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Their an odd story from IncGamers about how much the game has made and how much it could make They don't give any source for it but their was nothing in the newsletter and I can't see any thing on the FD site. But after a couple of minutes digging around, it seems to originate from here and was posted on the Kickstarter backer comments


I think we can regard the story as bullshit as I have no doubts that FD would be shouting about it as their one thing developers love to take about is how much they have made from a game.

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in my humble opinion, ED can still become the greatest space sim of all times (also with solid money revenues) if the developers overcome the (apparent ?) problem to make a solid offline version release with a huge galaxy (even limited for offline purposes) with decent NPC behavior that make it a challenge. All other stuff like planet landings and actions etc. can be added later, also no fan of the game has ever said that all has to be made and released in one day, but on the other side a lot of time has passed since Frontier First Encounters...


I'm still hoping for radical changes in the technical form of the game, convinced that such a form which is: "download-install-play" or "buy-it-install-play" without any online trouble to be considered is the best road for success.



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Latest news: it seems that Elite: Dangerous will be coming to the XBox One later this year! Hmm... ho-hum!

Oolite Naval Attaché

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No surprise there always thought there would be one.

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I wonder if there will be a version for the 360? I doubt it since this older XBox is heading for retirement. Still, that means its games will be as cheap as chips!

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Got back yesterday from a trip and found I had a parcel waiting at the post office for me, strange thing was the card said it was addressed to "Pinback", turned out to be the star map poster from FD.


Now where's the rest of the items ie the boxed game, they said they would be sending it out in the new year and it's now the middle of March.

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So I get back home from work and the neighbor has a box for me addressed to Pinback again, and now for the closest you will ever get to an unboxing on this forum.















Well I have to admit they have done very well with this as I was only expecting a DVD case, very lush and we got a manual............second most expensive game I have ever bought shame I will never get to play it.




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shame I will never get to play it


❓ Looks like I missed something  ❓

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Simply answers bad broadband but also I have had this issues with the game from day 1 102 pages now.


And I just lost interest in it when they announced the abandonment of the single player off line mode.

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Simply answers bad broadband but also I have had this issues with the game from day 1 102 pages now.


And I just lost interest in it when they announced the abandonment of the single player off line mode.


They should have done this at the beginning of the beta. And give the kickstarter backers the code then.

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New expansion pack announced, plus planetary landing

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Now this is interesting! As someone who primarily explores, this is fantastic news! Although I'm not sure how I feel about having to purchase an expansion to go along with it.


I do have some questions and concerns. The article makes it sounds like you will be scanning to find "signs of crashed ships, minerals and fortresses." It's great Braben is opting to have content on the surface, however this sounds almost like a Mass Effect type planetary landing system of small, instanced landing zones. That would be a shame, since zooming around a planet is one of my favorite activities in other games. Does this mean we will have access to spaceports on the surface now? If the entire planet is rendered, how will heavily populated systems be handled? I don't think cities like FE2, Pioneer or Evochron will cut it in E:D. Also....ground vehicles? Interesting!


Anyways, great news! This could go a long ways to making exploration more entertaining 🙂

99 Star General Site Moderator
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I do have some questions and concerns. The article makes it sounds like you will be scanning to find "signs of crashed ships, minerals and fortresses." It's great Braben is opting to have content on the surface, however this sounds almost like a Mass Effect type planetary landing system of small, instanced landing zones. That would be a shame, since zooming around a planet is one of my favorite activities in other games. Does this mean we will have access to spaceports on the surface now? If the entire planet is rendered, how will heavily populated systems be handled? I don't think cities like FE2, Pioneer or Evochron will cut it in E:D. Also....ground vehicles? Interesting!


Good point and from the description given it does sound more like the Mass Effects games along with the ground vehicle although it does say their will be seamless landing but it could be as you say just in one spot with some way to stop you landing on top of the fortress and the fortress sort of hints at it being more of a FPS either from the vehicle or on foot.


This should be free to Kickstarter backers of certain tier level unless they have managed to wiggle out of it.

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Well, AFAIK it is not instanced in the same way that ME3 is - you really access the full planet. But we shall see - still quite some time before launch.


And the expansion is included to anyone that has a lifetime expansion pass. 


Also of interest, the Horizons is being announced as more than an expansion but a "season of content" - just like the original game will bring a total of 5 content updates, so will Horizon bring several content patches, some of which be exclusive to players with horizon expansion, other will benefit all players.


For current season, there will still be CQC and Ships (1.4 and 1.5 respectively).

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