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GoD Factory: Wingmen on Kickstarter

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Hey! Sorry it took so long for me to return here, I've been swamped and besides I had troubles logging in, I don't know why.

Thanks PINBACK for doing updates, it's much appreciated 🙂


So far so good with the second campaign, we got 16% done in two days, I really can't complain 😀


This might be the right one 🙂 I wished more people on this forum would try the game, it's available to try for free after all and we can always use more players on our servers. The game is rather stable as well, depending on connection speed.


PINBACK, what's your name in the game? I'm Gheeyom, we should team up if we're online at the same time 🙂

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Best of luck with the new Kickstart Guilaume I have backed the game but I am unable to play it at the moment due to my bad internet.


If you are having problems with the log in give D1 a PM and let him know in-case their is some problem.

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Keep these update coming


Thanks to you all, we've reached 20% of our objective in two days. That's great! But as you all know, internet moves on quickly, and we will lose momentum without your help.

Just by sharing the campaign on gaming forums, on reddit, on facebook or on twitter (please use the #GoDFactory hashtag) you're helping us a whole lot. 

Here's some interesting numbers. The average pledge is of more than $50, that's incredibly high. Also, during our last Kickstarter attempt, for every two shares, we had a new backer. Does that mean a share is worth $25? Not exactly, it's more complex than that. It demonstrates that it is making a big difference though.

On another note, I've started a thread on our forums just to share screenshots of our ships. We'd love to see what the players can come up with.



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And another from God.


During the weekend we've played a lot and it's incredibly encouraging to see multiple full matches going on at the same time. Recurrent players are starting to get quite skilled and coordinated.

For instance, Keltten uploaded a short video showing how his team could do a core rush in a very short amount of time: 

By the way, we really love to watch how you are playing the game, so let us know if you upload any video on youtube or stream anything. Maybe we'll be able to direct some more traffic to your stuff 🙂

I know I'll probably forget some players that deserve to be mentioned as well, but I'd like to thank Amalia, Keltten, Eiko, Mist, Xaros, Ayesh, Dread, Aegis, The Sun, Xforce for their continued presence in GoD Factory: Wingmen.

Oh and we're now at more than $16,000! Keep it up!


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Some more updates from GW over the last week.


Hey everyone! We've just passed the $20,000 milestone! Thank you so much everyone for your pledges. We'd like to give a little push to our campaign now and make the game more enjoyable, so we'd like to organize a tournament!

The GoD Factory kickstarter tournament will take place on the weekend starting on October 5th and will happen only if we have enough participants. We will need a minimum of 8 teams to make this work.

All participating teams will need 4 players at least (you can have a few more in case someone can't be there for every match)

Note that there will be an update to balance the game and to correct some bug before the tournament takes place. We will have a list of fix and changes soon.

- You don't have to be a backer to participate

- Participation is free

- Yes, there will be prizes, which we will be ready to announce soon

- Every team must have at least one player able to record the match and upload it for us to verify that the match is legitimate. 

(The video doesn't have to be high resolution and doesn't need more than 24 fps)

More info on the subject coming very soon! Meanwhile, please tell us in the comments if you are interested in participating, so that we may gauge interest 🙂

Oh and don't forget, from now on we'll be available for play every evening at 8pm EST

  • image-333463-full.jpg?1380239493




With the upcoming tournament, it was important for us to make a few change to make the game more balanced and to fix a few bugs. So before you start making strategies during the weekend, make sure you took notice of the new changes:

Alpha 1.0.8a

Bugs Fixed

- Green Comet range infinite (now travel about 300u)

- Equip the same wing weapon twice

- Penalties for having extra consumption not being high enough.

