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[Sticky] New game mod: Pioneer Scout +

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Warrant Officer Registered
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nice on walterar.

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Thanks @Metamartian, I have much more to add yet.


This is just the first step. The task of keeping everything running through the Alpha is exciting. Me amuses much.   I recommend it.


Pioneer is a great base for this kind of thing. It has a lot of support already, and even more in the near future.

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In Alpha 31, Pioneer lost the possibility to change the color of some ships.


Consequently, PAINSHOP module is now called "Change of Enrolls" and does just that.


Only for those who are kept updated by compiling the master on GitHub or last nightly binary builds of Pioneer.



Note: This does not work with Alpha30

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In Alpha 31, Pioneer lost the possibility to change the color of some ships.

Just a point of order, alpha 31 does not exist yet. Its incorrect to say anything about it. None of us yet know what the final release will look like.

Ship colors can be set using the Ship.SetFlavour method. That's why the old methods were removed - no point having two ways to do the same thing.

Note that this method will only work for LMR ships. SGModel uses a different mechanism for coloring ships (patterns). These will be made available to Lua in some way in due time. We haven't yet figured out what that looks like yet.

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Do not fret robn, is for information only. Scout keep updated, and informed users.


I know that in the future we will have something, perhaps better.

Petty Officer Registered
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Good day! I found the problem with Eagle  bomber fighters  after installing scanner and enable external view - game crash.

Alpha 30 & 31

Ubuntu 12.04



Error: [string "lmrmodels/ships/4_eagles/4_eagles.lua"] call_model() to undefined model 'big_scanner'. Referenced model must be registered before calling model

stack traceback:

    [C]: in ?

    [C]: in function 'call_model'

    [string "lmrmodels/ships/4_eagles/4_eagles.lua"] in function <[string "lmrmodels/ships/4_eagles/4_eagles.lua"]:317>



Petty Officer Registered
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Sorry, I have no skydrive account

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Hello Stas


   You have installed Pioneer Scout Plus, in Pioneer vanilla?

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Stas Thanks for the test. You were right. 


 Solved the problem. You can re-download any of them and tell me if it is?



To Pioneer Alpha 30


To Pioneer Alpha 31 dev

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The problem is that i use another Parabolic Antenna for Radar (scanner), I like the isotropic sweep. I forgot to change it in the other Eagles.

Petty Officer Registered
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you don't need have an account to Download  , just clik on the link and chose DL on the folder selected(with  right clik)


the account is neccessery to upload 


I too get stuck on sign up page while trying to dl


please use something like dropbox




also, thanks for all the fish

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Mmm... Vuzz Your wife  should know all your passwords. 


Petty Officer Registered
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? surprizing , my whife has no account and she can DL 


the link directed you on a folder , just right clik on this one and choose DL 


( the folder where my mods are is tuning  with parameters : " free dl for alls" )


don't like dropbox with this control of account user on my computer..


my system is ok and he must rest .


anyway , when the DL section of SSC whas re-opened , i've upload my mods on  ^_^


ubuntu one?

I'm lolling thinking about my pc gotta be free with a microsoft account


neckbeard representing

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Ubuntu is a Linux distribution generally regarded, at least historically, as being a nerdy thing that only nerds play with.

Neckbeard = "Derogatory term for slovenly nerdy people who have no sense of hygene or grooming. Often related to hobbies such as card gaming, video gaming, anime, et. al."


Meant in, self-deprecating, jest in this case obviously 😀

Warrant Officer Registered
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I have learned a new term today. Neckbeard. The education never stops around here.

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Abraham Lincoln had a neckbeard.

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But he was rubbish at Bash...

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hem ...


in first download my mods of all ships and the problem is forget , i have all sub_models in my mod 


alls the 70+ models has been verified and works fine with all their equipments 





DL after that the last versus of scout and all rule ok.




EDIT   all my  mods are now on Dropbox , link edited.





