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can't play. any help?

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ok i tried to play just now for the first time and got an error.

Assertion failed!

Program: C:\Oolite\\oolite.exe

File: src/SDL/MyOpenGLView.m

Line: 220

Expression: surface != NULL

For information on how you program can cause an assertion failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts

(Press Retry to debug the application - JIT must be enabled)

i hit retry and a window popped up: oolite.exe has stopped working blah blah blah.

no idea what any of that means or what to do. 🙁

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Okay, a few questions, then I'll link it to the Oolite forum... I'm only a dumb pilot, not a coder or dev:

Which version of Oolite? 1.76?

Which OS? (I presume Windows of some flavour).

Which GPU?

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Cody wrote:
Okay, a few questions, then I'll link it to the Oolite forum... I'm only a dumb pilot, not a coder or dev:

Which version of Oolite? 1.76?

Which OS? (I presume Windows of some flavour).

Which GPU?

yea it is 1.76

windows 7 64 bit

radeon hd 6770

thanks cody. i guess i could put it on the wiki but if you can get a faster response that'd be cool.

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Done! You'll have to seek the stuff mentioned over at the Oolite forum, but the -nosplash option is the first thing to try.

Edit to add: this last post seems a more likely solution. Trunk nightlies can be found from here.

The nightlies are easy to install, but your AV may not like them at first. I have to coerce my Nortons to run them, but they are quite safe.

Oolite Naval Attaché

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well thank you cody. i will give this a try in just a few mins. bout to go get on the desktop and we'll see what's what. and thanks for the links also. i'll let you know how it works. 🙂

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ok. its working now. yea my flight stick seems to be working, except for my throttle which i've been having trouble getting to work in most games i've tried out with it so far.

now just gotta learn how to play this badboy. 😀 thanks a lot cody. you da man.

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One question: which fix worked, the -nosplash, or the trunk nightly?

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Hey Doc? There is an Elite Plus manual (plus other goodies 😉 ) in the download section if thats any help to you? I think most of the controls are the same, but perhaps Cody could confirm 😕

Anyways here is a link ... ite_Clones

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The Oolite reference sheet pdf, plus stuff on the Oolite wiki (see Mr Gimlet) should be enough.

Get out there and trade/fight, man! You'll learn fast... or die in the process!

For the best looking ships, stations etc, get Griff's Shipset OXP... it's the real deal!

My own Cobra III Rolling Thunder with my own custom decals - man, what a ship!


Also, get the Background Set... great docked screens and ambient sounds/effects!

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Re controls: this page is useful, and at the bottom there are a couple of Classic Elite Keyboard layout downloads.

Of course, you can easily re-jig most of the keys yourself anyway... I've customised mine a little.

Oolite Naval Attaché

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thanks guys. it was the -nosplash fix that made it work. guess i could've mentioned that before :p

i found some pdf.'s in the oolite folder. i looked at one called 'advise for new commanders' but it was so long and i just wanted to play by then. i'll give those other links a look and see. thanks cody and geraldine.

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Cool - thanks, Doc!

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Looks like you are now our resident Oolite expert Cody! 🙂 I hope the ambassadorial quarters are to your liking! 😆

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The Oolite Naval Attaché is quite comfortable, thank you kindly.

I'm an expert player of the game, but not nearly so expert at the mechanics of the game.

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Cody wrote:
but not nearly so expert at the mechanics of the game.

I wouldn't say that Cody, your still streets ahead of most people on here when it comes to all things Oolite 😉

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cody. where is your avatar from? it looks the The Mask and The Invisible Man had a baby. then they stole Darkwing Ducks hat and painted yellow.

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DoctorRoXo wrote:
cody. where is your avatar from? it looks the The Mask and The Invisible Man had a baby. then they stole Darkwing Ducks hat and painted yellow.

It's from the back cover of a Grateful Dead album, namely Shakedown Street, and I call him Mister Shaky! The album ain't their best, by any means - in fact, some of it is poor but the artwork is great, as is usual with them.

Oolite Naval Attaché

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DoctorRoXo wrote:
cody. where is your avatar from?.

Speaking of avatars Doc, where the heck did you get yours? 😆

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I thought Doc's avatar was a photo of himself!

Oolite Naval Attaché

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@cody you know i should've known that. i'm a dead fan but only have 2 of their greatest hits cd's, none of their regular albums.

@geraldine yea i imagine if you don't know who my avatar is, it could seem kinda weird. don't worry...i don't do cocaine lol. its a character called dr. rockso from a cartoon that comes on adult swim called Metalocalypse here in the u.s. he does ka-ka-cocaine, he's a rock n' roll clown...he's dr. rockso! seriously, he does a lot of cocaine lol. here...this is for you 😆

oh and heres my music video

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😆 Mad as a bag of cats!

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Geraldine wrote:
😆 Mad as a bag of cats!

i'm glad you like that. now you know i'm not some coked out pc gamer 😆 if you have time...i highly recommend watching the show, Metalocalypse. it is brilliant. all the voices and music is done by a guy named Brendon Small. he's very talented. he also created a cartoon called Home Movies which is good also.

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Sorry I wasn't here to help you out but Cody did an excellent job. So how's rings on the playing side in Oolite so far?
