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Crewman Registered
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1
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Stumbled upon this site by chance, and being a space sim fan I decided to have a poke around the forums and found a vast bounty of information and links. I've been into space sims for along time, been playing since X : BtF, have played every game ( and have them ) in the series. Also have Sins of a Solar Empire. Used to have homeworld, cataclysm, and various other titles. Glad to see there are like minded people out there.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 7888

Welcome to SSC Arcturas,

Doing my bets to make SSC more easy to find for those space gaming fans, glad you found us. The collective knowledge of the community is great and there is some great ideas and discussions that go on. There is a huge amount of games discussed in the forums so have fun and look forward to seeing your feedback in the forums.


Senior Chief Registered
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 54

Welcome to SSC,

Many of us are trying to get the word out about this place as it's easy going and most of the threads are on a subject close to our hearts.

Glad to have you onboard with the rest of us Arcturas.

Rear Admiral Registered
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 3459

Hi Arcturas

Welcome to the SSC, have fun! 🙂
