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Alpha 31 released

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The Pioneer development team are pleased to announce the release of Pioneer Alpha 31. This month sees the introduction of crew. Hire folks for your ship and they'll do things for you and improve your skills in trade and combat. We also continue the conversion to our new model system, with several ship and station models converted. Full changelog and builds for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux (32 & 64-bit) are available from the download page

(Note: This is the last alpha release that will include LMR).

New features

  • Crew! Hire people to do stuff for you (experimental) (#1973, #2025, #2030, #2039)
  • New ship "Deep Space Miner" (#2023)

Minor changes and tweaks

  • Cargo scooping now only requires a collision against the ship rather than a specific part of it (again) (#1922)
  • Improve point sprite (LMR billboard) rendering performance (#1927, #1929, #1928)
  • Improve city rendering performance (#1927)
  • Removed per-light ambient color and building fade (#1930)
  • Ship thrust and fuel tank size have been rebalanced (#1689)
  • Restore "Pioneering Pilots' Guild" text (#1987, #1989)
  • New Hope is now located on land (#1977)
  • Debug information overlay now includes latitude and longitude (#1994)
  • Missile spawn and control moved to Lua (#1663)
  • Add more names to the name generator (#2021)
  • Labels on SGModels can now be set (#1979)


  • Collisions with stars now work again (#1942)
  • Dates before 3200-01-01 no longer display negative (#1955, #1954)
  • Text on SGModel ships now uses correct character offsets (#1980)
  • An unset decal no longer displays a black square on Intel graphics (#1976)
  • Fixed various crashes caused by console completion (#1998)
  • SGModel animation timing fixes (#1978, #1970)
  • Greatly reduced chance of police ships spawning on top of each other (#1993)
  • Fixed station names being repeated within a single system (#1958, #1911)
  • Handle missing material definitions by providing a basic white default material if none are specified (#1817, #1916)
  • Detect conflicts between animations (#1938)
  • Animations now work correctly across detail level switches (#1978)

Model changes

  • Converted Lanner ship to SGModel (#1957, #1969, #2002)
  • Converted Wave ship to SGModel (#2022)
  • Converted "big crappy" spacestation to SGModel (#1964, #2017)
  • Converted "hoop" spacestation to SGModel (#1932)
  • Converted standard building set to SGModel (#1923)
  • Removed "mushroom" ground stations
  • Removed long-unused building models (#1923)
  • Modelviewer: Reloading model also reloads textures (#1968, #1939)
  • Modelviewer: View controls are improved (#1982)
  • Modelviewer: Larger models are displayed without z clipping (#1982, #1933)
  • Modelviewer: Improve zoom behaviour (#2020)
  • New material parameters: unlit, two_sided and alpha_test (#1995, #1935)

Script changes

  • Remove deprecated Ship methods.SetPrimaryColour and SetSecondaryColour and shipType attribute
  • Ship thruster efficiency can be specified with effective_exhaust_velocity value, instead of thruster_fuel_use (either can be used) (#1689)
  • Add max_crew & min_crew params to ship def (#1973)
  • Missile control methods Missile.Arm, Missile.Disarm, Ship.SpawnMissile and Ship.AIKamikaze (#1663)
  • Separate station defs from LMR station models (#1913, #1931, #1934)

Internal changes

  • Cameras are no longer attached to a body, and World View camera controllers are no longer derived from Camera (#1889)
  • Remove kill count from core (#1944)
  • Intro & tombstone can now use SGModels (#1956, #2006)
  • SGModels now have priority over LMR models of the same name (#1956)
  • Console completion now handled through the LuaObject dispatcher (#1945, #1672, #1972, #1974)
  • Queries for near-by objects now use a very basic acceleration structure (#1910)
  • String <-> Integer enum mapping tables have been separated from Lua (#1996)
  • Improve MultiLineText draw performance (#1999)
  • SGModel nodes all carry a pointer to the renderer (#1986)
  • SGModels can now be instanced, with separate appearance and animation state for each (#2007, #1975)
  • Bad terrain generator output will now emit lots of debug info before crashing (#2005)
  • Fixed some memory leaks (#2011)

Captain Registered
Joined: 8 years ago
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Wow that's a big changelist!

This one should be a good release 🙂

Master Chief Registered
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Mey be  ?)))

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Mey be  ?)))

Oops! Thanks for that!

Rear Admiral Registered
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Yipee! What a build!!! Way to go guys!!

I will get Mod DB updated ASAP. Usually quicker than this, sorry Robn, been a bit snowed under lately

Petty Officer Registered
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Two thumbs up!

Senior Chief Registered
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Cheers for another lovely build!

Senior Chief Registered
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Great build!


It crashes every  time I try to refuel my ship.


Any suggestion?

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@StarMax & @Arrakkh

You two separated at birth? 🙂

Senior Chief Registered
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Maybe. I don't know my real mama, i was found in a garbage box, one day after my birth.

Petty Officer Registered
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Great build!


It crashes every  time I try to refuel my ship.


Any suggestion?



There is a typo in ship.lua in data/libs. I opened a PR on it

Master Chief Registered
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Chapeau bas for Pioneer team!

