazing things about it.  I think the new planets are absolutely goddamn gorgeous.  They are just about the most convincing planets I have seen in any science fiction ever.  The idea that I can land on any atmosphereless planet in the galaxy is just mind boggling.  On top of that, it has perfectly smooth and consistent performance, so it's quite impressive on the technical side.


I don't know, I think I am biased because I have a science background and getting to fly around in a realistic, convincing and, most importantly, to-scale galaxy is completely blowing my mind.  I can't imagine anyone saying it isn't worth it.  Even if I couldn't do anything else other than fly up to these amazing, unbelievably realistic planets and land it would be worth every penny of $45 to me.


Gameplay-wise probably the most important feature in Horizons will be the overhaul of ship modules.  I'm just starting to dig into this so no opinion yet.  I think getting that right will be a huge part of whether the game will be worth sinking hundreds more hours into.

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To be perfectly honest, FD did make it apparent from the get-go that they would be releasing the game in "seasons" and that we'd be paying for each one individually, unless we picked up the lifetime pass or backed at a certain level. While that's somewhat unappealing, it has been stated from the kickstarter days. I'm actually OK with it, because I can make the determination on whether or not a season's content looks worthwhile to me, and they are finally kicking discounts like the Steam sale out occasion. Base game owners still get access to a fair bit of new content and new optimizations, while those who bought into Horizons will continue to get new content for an entire season.


As far as the game itself goes, it can be breathtaking as well as underwhelming. FD has built an absolutely amazing galaxy for us to explore, but the NPC element isn't up to the task of bringing it all to life. Yet. This isn't a huge problem for someone like me, who is really just happy to have a Space Engine type simulator where I can load up a ship and head out into the black. Horizons lets me do something more than just swing by planets, now I get to go out and get my space boots dirty. I can watch nebulas and ringed gas giants dominate the skyline while trying not to kill myself cruising around in the SRV. It's truly an experience.


Even though I don't feel I get the most out of all the content, I feel like Horizons was well worth my money. If you are questioning purchasing ED & Horizons, I'd suggest picking ED up on the next steam sale. The base game is well worth $15 and it will let you determine whether or not Horizons is of interest to you.


Just my 2c

Warrant Officer Registered
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ED has been a wild ride from back when the kickstarter was announced. However, I really can't hate on Frontier, they gave me my money back when they announced that the game would be Online only. (No offline play whatsoever.) So I can't even be mad. I eventually moved and got my internet sorted...only to find the game just isn't that much fun. I got some new ships, and flew around, but the universe is utterly dead outside of certain locations.


I get it, space is big. However, how come I only find pirates at the little sun warp point things? How come I never meet any AI ships anywhere? At least more around stations.


I dunno, the galaxy felt dead and lifeless. The trading was much more difficult than similar games, the missions where really poorly generated (18 jumps to get this one item and bring it back to join the federation? Are you kidding?)


I bounced off ED pretty hard a few months back, and havn't really felt like I missed much. Horizons doesn't really seem to change the core problems. Who cares about driving around on a planet? I can do that in any old grand theft auto game. How about adding some vibrant and exciting content? I want that feeling that FFE had. The danger of trading, the pirates attacking etc.


Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say, is that Horizons doesn't look like its worth the money at all.

Petty Officer Registered
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I know I haven't been following Elite Dangerous: Horizons closely so excuse my ignorance here but I thought this was an expansion dlc or addon content not a standalone title? FD is selling this as a standalone game...! WTF is their problem? Charging an additional $60 for a stupid expansion, this should be part of the core game and not a $60 addon.... well excuse me you get 25% off if you own E:D.


I am so glad I haven't bought this game yet and I won't until I have a GOTY type addition with all this content in it. So now they are going to milk $60 from their fan base for content that should be just addon DLC. Sorry folks I cannot believe FD is doing this to the fans of the game. And I certainly hope Star Citizen doesn't end up like this.


Well now I know why E:D was on sale three weeks ago for $14, I guess people are not buying the game anymore and they are trying to get more funds. But $60 is a steep price for what looks like minimal content. For those playing with the new Horizons is the planet experience that good to warrant $60?



For those that are interested, here is the steam link:


Full marks for the realisations of the awful truth!


"Frontier" are evil IMO. Simply evil. Even as bad as Zynga, or even Kixeye (anyone whos played WarCommander or Battle Pirates will tell you). Not only do they expect you rebuy the whole game AGAIN for even more than the first version - look at the merchandising on their webstore. £10 for ship paintjobs and decorative "bobbleheads" for your cockpit - ie £10 for a bunch of pixels!


