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Master Chief Registered
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Ooooooh boy, yea I'd love to have some of your ships in Ensign!

I don't really have any concept artists on the team though :/ I know we desperately need a new Ensign-1, like really badly need a better human capital ship if you think that's possible.

I'm a big fan of the SDF-1

With it's twin barrel design, do you think you could do something similar to that?

By the way if I put the image in the post originally, I get an error saying my post is too short.

Commander Registered
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Sounds good mate, I'll give it a try but I should warn you that in most cases when I start making a ship, after a picture/concept art, my final design usually turns up completely different hahaha.

Ok so the specs are as follows:

* size = capital ship

* design = human

* type = military / civilian / transport ?

* poly count = ?

* texture = only a very basic diffuse, as textures always were my achilles' heel

* model format = 3DS / OBJ

Btw, your ships follow the classic design of ships having engines just at the back or do they need engines placed strategically for realism (front/sides/top/bottom/back) ?

Rear Admiral Registered
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Loving these updates Onionman! Ensign 1 is shaping up really well! <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='' />

Master Chief Registered
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Thank you Geraldine,

And SolCommand, don't worry your artisti quality is above and beyond for this project. Diffuse only maps makes it easier on me anyway. So tired of people telling me to add specular to the game <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

As to polycount, what would you recommend for a ship that size? I'm thinking around 15-20k? But it's up to your judgement as long as it's reasonable.

Oh and OBJ is what we use, so perfect. And if you don't follow concepts anyway why'd you ask for one! <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

Commander Registered
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Well, about the poly count, it is mostly up to your game engine, how many polys can it handle before it starts lagging and stuff like that. Yes, 20k is a fair number, we'll see how this goes, it might be less or slightly more.

I asked for a concept to see what style you're looking for cause if you wanted something like > this < then I couldn't have helped you simply because I hate "alien" designs <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

Master Chief Registered
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Wow, that's a cool ship. But noted, I won't have you make any alien ships, no insect inspired ones anyway <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' /> I'll keep you on the federation and the pirate sides.

We've got one ship in the game, the asteroid base, that's over 100k pollies. And I had to optimize the game to be able to handle a ship like that being bombarded with fire. Still if possible, I'd prefer not to go that high if it can be avoided. So anywhere around 20-30k is very reasonable.

Also, we'll need some pirate fighters and frigates eventually as well, if you find any ships in your current database that would fit in, feel free to work with me on getting them in game!

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Combat looking good Onionman and like the different cockpit layouts when you switch to a different ship.

Master Chief Registered
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Camera view

Master Chief Registered
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What do you think?


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