Just wanted to create this thread early. Please post here about any bugs or issues you encounter while playing Ensign-1 and we the developers will try to assist you!
Running the Linux 32bit version with nvidia blob, just gone write it in the way I encounter the things I noticed. Just a short quick run since its Eastern
- had some problems to clearly hear the voice-over, think default the music should be a bit lower
- in mission 1, press ESC, exit mission, new game, you then get the long text about "soldiers, as units selected..." but you get the voice-over of mission 1 and your ship is not at the start position but already on mission 1.
- mission 1, you can fly into the wall of your mother-ship, you then end up in a black space where you can't get out
- I would really have expect to be able to use the mouse (maybe with right mouse button pressed) to turn the ship instead of the arrow keys, I simply suck at doing that 😉
- Missiles work great, did have trouble getting enemies down with lasers, but that also has to do with me and arrow keys 😉
- Overall though it was impressive, it really felt smooth.
Thanks for the feedback Bumadar! and welcome to the space sim central forums 🙂
Flying into the mothership is the issue that worries me the most, since I didn't know about that one. Can you describe where about on the Ensign you can fly through? Is it only on mission 1?
can reproduce it simply by undocking, then W till I am out of the forcefield and S go backwards and I end up in a black hole 🙂 This is mission 1, not had time to go in any further
Interesting, when you travel through the forcefield, do you hear any sound like a collision or such? Or is it smooth?
Just checked again. SHIFT to release the ship, W to go forward a bit, leaving the forcefield. Arrow up to turn 180 degree's then W again to get back into the forcefield, see the SHIFT comment to dock but instead I continue forward against the backwall and I am in the black.
The tried it even more simple, just fly out, turn and hit the mother-ship and where ever I collide with the mother-ship I go through the wall. I do hear the sound (a thumb) you get when you hit the wall (of the x-station) and bounce off.... this only happens on the mother-ship, I can not go through the wall of the x-station
EDIT: also happens on mission 2 (going through ensign-1 walls). There I also managed to fall through the ship (in first person mode) while exploring, have not been able to reproduce that.
In mission 2, ignoring the fighters and defences if you enter the tunnel under the station the sound of guns hitting something (not me as far as I can tell) is a bit much
on another note, during the dog fight in mission 1 I got so off track that once all fighters where down I could not locate the x-station or the mother-ship, so might be an option to have them on the radar ?
I do miss the option to lock a target so I can track them a bit easier, right now with a group of 4 fighters its hard to target 1 and keep on him.
I think that's enough for me to go on, thanks Bumadar. And your other suggestions have been noted.
Hey Bumadar, I have one more question. You mentioned it being hard to take ships out with lasers, did you realize that your ship has two different kinds of lasers? One for shields and one for hull?
I just want to get a sense of how many players new about that, and if I need to indicate it to the player somehow.
I have found the blackhole bug as well, and as far as I can tell, the "falling out of your ship" bug comes from exiting pilot mode while accelerating.
Excellent, thank you.
Yes the black hole bug I should have caught. Things got updated right before release, and the inevitable happened. Apologies for that.
I just want to get a sense of how many players new about that, and if I need to indicate it to the player somehow.
I saw it later yes, did not see it right from the start, but its more my clumsiness with the arrow keys then anything else 🙂
Well, I just submitted patches to Desura to fix the black hole bug and hopefully make the game run a bit faster.
They should go live once they're approved. Now I just need to get you all your Desura keys. Hopefully that will happen tonight or tomorrow at the latest.
odd, I was sure I posted here 2 days ago.... guess I was dreaming 🙂
got the desura key, thank you and the blackhole bug is fixed in the current desura build
I've played for about 2 hours, and everything seems to be working find so far except:
1. I've had two instances where I fell out of my ship while walking around inside of it.
2. On mission 2, when I dock at the enemy base, I fall through the floor upon exiting my ship
3. I mentioned on Desura that I was getting extremely low FPS, which was fixed by turning down the nebula slider. Unfortunately, whenever I destroy an enemy ship, the FPS still drops to 1-2, and doesn't go back to normal until all of the particles have disipated.
I'm using 64 bit Ubuntu,with and Radeon HD 4570 graphics card, 8 gigs of ram, and and Intel I5 processor, so I would assume that my computer would be able to get atleast 30 FPS.
Thanks so much. I can't wait to see how this game turns out
Yea...we're working on it. Don't worry those explosions aren't final.
Bug with the multiplayer server joining stuff: I can join my own server fine by using localhost and the ip, however when I tried to join the public server thing the game freezes for a bit and then just closes. No messages, nothing. I've tried this two times, both with the same result. I'll try to find out what happening and all...
System specs:
Windows 7, 64-bit
8 GB Ram
Intel HD Graphics card thing (I think)
i7 Intel processor
(anything else I should add to that?
Yes, you need to tell me your version number.
But I just tried and also get a crash, so noted and thank you!