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To Pioneer Alpha 30


To Pioneer Alpha 31 dev


Petty Officer Registered
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A31 last  linux build +Scout31 - crash on pilot face and rating page



Error: [string "libs/00-Translate.lua"] Translation token not found: HARMLESS

stack traceback:

    [C]: in function 'error'

    [string "libs/00-Translate.lua"] in function 't'

    [string "ui/InfoView.lua"] in function 'template'

    [string "[T] libs/ui/TabGroup.lua"] in function 'SwitchToNum'

    [string "[T] libs/ui/TabGroup.lua"] in function 'SwitchTo'

    [string "[T] libs/ui/TabGroup.lua"] in function <[string "[T] libs/ui/TabGroup.lua"]:71>


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Thanks Stas, I had synchronized with master but had not published. Here goes.



Removed redundant sub-models.

Some graphical improvements in Eagle models.

Some improvements in texts of quests.

And other minor improvements.



Same as above and update with master.

Warrant Officer Registered
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Cheers walterar, keep up the good work:)

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Due to the degree of instability (by art migration of LMR to SGM) of the new alpha, I decided to publish two versions of Pioneer Scout Plus.




Download to Alpha30 (The last stable for play)


You can download Pioneer Alpha30 from here: Win32 Linux64 Linux32 OSX


Some news


Golden Control Panel.

Fix wrong texture in ASP Explorer

New sounds effects.


The package includes the following ships optimized for Scout:


Without Fuel Scoop


 20 t Eagle Long Range Fighter (Start at Earth and New Hope)

 22 t Eagle MK-II

 22 t Eagle MK-III


With Fuel Scoop


 36 t Eagle MK-IV "Bomber"

 40 t Imperial Hunter (p66 New) (Start at Achernar)

 50 t Adder

 80 t Cobra Mk III (p66 New) (Start at Lave)

 90 t Constrictor

120 t Asp Explorer


120 tons is the highest ideal for missions Delivery, Taxi, or Scout. More tonnage no benefit.


Rebalanced all other ships for playing time.


The rewards are greater, in missions: Scout, Taxi and Delivery. You should not need to use Ctrl-M to buy a ASP Explorer 🙂


Now, you (your ship) belong to a faction. The player can gain significant benefits knowing this, or big losses if ignored.


Membership of the faction is determined in enrollment of the ship, at the startup.


Start on Earth: FE (Federation)

Eg The ship-registered "FE-1234" is registered to "flag" of the Federation.


Start in New Hope: CO (Confederation)

Eg The ship-registered "CO-1234" is registered to "flag" of the Confederation.


Start on Achernar: RE (Red)

Eg The ship-registered "RE-1234" is registered to "flag" the Red ( Empire ).


Start in Lave: IN (Independent)

Eg The ship-registered "IN-1234" is registered to "flag" Independent.


Of course there are "XX-123456789 ..." and more, but probably will not have more than we need in game.


You can also change the flag in any station.

You will have privileges within their faction.

If you are a member of SPA, their enrollment will be "SP-xxxx"

If you are a member of Scouts Pilots Associates, you will have privileges throughout the galaxy.



Alpha31 (To experimenters) 




Everything mentioned for Alpha30 and:


Crew joins in Scout.


Some (very small)  improvements and fix coupling in the new hoop_spacestation.





You can download Pioneer Alpha31 from here: Win32 Linux64 Linux32 OSX




How to install Pioneer Mods


It is Plug and Play Is not permanent changes. Absolutly secure.


 To use in a clear install of Pioneer.


You have two options for adding Mods:


In Windows:


My DocsPioneerMods <put here the mod, in Pioneer mod format>


Eg. My


Pioneer manage only .zip, not .7z


Other form (for developers or modders)


Create a data folder in your userdir.


Eg. My DocsPioneerdata<unzip here the "mod", in Pioneer mod format>



Understand something, or too much confusing? Please, correct me if bad English.





Crewman Registered
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Hi, thank you for this mod.


It seems I cannot complete scan missions although I have the radar mapper equipped (otherwise I wouldn't have got the mission anyway I guess) and have circled the target various times in low orbit already but the mission still is shown as "active" in the mission list and I haven't received any message yet.


Do you have any advice on what might be the problem?

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