Senior Chief Registered
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There is a typo in ship.lua in data/libs. I opened a PR on it

Bug fixed! Thanks

Crewman Registered
Joined: 11 years ago
Posts: 9

Hi guys,


I have found an error during gameplay-even if it is a bit hard to reproduce and easy to avoid-. Link to a file with all information, save game, screenshots, specs, etc:


Keep up the good work


Lieutenant Registered
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The introduction of crew is a good new feature, will these crew have specialisations in future and benefits or more just general numbers leading to gains in ship performance

Warrant Officer Registered
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Posts: 491

in the lua def of big crappy , try these sequence of docking :



define_orbital_station {

model = 'big_crappy_spacestation',

angular_velocity = 0.1,


num_docking_ports = 4,

parking_distance = 5000.0,

parking_gap_size = 500.0,



ship_launch_stage = 3,

-- for stations where each docking port shares the

-- same front door, set dock_one_at_a_time = true,

dock_one_at_a_time = true,

dock_anim_stage_duration = { DOCKING_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, 10.0, 5.0, 5.0 },

undock_anim_stage_duration = { 5.0, 5.0, 10.0 },


ship_dock_anim = function(port, stage, t, from, ship_aabb)

local baypos = { v(-150,-350,0), v(-100,-350,100),

v(100,-350,100), v(150,-350,0) }


if stage == 2 then

return { vlerp(t, from, v(0,-350,0)), v(1,0,0), v(0,0,-1) }


elseif stage == 3 then

return { v(0,-350,0), v(1,0,0), v(0,1,0) }


elseif stage == 4 then

return { vlerp(t, v(0,-350,0), baypos[port]), v(1,0,0), v(0,1,0) }


elseif stage == -1 then

return { vlerp(t, baypos[port], v(0,-350,0)), v(1,0,0), v(0,1,0) }


elseif stage == -2 then

return { v(0,-350,0), v(-1,0,0), v(0,0,-1) }


elseif stage == -3 then

return { vlerp(t, v(0,-350,0), v(0,600,0)), v(-1,0,0), v(0,0,-1) }



ship_approach_waypoints = function(port, stage)

if stage == 1 then

return { v(0,5000,0), v(1,0,0), v(0,0,1) }

elseif stage == 2 then

return { v(0,600,0), v(1,0,0), v(0,0,1) }





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What's this in response too? I'm at work so can't test it here.

Warrant Officer Registered
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its the same correction i've made on nice and hoop spacestation , the ship stop to loop a 180°  with that .

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something else,

is it very hard to respect that not everyone is using a UK layout on the keyboard?

i mean actually ai can't zoom with the keyboard in the modelviewer therefore i can perform other not so needed stuff.

anyway it's something that has found a way back into pioneer, once a long time ago we was getting around that...

don't use +/- ;:,.! and all that which changes from language to language, that's because some need them for the extra symbols in their language.

that's more important to me as to have translations, if i'm allowed to say.


to get to the needed key then you will have prob. to press shift, if it works at all (i the game it's not such a problem, as long as i can specify a different).

especially the use of your "+" is damned shitty for me, because it leads on my keyboard to this "^" which is ment to place above

a character, so it appears after pressing of the key, usually when i return to the script or model and the first symbol i get is then "^",

instead of what i liked to type.


not a big problem but annoying (especially after the X'th error message "unkonwn character...").


it was removed once long ago, but someone clever must have resurrected the use of (your GB/US) "+/-".

prob. he thought "what a shit", but each shit has it's reason

(of course if it's grown on my tard it must be useless and stupid).

but on the other hand it's symbolic, i think that since this use of "+/-" has found it's way back.


but if you would only use the latin characters no one would have problems.

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something more serious

[attachment=1704:Bildschirmfoto 2013-02-25 um 02.13.02.png]


[attachment=1705:Bildschirmfoto 2013-02-25 um 02.13.56.png]


as far as i can remember i didn't changed the size of my adder since i made it back in '08 for FFED3D.


but it seems it has slightly shrunken in the SGM version.


but i will also check my latest lmr version just to be sure if there is really this slight difference.

also it could be because the old model is lifted a bit higher over the pad.

i guess i need a different object to compare them, or i should place a scaler on the pad.


while on the other hand true, what matters?

and why do i care?




edit: seems like it's ok, i said i'm not sure, i would have first to compare it with a third one

what i did meanwhile and i found no more difference.

prob. it's really only because the model is lifted a bit, because the SGM conversion and my latest LMR version

are placed both proper on the pad.

and prob. i do sized it down, it's just i can't remember.

Crewman Registered
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Found another error while playing

Save file here:


Not the 1st time this happens, the ship just crashes on take off. It may have to do with prior landing with time acceleration and not being proper released (?) Or when save game is loaded something is missing(?). I believe the other time i have encountered this problem was also on the same base/landing pad, but im not sure. And it was also a take off after a load game.

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seems like a second landing gear anim works fine in the modelviewer...



it's to note that this is a .dae with incl. animation for both lod2 and lod3, though "wrong" couldn't be much made.


to the crashing ships...

"oversized collision mesh"?


does such happen with my "sidie" as well?

just as a Q, i don't know.

Petty Officer Registered
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Just wanted to add my congrats on a serious amount of work and dedication.......gentlefolk, my spare time to you. ;), most of it anyway, still figuring out how to do stuff, hopefully will have somthing to join Github with soon.....


Brilliant and well done