- Ship not synched and being reset after a match has completed (Not sure if totally fixed)

- Damage received from ship entering in collision with another player being too high Changes

- When switching Wing weapons, they newly activated weapon can’t shoot instantly. Time depends on the weapon’s firerate

- Way combo are triggering was calculated (Used to use Normal resistance to calculate treshold, now is using Combo resistance)  

New Features   

- Can press Left CTRL+ Left ALT + Z to disable HUD (useful to take screen shot 😉 )  

- New visuals for some guantri wings  

- New body visual for guantris  

Game Balance   

- Various stats modifications and fine-tuning;

- Some parts without traits have been made better, particularly at Mark 4;

- Renaming of certain traits;

- Weapons react differently to marks than before. More different stats are affected by marks on them;

- Supplies now affect allies 150 units away;

- "Supply All" has been weakened slightly, but has even faster Cooldown than before;

- Carrier parts' regeneration have been increased to 20 per second (from 15);

- "Boost Part Regen" Add-On which repairs damaged carrier parts has been significantly improved (now grants a regeneration of 50 per seconds to all carrier parts);

- "Core Purge" Add-On damage has been doubled (from 500 to 1000 damage);  

- Black Hole and Nova Combos have been weakened considerably, but Shield Leak was added to the Nova's Negative Effects;  

- The "Assault" trait, now renamed to "Relentless" now only needs 2.5 seconds of shooting to activate and more often triggers lingering effects.


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Tournament up next week


As previously announced, we will hold a tournament next weekend! To do so, we'll need at least 8 teams of 4 members to make sure there's a good enough number of matches.

To register, please use this form:

Note: You can use twitch to stream your matches instead of recording it then uploading to youtube or such. If you do, please use the special notes section to inform us of the name of the channel where the game will be streamed.


Straight from the start, every team that will participate in all their matches will eventually receive a vanity item. We're thinking of making another special FX for the trails left by the thrusters.

For the winners, we're going to immortalize your team on one of the billboards, in a similar fashion to the $250 reward perk, and we will also let you guys decide of what will be a new color or a new sheen for the ships. You will also get to name them. So if you want a brown with orange polka dots color that goes by the name of Screw You All, you can make it a reality. We are also looking into the possibility of adding more prizes, possibly some hardware to be raffled among finalists and semi finalists or something like that. We're looking for sponsors and we'll let you know if we find more to add to the prize pool 🙂

So there you go, I hope you will participate in high numbers and use this as a perfect opportunity to test out your skills!

Regarding the patch

We think that the patch should be ready on Wednesday. Until then, simply keep in mind the changes that have been announced already.

Good luck and have fun, people!



Still a bit off the goal hopefully things will pick up.

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Update with links about the game.


We're now halfway through our campaign and it has been covered by different sources. I thought it might be a good idea to share it with our backers, so here's a few links from youtube videos and articles about our game and campaign.

Given the extremely positive nature of the feedback we've received, it would be crazy to give up now. Even though the our kickstarter slowed down, we need to keep pushing and find more ways to get noticed. Your help is instrumental in our success, so keep recruiting new players and sharing the word.

Cosmic Star Heroine

I'd like to mention another project running a kickstarter. Zeboyd Games just started their campaign and I'd like to help spread the word. 

They started out making games for Xbox Live Indie Games, a path Nine Dots followed. Their dedication to quality resulted in me buying my first XBLIG game, Breath of Death VII. Not only that, but they are also behind the first Indie Games Uprising, which brought a lot of much needed media attention to XBLIG as a whole. This was a huge service to hundreds of indie developers.

Now they've been through 4 RPGs and they want to unleash their potential and make their very best project. I would love to see it become a reality.




99 Star General Site Moderator
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Only 9 days left but still short of the half way mark, maybe should have gone for a lower target.


A commenter suggested that we do a strong social media push to help the campaign get back some momentum and we couldn't agree more! 

This Thursday, we will start our push and we'd appreciate it if you guys all did the same. Share our kickstarter page on all the different social network platforms you are on. Use that as an opportunity to invite your friends to try the game while it's still free! Also, please use the #GoDFactory hashtag to make it easier to track for us as well. 

We are well aware that we lost our momentum in the last few days but we're working hard to get more attention from the media. With a bit of luck, we might see results this week. If this happens in parallel with our media push it might be what's needed to tip the balance in our favor. So please don't get discouraged and help us reverse the situation.

On another note, lately Rock, Étienne and Pier-Luc have been working on the UI to make it easier to understand what the different traits do. Here's what it will look like once it's implemented in the game:

dfc0dda6acd46d3f5e50a1a6086af1ae_large.jAn example of a roll-over explanation


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New update from God Factory.



