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What game disapointed you the most?

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We have all had games where we have been looking forward to its release for weeks and months......You finally get the game start playing it with so much hope and expectation, then get horribly let down by it. What was your game that let you down and why?

For me in more recent times was final fantasy 13, I still think either 5-7 is the best out the franchise and dont get me wrong I've really enjoyed the others but when 13 came out it was so linar, and I think the other disapointment for me as odd as it may sound, you can only unlock certain things after you killed the final boss. I would of much prefered if that you could achieve all the side quests and extra bits with out getting to the final boss........after all that is the climax of the experance.

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That’s an easy one to answer X3 Reunion. 😆

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PINBACK wrote:
That’s an easy one to answer X3 Reunion. 😆

Pinback strikes again! 😆

One of my recent disappoints in gaming was Bioshock 2. I couldn't get it to run under XP and instead had to run it under Vista. That really hit the frame rates on my aging PC, shame too as it could have been a really fun game.

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For me it was Ocean's "Epic". Not that it was a bad game, but it was not the "Wing Commander" killer, that the hype at the time claimed it to be. 😀

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vanderner wrote:
For me in more recent times was final fantasy 13, I still think either 5-7 is the best out the franchise and dont get me wrong I've really enjoyed the others but when 13 came out it was so linar, and I think the other disapointment for me as odd as it may sound, you can only unlock certain things after you killed the final boss.

Really. I liked FF13 a lot actually and can't wait for FF13-2 to come out next year. I thought the story was done well. I look at these games as a different experience each time so I try to rate them all separately. I do agree with you on the content, I would have liked to have access to all tier weapons and skills instead of having to win the game and then go back to play the rest. I haven't gone back to play the rest yet but I will when I get done with Fallout New Vegas.

I will need to think about the games that have disappointment me the most, I usually do a lot of reading up on a game before I get it just so I won't be disappointed but I'm sure I could think of something.

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i must say Fallout 3.

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Rise of the Robots should be in this list

The game had mega hype before it was released and was a load of rubbish on every format it appeared on.

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Rise of the Robots should be in this list

The game had mega hype before it was released and was a load of rubbish on every format it appeared on.

It was a case study of hype and failed expectations 😀 . Even "Retro Gamer" had an article, telling how bad it flopped 😀 . Did you buy it Pinback?

99 Star General Site Moderator
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CaptainKal wrote:

It was a case study of hype and failed expectations 😀 . Even "Retro Gamer" had an article, telling how bad it flopped 😀 . Did you bought it Pinback?

Been reading Retro Gamer since issue 4 😀

Have to say that I have not been to impressed by this years issues although there have been some good articles.

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Been reading Retro Gamer since issue 4

Have to say that I have not been to impressed by this years issues although there have been some good articles.

😀 😀 😀 😀

I was talking about Rise of the Robots actually. 😀 😀 😀

99 Star General Site Moderator
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CaptainKal wrote:

I was talking about Rise of the Robots actually. 😀 😀 😀

Never bought Rise as I am not much for fighting games, just remember all the hype about it.

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unfortunately i bought it for the CD32, what a shame, especially because i don't like this genre at all, but i liked something to play with my friends...

but it didn't fails in expectations, because i expected nothing of it.

to me it's SimCity4, after that i never bought any game from EA (not quite true i bought TWPGA2008 a disappointment to, but as low price yesteryears, but little else apart from that at all, i guess really 0 then)*.

it was claimed to be revolutionary, but shows only how you can destroy a good gameplay with to many things that keep you

from a active played game.

since i like constructing much, i missed a proper building architect and to force people to buy GMAX or MAX is rude imo.

the system of binding the model to the game is almost as complicated as settting up a script for pioneer.

they claimed that you can drive, fly, and walk through your city likewise in SimCopter, but what i got in my hands then was unfinished and you had to buy a additional CD. a already common marketing strategy i'm frustrated with, because if you look at the amount of data on it, they could have put all

extensions for the game on it from the start on. but of course this way you can sell the same crap 3 to 4 times (e.g. the sims).

further it wasn't true! you couldn't walk, fly, or drive through your city likewise in SimCopter it was only a cast of that.

aproposito SimCopter, i really miss the humor of those days in todays games.

to me many are to serious and offer not much fun for a laugh, but jokes in a game are as important as good jokes in a good movie.

jokes are even relevant in music to me (that is because i know many tunes by the first three chords and leading me to a wrong expectation

i find very funny then).

actually i play SimCityII on UAE, if at all. i love the fluid running game with not to much things to control.

the (original) settlers i picked up again and made it to mission 20 now, i love it! it's also somewhat better as all that followed it.

i bought all of them, including missions disks. but settlers1 is my favorite, the others i never played a second time.


*sorry i'm totally frustrated with todays gaming industry, i won't buy any in future i guess.

we all need $ to live, but who would buy a bread if the baker didn't hands the bread to you?

but people pay any price for a new game. more, they are willing to pay monthly fees or buy a "single play" ticket, are we stupid or what?

that's like you would pay a monthly fee to a craftsman only for the case of it, that you will need him once.

or likewise the craftsman you ordered comes only with the hammer in is hands and tell you he will bring the nails tomorrow, but get's payed off fully for both days, who would do such? (if i ever do a job for one of them, i will get payed for each single nail, let's see what they think about that then)

you make a product and you sell it, that's ok. but this system now is a form of slavery! you get a slave of the industry.

if you aren't already a slave of them, in this case you are enslaved double.

i mean there are many thousends of games worldwide, which i never played, let's discover first the good ones between them.

besides of that, FFED3D and Pioneer to kept me from buying any new.

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Master of Orion 3, what a utter let down. After the epicness of number 2 it sucked lol. Also you can put civ 5 up there too
