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The FFED3DAJ Thread

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Crewman Registered
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Hello there, just to add up to the posts above, I gave this a shot.

1) I'm running (k)ubuntu 20.04

2) uninstalled distro wine; cleaned up all packages, reinstalled wine testing v6.4 from wine ppa as from their site

3) reinstalled winetricks to install dx9; no need to download anything, winetricks does this by itself. Added dx9 to the default profile.

4) installed the usual FFED3D "soup" as from the above posts

5) run from console using "wine FFED3DAJ.exe" after having selected a few config options in the .cfg file

6) program ran and was playable, however I have an issue in which the sunset in the image above is shown as a orange square behind the clouds.

It would be great to fix this last issue, but apparently it is something minor since Andy is not seeing it. I can provide more logs if needed.

Thanks to everybody for your efforts, they are much appreciated... dear Lord I remember playing this thing in 1997 X-D

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Hi testadilegno!

Great to hear that someone else has been able to get it running under Wine 6.x - they really have achieved something amazing with this software!

As for the coloured square - It sounds like a texture is missing.

I think you perhaps installed the FFED3D pack, the FFE3D3DAJ v1.11 patch+core files, and then perhaps the nanite2000 textures & enabled the skin or terrain textures. Did you then install the v1.17b2_TEST files from a couple of posts earlier which only contains a pair of .exe files? I was able to get a giant orange square by doing this. (If this sounds about right, could you confirm?)

If you grab the v1.17beta1 from August 9th and install it over the top then it should solve the problem I think. You'll have to re-apply your ffed3daj.cfg settings so keep a copy. (The link was this: )

Alternatively, the v1.17beta2 download is at: Not sure why I didn't get around to sharing that full .zip file here previously - but it's been a strange year!


OR - you can be a trailblazer and try out the very latest, hot off the press v1.17beta3 build!

Again, you'll need to update your .cfg with your preferences after installing:

(for anyone jumping in and finding this post - follow the steps in the first post first before installing a beta build)


This latest v1.17beta3 build is mostly an update to the rendering engine over beta2; all screens are now fully repainted every frame which fixes some issues with the developer console overlay and hopefully with 3rd party post-processing shader injectors such as ReShade.

Hopefully this will sort out the problem - but shout out if it doesn't!

As you appear to be knowledgeable with Wine - I wonder if you know if .Net 4.x Windows applications can run under it? If you are able to get the configuration application to run I'd be grateful if you can share how to get it running!




This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by AndyJ

Crewman Registered
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Dear Andy, sorry for the delay, I got a bit swamped at work.

Applying your latest patch beta3 solved the issue, but I couldn't say if it was really an issue or if I had broken something using other texture mods. I'll go back to that when I have more time. Anyway I can confirm the install flow I discussed above, and confirm everything works on ubuntu 20.04 with wine 6.5.

On the other hand I couldn't manage to run your configuration app under wine - i'm kind of an experienced user, not a guru :p

I could send a couple screenshot to you, but I don't know if they can be of any help.

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Thanks for coming back with an update testadilegno - it's really good to hear that you solved the issue!

I'll have a look at migrating the config application to use .Net-core instead, perhaps this might help getting it to run on linux with Wine... 



Crewman Registered
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Thank you so much for this resource, my old install of FFE (up to about 2017) was a horrendous frankenstein's monster of patches, hacks downloads (JJFFE, GLFFE, etc. etc.), and bits I put together myself.  This combination of everything looks absolutely amazing.  Downloaded everything on Windows 10, got it started, and almost everything seems to work.

Only problem I have is the mouse controls.  Normal mouse movement seems fine, but when I attempt to fly in space, moving the mouse results in the not moving the way I wanted it to move.  I hope this is the right thread to ask for technical help?  Things I've tried:


I'm using a laptop, so I disabled the touchpad.

I changed my mouse.

In case of reflection off the table, I changed my mousemat.

I tried the different versions of FFED3D.

I adjusted mouse sensitivity down gradually, which stopped it spinning wildly, and with sensitivity of 1, it showed me the issue.  Under higher sensitivity, it seemed to spin wildly, but with a sensitivity of 1, when I move the mouse down, it goes up, and right.  When I move the mouse left, it goes right, but only a bit.  When I move the mouse up, it goes right, and when I move the mouse right, it goes right.  So it looks like a potential software issue?  I could only find this old thread on it (

It doesn't do this under normal mouse movement (i.e navigating menus, selecting controls), it seems to be specific to flying.

I made sure that bindings were on, and it flies perfectly under keyboard controls.

I also tried re-enabling the touchpad and using it to fly.  Same issue.

So at this point I'm kind of out of options, anyone have any idea of what I might be able to try? 


Edited to add, after trying all kinds of different configurations, settings, compatibility modes, it seems that I had forgotten to add the newest beta patch.  Added that in, and problem solved!





This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by xbasslichtie

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Crewman Registered
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im having problems downloading the beta3 version of ffed3daj. i gets to about 10% and then stops downloading and wont resume as it thinks its completed. any suggestions? 

it says 'failed network error' and then breaks when i try and restart it

it says the zip file is corrupt

btw the russian page link you provided, the file contains a virus

This post was modified 3 years ago 4 times by the777

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I added some quick downloading tips to the download page to assist users having issues. I have noticed people seem to have issues with the connection dropping I think its a PHP timeout with GoDaddy.... but the method I mention should allow you to download the file I have just tested it.

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Alternatively, the v1.17beta2 download is at: /a> Not sure why I didn't get around to sharing that full .zip file here previously - but it's been a strange year!


