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GoD Factory on Greenlight

Petty Officer Registered
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2 weeks ago I submitted GoD Factory: Wingmen on Greenlight. We had a nice start but it's starting to slow down. So in short, we need your help to make this happen! So if you could vote for our game and share the page to your friends, it could make a difference. We're something like 40k votes from being Greenlit 😛

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Already voted, how many does the avg game need to get accepted 50K?

Petty Officer Registered
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Thanks! It does take about that much to be in the top 10 yes. It's a whole lot. By the way, could there be greenlight projects just like there are kickstarted stuff on our front page? There is a collection of space games right here:

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Wow, thanks for this Guillaume. I will try to get to work on this, I was just talking about this in another thread about getting this done, just didn't know how to get all the space/scifi games from Steam since there is many,many pages of them in the greenlight area. You did most the work for me :). I am really surprised that steam doesn't 'feature' a new greenlight game on the frontpage every week, how does it hurt them they make money on every game and it gives the developers a good boost and to get noticed.

Update: It's on the mainpage now Guillaume. Thanks again.

Petty Officer Registered
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You're the MAN, D1 😀

Also, someone started an unofficial group for GoD Factory and I've spread the word about SSC while I was there. You might get a few more members soon, who knows?

Petty Officer Registered
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Up voting!


Not just for you but for the Games industry at large!


This must be green lit!

Petty Officer Registered
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Thanks Doctor!