While I've been the figure-head of Nine Dots most of the time, participating in interviews and such, I think it's important to highlight that GoD Factory is made by a team and not by a single mind. So we made a short video in which they answer a few questions about the studio and the game.



Thank you guys, I'm honored to work with you all!

- Guillaume


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Last week for GFW.


One week left!

There is now one week left to the campaign. With still 45k to raise, we will need all the help we can get if we are to meet our goal. 

We announced that we'd make a social push today, so please share the campaign! Note that for about every 2 shares we've had a new backer! Some websites have less visitors than you have facebook friends, don't underestimate the impact you could have. Twitter, reddit, forums, even your guildmates might be interested in the game but simply haven't heard from it yet!

Simply put, without your help we won't make it to our objective.


TaniaUncensored made a video promoting GoD Factory: Wingmen and released it yesterday, here it is!


Tonight we'll be featured on M.Net, the most popular video game TV show in the province of Quebec. It's in French so it might not be that interesting for many of you, but it's still something that could tip the balance for us and help us gain momentum. 

We also played with some youtubers recently and we've been told that their video should be up on their channel Saturday. It's pretty big, so it might give us a strong momentum during the last few days of the campaign.


So here it is, and thank you all for your continued support. Your pledges, your participation in the forums and on Razer Comms, your presence online on the game are all helping us tremendously. We owe you all and we intend to deliver a kick-ass game in return.



Going to need a bit of a push if they are to hit the target.

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Good to see they have picked ups some new backer but they only have 3 days left although they are not far off the half way mark now.


During the weekend, GoD Factory: WIngmen was featured on the popular youtube series "The Greenlight".




They already have nearly 50,000 views and it's been only a day. We've seen a surge of new backers as well, so welcome to our small community fellow pilots!

We were also featured on IndieStatik, with a little more in-depth description of the game:

Thanks to this, our Greenlight position went from #67 to #46 and it's still going up!

We're always happy to meet new players online. Only three days left to the kickstarter so let's finish this with a bang!




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They have had a bit of a bump


We've observed a very significant bump in the last few hours and it must not stop there. We have only two days left and we intend them to use them fully to promote GoD Factory. So we will host a Twitch marathon and stream the game for as long as we can. The more viewers we get, the higher the chances of getting featured by Twitch. 

Also, it's a good opportunity to ask us any question you might have. You want to know what will change in the game balance? You wonder how to use an ability? You want tips on how to build a good ship? These are all questions we look forward to answering during our stream.

Link to the stream:


Also don't forget that once the Kickstarter is over, the free demo will also end. So we'd love to see as many players as possible online with us for the last miles of the campaign. We want to leave on a good note! 

Also don't hesitate to share videos of your own playtime on youtube and/or twitch and let us know, we'll share them around!

What should you do when you're at a disadvantage and need to score big, fast? You go for the core.

Everyone is ready? Let's do this.




Still about $30K to get but only 39 hours and they could still do it but it will be right to the line.

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It's more than a bump actually, our stream has made the front page of Twitch. It's not as active right now but it's still going on. So if you don't want to bother with downloading and trying teh game, you can still at least watch what's the gameplay like.


Also, sorry I wasn't more active on this forum but I've been overloaded with work, as you can imagine, and couldn't even get back here before now.

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No worries Guillaume as you say you do have a lot to do when running a Kickstarter.

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I just cannot believe it isn't getting as much traction as it should. It's tough out there, there is a slew of games that come out almost everyday and can be easy to get your game lost in the mix of it all.  With playing the demo I might be safe in saying that the game plays great as it is and I don't see much more it would need to be released. Seeing what Jabberwocky had to go through to get his game (Salvation Prophecy) approved for sale on Steam. As always I will do what I can 🙂

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Kickstart over and they just got over the 50K mark if they go again maybe they should think about reducing the goal to $50K.


Also maybe they should think about adding human/ alien avatar to the game as I seem to recall it was one of the regrets  that the Black Prophecy developers said they wish they had done for their game, given the rise of online games like COD I think people expect this sort of interaction when playing games now.

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Thanks guys for your continued support 🙂 Given how we're doing on Greenlight I can safely say it had a positive impact for us to do the KS even if we failed to meet our funding goal. We will do all we can to finsih that game and give it its fair chance on the market!

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