Andy, I have an older version (I think) installed!!! Is it OK to unzip the new beta over it? 

Crewman Registered
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ok,  but what about the virus?

file: C:\Users\n\Desktop\FFE D3D Full Pack v1.12b++ (2011-05-24)\FFE D3D Start!.exe


This program is dangerous and executes commands from an attacker.



This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by the777

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Posted by: @the777

im having problems downloading the beta3 version of ffed3daj. i gets to about 10% and then stops downloading and wont resume as it thinks its completed. any suggestions? 

it says 'failed network error' and then breaks when i try and restart it

it says the zip file is corrupt

btw the russian page link you provided, the file contains a virus


Posted by: @the777

ok,  but what about the virus?

file: C:\Users\n\Desktop\FFE D3D Full Pack v1.12b++ (2011-05-24)\FFE D3D Start!.exe


This program is dangerous and executes commands from an attacker. 

Hi @the777.

Sorry if you've had a bad experience downloading from the site. I have removed the link from the original post for now, but the issue may be a false-positive.

As I understand it, the "FFE D3D Start!.exe" hooks the original FFED3D.exe to add a splash screen & music whilst loading (and other fixes?) and this is probably what triggered the malware warnings. If you have this pack then I think that you can just remove all of the .exe files and .dll files included for peace of mind, then install my patch over the top. The pack has been updated since I originally downloaded it in 2013, so I'll investigate further before reinstating links to it.

I can't say for sure the files are 100% ok as I didn't create them. The included ffewin28.exe also triggers Norton on my PC despite it being byte-for-byte identical to a version that's sat on another drive for 8/9 years. My own builds of FFED3DAJ do unfortunately trigger false-positive warnings from time to time.

You may want to keep "# MODS Switcher (JSGME).exe" which is a utility for swapping in alternate models, textures and sound mods. I've checked this against the original version of the beta 1.12b++ pack I downloaded from there, and it's identical, and it gets a clean bill from Virus Total. If you wish to check it, or any of the other files, you can load this page and drop a file on it to have it scanned:


With regards to not being able to download beta 3 of ffed3daj, I assume that you are referring to the ittiz-beta3 pack in the downloads area?

Please see this post for more help & to post any feedback/questions with regards to that:

Hope this helps, shout out if you need further help once you've grabbed the files you need.




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Posted by: @captainkal

Andy, I have an older version (I think) installed!!! Is it OK to unzip the new beta over it? 

Hi @captainkai

So long as you have at least v1.11 of my build installed and working with an FFED3D pack, you can just drop the beta patch on top of it. The start-up screen after loading should show which version you have installed.

You might want to keep a copy of the ffed3daj.cfg file for reference if you made changes to it. There is also a config application included now for customizing settings, which is little friendlier than editing the .cfg with notepad!

By the way - you quoted the link to the v1.17beta2 patch, which has since been updated to beta3:

(for anyone jumping in and finding this post - please follow the steps in the first post first before installing this beta build!)




Petty Officer Registered
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It is impossible to download the required files from the download terminal here. Smaller files can be downloaded (sometimes after several tries) but larger file downloads always fail after 30-40MB have been downloaded. The server also has no resume capability, so every time a download fails it has to be restarted from scratch.

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Hi... message D1, he should be able to sort it out.

Oolite Naval Attaché

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@stamasd Did you download by the instructions that I posted here

I have GoDaddy hosting and for some reason it has issues with php style download scripts, I have tried to workout this issue with them but they are always trying to up sale me to pay for dedicated server at $100mo and since SSC doesn't make that sort of money I won't upgrade to that right now. 

But that work-around I posted does indeed work because you are using the direct link to the file on the server and not going through a php script.  

This post was modified 3 years ago 4 times by DarkOne

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@sscadmin Thanks, yes I did but yesterday the downloads would still fail. I tried again today and it worked. Thank you again.


I hear you about hosting issues. It's one reason why I decided to do my own hosting from a machine in my basement. The only issue I have with that is that my ISP blocks the usual ports, so I have to run my web server and sshd on non-standard ports. It's fine for personal use. In use that as a private "cloud" with 12TB of ZFS storage. 🙂

This post was modified 3 years ago by stamasd

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Posted by: @stamasd

I hear you about hosting issues. It's one reason why I decided to do my own hosting from a machine in my basement.

I have thought about doing this myself, I need to build a barebones server for this. But the only downside I live in the country and from time to time I do have internet outages when the power goes out haha so I didn't want the site to go down because I loose power. Its something I have to think about, because GoDaddy hosting isn't that good but its fairly cheap but it does have your drawbacks. If SSC could make $50-100 a month I would look into better hosting. 

Glad you were able to pull down the file you needed 🙂

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Don't mind me plugging a Funtoo container then. 🙂 Funtoo is my favorite Linux distribution and I run it on most of my machines, including the server I mentioned above. There are Funtoo virtual containers that you can rent for significantly less than $100/mo. You need to be able to admin the container and the distro within yourself. I know the distro maintainer and there is a very active and responsive community on Discord to help you with any issues. Let me know if you're interested. Here's an invitation link to our discord server Talk to @drobbins on the server about hosting - he's the admin, and also the distro maintainer (Daniel Robbins)

This post was modified 3 years ago by stamasd

Crewman Registered
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Wanted to try this out, but apparently it cant be done.

It's really silly how this is the only point of access and the downloads are impossible to complete. Just put the damn thing on the thing, mediafire or something, i dont know. Are you afraid of someone stealing your secret textures ?

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