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Black Myth: Wukong

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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This has to be the best visual game I have seen yet and the combat looks so fluid, will be interesting what devs will be able to accomplish with Unreal 5 Engine. They say this was running at 4k @ 60fps


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99 Star General Site Moderator
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Is this game based on Journey to the west, some one should make a game based the best version of this...............MONKEY.




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The nature of Monkey was irrepressible! I loved Monkey - brilliantly done!

Oolite Naval Attaché

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Haha where do you find these clips haha ....

Obviously the action is a lot better than your clip and its more of a serious take. Cause I think I remember seeing like a Monkey movie with Jet Li a while back as well. They have always made the character a little weird/playful. But this character in the video game kicks ass... we didn't see the character talk I do think but maybe that joking attitude is in there in the dialog.

I did notice that one boss had a fart attack and monkey hit in the ass causing a funny sound effect, so maybe it has a lot of these funny moments in the game.

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Game really needs some cloud flying but one to keep an eye on also their was a another game based Journey to the west, came out on the 360/ps3 but can't remember the name of it.

Monkey was a bit hit in here in the early eighties, it was original a Japanese series which was given an english voice over.  