Not only that but I believe Frontier are planning to do this same trick every year for the next 10! By 2025 it's plausible the end product of Elite Dangerous will have cost you over £1000.

Except it's NOT likely to get that far. Judging from the intense backlashes over what they've done with "Horizons", the screams of "boycott!" and the demanding of David Brabens severed head and extracted jet-black heart to be burnt at the stake..... well, I think it's over for Elite : Dangerous already. Well done, and thanks, to all the po-faced money vampiric suits at "Frontier".

Petty Officer Registered
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ED has been a wild ride from back when the kickstarter was announced. However, I really can't hate on Frontier, they gave me my money back when they announced that the game would be Online only. (No offline play whatsoever.) So I can't even be mad. I eventually moved and got my internet sorted...only to find the game just isn't that much fun. I got some new ships, and flew around, but the universe is utterly dead outside of certain locations.


I get it, space is big. However, how come I only find pirates at the little sun warp point things? How come I never meet any AI ships anywhere? At least more around stations.


I dunno, the galaxy felt dead and lifeless. The trading was much more difficult than similar games, the missions where really poorly generated (18 jumps to get this one item and bring it back to join the federation? Are you kidding?)


I bounced off ED pretty hard a few months back, and havn't really felt like I missed much. Horizons doesn't really seem to change the core problems. Who cares about driving around on a planet? I can do that in any old grand theft auto game. How about adding some vibrant and exciting content? I want that feeling that FFE had. The danger of trading, the pirates attacking etc.


Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say, is that Horizons doesn't look like its worth the money at all.


Indeed it is not, *yet*! Maybe if DB has a change of face and heart, drops the giant rip-off scam, restores the faith of the fanbase then maybe, in a few years time Elite : Dangerous will catch up with EF-FE for content/gameplay. Then I would be happy to pay £40 again for the game. As for paying another £40 for E:D Horizons as it is *now*, after paying £30 only a few months ago for the 1st version..... they can go   themselves!


Right now E:D is just an criminally overpriced empty container. Once it starts getting filled with hi-quality goods, then it will become worth it.


However, looking at the current levels of unrest over "Horizons" it may never do so. We may be witnessing it's death knell right here.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Looks like the 'Horizons' expansion is now included in the base game for free now, kinda makes sense since Odyssey expansion is coming soon.


Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Well... Finally made the leap I bought Elite Dangerous 😉 Not sure when I will start to play it but its at least in the Steam library now so I am one step closer to playing it .... but I have said that about the X games and I have had those for years 🤣 🤣 🤣 I been trying to play through my steam library .... so little time and too many games I guess I should quit buying them.

Warrant Officer Registered
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"1 jump" to go then! 🙂

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Posted by: @d-c-elington

"1 jump" to go then! 🙂

Hehe I will try to least play a little before the end of the year, taking 2wks off at xmas since I can't go to the Philippines because of the stupid virus so I have to burn my vacation or loose it .... so I am hoping to get a little gaming time in with the PC then.

You will know when I start because I will probably post some newb pics of my accomplishments or failures 🤣 


This post was modified 4 years ago by DarkOne

Rear Admiral Registered
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Elite will be free for one week on the Epic Games Store.

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Elite 3 not canon? <sniggers> An alliance with the gooks? I liked the heat-map of the Galaxy - still mostly unexplored, eh?

I read somewhere that FD had drastically reduced the number of interdictions. Is that true, Geraldine? There were always far too many, one of the things I disliked about it. But the flight model was beautiful, FA on or off, and landing on outposts was sweet!

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Difficult for me to comment on interdictions (IDCs) as I am presently well over 25,000 LYs out from the Bubble. When I was last there it depended on the security level of the system, what, if any, allegiances you had, if you had cargo, more IDCs if valuable cargo, and if you were on a mission. Some missions could take you to multiple systems and ships would be sent out to stop you. There were times I was constantly hounded across space.

EDIT: Mind you, that's what mine launchers are for. 😉 

This post was modified 4 years ago by Geraldine

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Posted by: @geraldine

Elite will be free for one week on the Epic Games Store.

Yeah I laughed when I saw that announcement because it was like a week after I bought it 🙂 But I like steam better and they have achievements too. Hope during xmas holiday to give it a spin because I am off for 2wks, I need to finish up Rebel Galaxy first 🙂

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That's the breaks D1. You could always get a free alt account? Sometimes these can come in handy.

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