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Petty Officer Registered
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Just like to say hello and hope this looks as good as i hope it does.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Hey Merrick welcome to SSC, have fun looking around.

CmdrMerrick wrote:
hope this looks as good as i hope it does.

In reference to what?

Petty Officer Registered
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In reference to how well Frontier was back in the 90s and on my current spec pc

Petty Officer Registered
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OMG, I cant believe how good it looks.....really takes me back to when i first played frontier only this time not only have you got the gameplay but the looks are incredible, i never thought id see Frontier First Encounters looking so awesome.

Well Done and Thank you.

PS i wish my braben would take note and get off his a$$ and finally start(or should that be finish) Elite 4

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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CmdrMerrick wrote:

PS i wish my braben would take note and get off his a$$ and finally start(or should that be finish) Elite 4

Damn right Merrick 🙂

Rear Admiral Registered
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Hi There And Welcome!

As for DB, I am sure he is busy and perhaps much further along the Elite IV road than we can hope. Trust the man, he wants Elite IV to be as good as he can make it. I cant explain it, but I've a feeling the wait is nearly over. If anything, being the 25th anniversary of the original Elite, certainty will put big pressure on him.

Petty Officer Registered
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I agree Geraldine but Frontier Elite 2 took this long and thats only because he only had 5 people working on it. I'm pretty sure hes got more employees to get the work done this age and yes i think there might be something in the pipeline considering it is Elite's 25th Anniversary so fingers crossed on that aspect

Crewman Registered
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Geraldine wrote:
Hi There And Welcome!

As for DB, I am sure he is busy and perhaps much further along the Elite IV road than we can hope. Trust the man, he wants Elite IV to be as good as he can make it. I cant explain it, but I've a feeling the wait is nearly over. If anything, being the 25th anniversary of the original Elite, certainty will put big pressure on him.

Hi l!

I've just visited this forum. Happy to get acquainted with you. Thanks.

Rear Admiral Registered
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 3459

Hi Jezzicaz789

Just noticed your intro post tucked away there 😳 A bleated welcome to the SSC! 🙂
